A larger capacity battery and turn down that torque limiting so we can work that electric motor if we want to haul some nice person once in a while With nearly 300 foot pounds of electric motor torque this car could fly if that torque limiting wasn't dialing back the performance as the rpm/mph goes up. That could be a Sport mode button if a person wanted to use it. Mike
I think people are beginning to use this thread in place of posting our future desires for proposed improvements and/or 'wishes' here: Summary of proposed improvements for future versions of Prius | Page 25 | PriusChat
MY prior to 2012 came with the little tray in the center console. The tray from the 2011 fits the 2012 just fine. I asked my Toyota dealer and they gave me one. I have absolutely no buyer's remorse. I love my 2012. There are some things that are better now, but there were also some things that were better in my 2007. That's the way it goes.
I see those in the rentals all the time What do people use it for? I always pop it out so I can stash my GPS and dash mount in the console when I stop for a bite to eat. Mike
Someone post the part number or an online order place that shows the parts layout for the console Mike
I found it as low as 18 but add shipping and forget it. Someone needs to make us a nice billet piece and offer it anodized in different colors Mike
I use it to hold a little package of Kleenex or two, now that I don't have the lower drawer to stash it in. I suppose you could throw change in it, too. But, unlike the tray in the Gen2 console, this one tips instead of sliding back and forth. You'd have to be careful with change. It's actually made to hold an iPod or phone while charging.
Agreed. My wife likes to put her purse under there so it doesn't slide around or take up footwell space. I think it looks cool, too, but wish they hadn't put the heated seat controls under there.
It would be nice to have another USB port down by the seat heater switches and accessory jack. I wouldn't use my heaters as my car will sit all winter waiting for spring to arrive Mike
I kept my cell phone on it and little discount cards. It keeps them handy and from getting lost in the big console. I'm going to try to order one. Thanks Guys for the info.