took us about 90 minutes, we still had to get a small skid loader to move some snow piles away from the sidelines. but it was a wet heavy snow too much for the trucks to push all the way... hatefull... 16 hours sleep in 72 hours... gotte keep focused on the mantra "I'm doing this job for my daughter for college"
My sister-in-law came up from TN last week to stay with us in MI and visit her ailing mom. She's a runner and went out most every morning in our neighborhood. She asked why all of the yards were pristine, smooth snow with no sign of kids playing in them. I said that I didn't know because my yard was always torn up when my grandkids lived with me. Yesterday, I was cleaning up the dog area just off the deck. When I found as many of the land mines in the hard-packed snow as I could spot for this week, I decided to check out the rear roof of the house. As soon as I left the hard snow of the dog area and headed for the middle of the back yard, I found out why there are no kids playing in the snow. With each step, I sank up to my knees in soft snow.
I had to trudge around the fence to get to the rear gate and clear the snow blocking it. Soft snow to the knees except for the crust of ice to force your legs against.