<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 20 2007, 02:23 PM) [snapback]499236[/snapback]</div> Yea, tone, that must have been it. And Exaggeration. Yea, I'm sure you're right. I'll have to ask her. "Honey, aren't you just faking? ... you know, for effect? ... maybe you didn't get enough attention when you were little?" I may not be sensitive enough, but I'm not that huge of a dullard. It's always great to read from the one who has the worse case scenerio. So how long did it take you to realize no one could possibly be worse off than your medical condition?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 19 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]498675[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Aug 20 2007, 11:10 AM) [snapback]499227[/snapback]</div> What part of "feel free to take your best shot, no problem...." and FHOP do you not understand? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Froley @ Aug 19 2007, 09:30 AM) [snapback]498667[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Aug 21 2007, 01:19 AM) [snapback]499606[/snapback]</div> I have seen people fake the coughing act for effect, so it is not beyond the realm of probability here, especially when it is being described by someone who's histrionics in this thread include posting of a picture of a cancer-ridden lung for effect. As a severe asthmatic, I find it difficult to believe that brief exposure to cigarette smoke outside, and from as far away as you described it, would cause the reaction you claim. And, as I said, if it did, then your wife needs to gain better control over her asthma, as any number of environmental triggers, including chlorine and humidity from the hot tub, could have caused the same reaction.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 07:04 AM) [snapback]499651[/snapback]</div> Yes, chlorine does it to her too. It was actually a cigar. But after years of sickness, she's the best to determine whether she's histrionic, not us.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Aug 21 2007, 08:01 AM) [snapback]499663[/snapback]</div> So, she willfully exposed herself to chlorine which you indicated can induce her asthmatic symptoms, but you then turn around and blame the coughing and wheezing on a brief encounter with cigar smoke? Sorry, but I am just looking for a little consistency in your argument.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 08:32 AM) [snapback]499675[/snapback]</div> I didn't SAY that OUR community jacuzzi uses chlorine. It uses silver ions and ozone for purification. I see you were one of the snarkies with the guy joking about poor mileage just a few posts ago .... So now it's my turn in the barell. Blast away
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Aug 21 2007, 10:37 AM) [snapback]499731[/snapback]</div> So now I'm snarky for calling your bluff? I'm sure that you will say the jacuzzi uses whatever you need it to in order to bolster your untenable position. MYTH BUSTED.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Presto @ 2007 Aug 20 9:42 AM) [snapback]499177[/snapback]</div> I thought you had your car lowered. Are you sure it doesn't just feel like it, because your head is higher?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 07:04 AM) [snapback]499651[/snapback]</div> I have to agree, Ihear it all the time Im standing 20 ft from someone and Im up wind they look at me and cough & wheeze and mumble loud enough for me to hear ,to their friend "oh the smell" gawd thats a nasty habbit! I politely move so they are really down wind then they leave.... If I go to parties I walk out to the curb and smoke, I know it makes your clothes smell stale.. Im very curtious regarding when & where I smoke. But if Im in a designated smoking area and you dont like it? Too BAD.... Try and visit states that still allow smoking inside, like casinos,resturaunts, bars & hotels. And ask someone there to please move. :lol: I could see a flying bottle then. I have never met a asmatic that was that reactive, I know several that are very asmatic but not like what is discribed. (That sounds more so a hyprocondricactict responce) (if its not spelled right ) If the pool is posted "No Smoking"(most are) then your in the right, however if its not posted the smoker can do what they like and you can go cough & wheeze to your hearts content then go fly a kite. However I would think if a person is that asmatic they could do the plastic bubble thingy... (like the boy in the plastic bubble movie).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 10:44 AM) [snapback]499737[/snapback]</div> Walnuts garlic coffee, sesame, corn, smoke (fireplace, tobacco etc), fragrance (cologne, soap, shampoo, dryer sheets, deodorant) mold spores, pine and elm trees, and the list goes on and on, for many: http://www.multiplechemicalsensitivity.org/ The suferers, including my spouse, say it's real. Causing caughing, vomiting, etc. The other camp (myth busters? untenable position?) say it's a crock. No one will ever force you to corner the market on sensitivity, so carry on ... roll your eyes when you see the 'fake' back pain person, or the ultra sensative person caughing. And thank your lucky stars that it doesn't happen to you ... you know ... the phony histrionic behavior. My spouse wasn't always that sensitive, but I won't bug you with the ridiculous story ... seeing you're myth busting skills are going to waste here. So maybe we can get back on topic with smoke in the prius (but only for 'normal' people).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Aug 21 2007, 12:47 PM) [snapback]499787[/snapback]</div> I have had asthma for over 35 years, so I know what I am talking about. I take daily breathing treatments and know exactly what triggers my episodic symptoms. I know what wheezing and coughing are all about and have been hospitalized on more than one occasion for severe hypoxemia. I am allergic to smoke, but can honestly say that momentary exposure, especially outside, has never caused me a single problem. I also know when it looks like someone is exaggerating a story to make a point. It is especially easy to identify when one uses theatrics such as pictures of lungs in prior posts and then brings a coughing and gagging spouse in for the sympathy vote. Seriously, if your wife is so allergic to smoke that she has trouble breathing after momentary contact with cigar smoke outside in the open, then how does she manage to survive outside of a bubble? And, what did you as the protective spouse do about the cigar smoker that threw a beer bottle at your wife? Did you let him get away with it? Did you call the police and make a report of the assault? Sorry, but your story just doesn't add up to me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ Aug 21 2007, 12:23 PM) [snapback]499778[/snapback]</div> I thought folks who dug God did not smoke...Aren't you a Christian? If not, sorry.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 01:08 PM) [snapback]499794[/snapback]</div> That's great if short term smoke never caused you a single problem. As for exaggerating or lieing, or joking I wish I was. How she does out side the bubble is poorly, but she keeps a reasonable attitude about it. I'm far from being a sensitinve roll model, so it's a growing experience for me. The dead smoker lung was simply to emphesize harm to those who rationalize how you never really know what caused your cancer ... because it could just be old age. It's seldom the same attitude though when the emphesima sets in and they find their self sucking oxygen for the remaining poor health years. Then it's real. Maybe you got a little more mileage out of my intent then expected. The jacuzzi smoker? I left him to storm off. What was I suppost to do, beat his ars? I did drink the beer.
All I can add is that everyone's system is different. I used to love to smoke so much it was a 2-3 pack a day thing or $ 6-9.00 a day fix whatever you want to call it. I now can't stand smoke, whether it be from a campfire or cig, or neighbors burning trash/leaves. and even some of the wifes perfumes. certain odors affect me different. As I am sure that is the case of Hill's wife. As for as being in a casino, I lived by many and visited one on a daily basis, I wheeled the 02 tank in and played in the no smoking sections, it was a bi tch to get to that half but I did it. Just last Friday I went with my brother and his wife and some guy ASKED me if I would mind if he smoked, I told him to go ahead I was leaving anyway, No luck. But that is being very considerate of him to have asked, he also said " my oxygen stuff is at home , I'm afraid to wear it outside the house" I told him don't mind what other people think or say about you wearing 02 it's your life and might as well prolong it if you can. he agreed and said next time I see him there he too will be sporting the 02. I said I will look for ya. Now if someone intentional blows smoke in my face well the 02 comes off and fist to cuffs we go. i'm froggy Screw that a$$hole. so whoever fits that shoe can wear it. So I guess the long /short of it is, NOT all people react the same to smells and or smoke PERIOD Craig
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Aug 21 2007, 02:35 PM) [snapback]499843[/snapback]</div> I get it now and certainly understand your frustration. It must be difficult watching such a dramatic change in her quality of life. However, if someone threw a beer bottle at my wife, I most certainly would have returned in to him in such a fashion that it would have required surgical intervention to remove it from his lower colon.
I smoke only cigars. (average1 or less a day) and just Bill, you don't inhale a vigar. Plus the second hand smole doesn't have the 100 or so toxic addatives that are included in cigarettes. Not to say cigars are healthy, but just not as toxic, plus I think good cigars (which are what I smole not the elcheapo Swishers) produce aromatic smoke. But the ashes do blow everywhere if you are not careful, probably more so for cigarettes since they produce little tiny ashes. I used to care when my cigarr smoke might bother someone and I made efforts to limt or avoid areas where people who didn't enjoy the cigar may be. Like I wouldn't light up after a meal on a patio with other people still eating. But that was then, now with all the regulations I don't care if someone is displeased and when confronted I tell them that there are plenty of places in this bar/restaraunt that I can't go, so you go there! This is all in the anticipation that soon smoking will be banned everywhere and little kids will die from lack of health care.
i smoked for years, i quit about 17 years ago.... my brother quit 4 years ago when he dropped dead from a heart attack....did smoking do it? who knows? btw.... he was my younger brother
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Aug 21 2007, 02:19 PM) [snapback]499939[/snapback]</div> Good for you! Dear Hubby quit smoking 9 days before our wedding... that was 8 years ago
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Aug 21 2007, 04:21 PM) [snapback]499902[/snapback]</div> No harm no foul Swanny. As I said, the beer was direted at me. If it had been thrown at she who must be obeyed, and I'd dropped him, I'd get it from her As for smoked-in-cars? We recommend Ozone room purifiers. They work miracles. Sit it running in the car for a few hours (preferably with the ignition on so the cars vent recirculateer will work. (Hook up a battery charger if you have to). Then let the car air out. Heck, they even use hefty sized ones on chicken ranches!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 21 2007, 12:25 AM) [snapback]499631[/snapback]</div> No harm, no foul No problem. Just to play catch up, impolite individuals of any ilk are worthless ( in reference to the hot tub incident). Truthfully, I don't mind being put outside, in special zones etc. so's not to bother someone--it is however difficult to be zen like when one is rather routinely, socially harassed in that assigned area... I do find it somewhat amazing that one can smell smoke inside their own vehicle, behind my vehicle in traffic, through my only partially open window. I'm having a hard time grabbing that concept. I also read when in denver last year, about a new law requiring x amount of distance from a building for smoking and that there was concern over the residents of an old age home who were struggling to get the required 100 feet away from the building in the winter to smoke at a bench assigned to them.. to which i thought bravo to one of life's little ironies... My statement about my late middle aged friends being expensive from "working out" is purely personal---I've lost count of the medical operations done on people i work with from running (knees) weights (shoulders) and the ever popular by-pass from the (or maybe caused by) cardio stress test.... and i cannot help but believe this comes from the over concern with working out = health concept. Yet I do not feel this to be a violation of some unwritten social responsibility wellness contract. I do not like nor did I ever want children. As WC Fields said when asked if he liked children he replied "they're good with mustard".. but I never felt the usage of mutal insurance coverage to have them and the great mutal medical insurance expense to maintain them was a personal affront..the way many non-smokers feel about smokers and health insurance coverage...there seems to be not much in an attempt at balance Littering i have zero tolerance for--I have an ashtray in the car and use it, and shred my butt and pocket when i do not... I appreciate the all the responses Froley