It sure looks that way, doesn't it? It's a lot easier to blame people who don't look like you do than to put blame where it really should go.
nice and vague - and it doesn't answer the question "what do you do?" "in business in the Midwest" is the employment description of the majority of people in the midwest.
Sigh. Well that's a different issue completely. People who get elected on either side are usually not willing to make the radical and unpopular changes that will have an effect. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. The status quo is king more than anything else on Capitol Hill.
Before I tell you what I do, will everyone please act like adults. I have enjoyed my time on here, even though most of the time I have felt like the Lone Ranger. I am not rying to insult your intelligence for buying a Prius. If you wanted a vehicle that gets great mileage, you made agreat choice. I am bothered by a few people I know that made the purchase purely to feel good about themselves. They are helping the environment by having a Prius parked in the garage as they drive around town in their Lexus! I am a car dealer in the midwest with a few dealerships. As of right now they are all domestic brands. My brother and I are in the beginning stages of negotiation for a Toyota store. I am obviously against and he is for. I came on here to gauge the passion of Toyota owners but have really had a good time, it has been more than interesting.
Most (if not all) of the people here use their Prius as their primary mode of transportation... some of us have SUVs parked in our garages for use in the rare occassion when we need the extra room, or need to go offroad. If you want, send those people our way and we will change their minds about using their Priuses. Such a car should not be garaged. It's been good discussing things with you and it makes more sense now.
I'll be darned At least I was partly right from my earlier post. It just appeared that your passion for domestic models (GM in particular) was stronger than the average driver.
My family has sold Chevrolet's since 1947. So yes I would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not have a ton of passion. Ok so who's going to say I am deaf, dumb, and blind?
so now this all fits together and makes more sense. And with your fear of any of the domestic automakers going belly-up, your business that has been in the family for generations, could also suffer. This I understand. You've seen good cars come and go. Though you may not agree or want to hear it, you may want to listen to your brother on this venture - it would at least lessen the impact in the event one of the Big-3 shuts down and provide continual job security.
Yes, we probably will make the plunge, as much as I hate to. My brother and I are third generation and I would like to ensure my kids have an opportunity if they want it. I am unsure of what the future holds for this business so I guess some diversification is a good hedge.
I know of a lot of outfits that have merged until one ownership. Coggin seems to have the lead here in Florida.... as far as the deaf, dumb, and blind bit....just for you my friend, I can't resist and have to throw one of them at you for good old times sake: Deaf: for not listening for the signs, and also not listening to your customers needs. Dumb (meaning not being able to speak): not telling your corporate bosses, if you are able, of those needs. Blind: for not seeing it coming, blinded by passion. Marlorn, those 3 were all in jest - whatever your decision, I'm sure it will be right for you and your family.
Just so all of you know, my original post was based off a real meeting. I sat in on a corporate round-table discussion in 2000 about threats to GM in that case. Believe me, Toyota is really the only threat that Ford or GM talk about anymore. The full-size truck and SUV market was brought up and how Toyota would plan to attack it, in that meeting a scenario was talked about that is remarkably similar to what is playing out. At that point in time hybrids were relatively unknown and an "ecological" diversion was truthfully not considered. A plant in the heart of pickup country was logical, and the fact that Toyota would have to split its marketing efforts much the way Ford and Chevy have, and Toyota would have to continue to "Americanize" their operations. Today: -A Toyota Truck Plant in Texas -split marketing, Toyota cars and Toyota Trucks -advertising selling toyota as a job creator and part of the American economy -involvement in NASCAR -I am surmising about the "hybrid" as the diversion, but it seems to be working perfectly to date.
You have also been right on about some of Ford and GM's corporate leadership over the last 35 years. If my family had run our business as poorly as they have, I would have no business to worry about! Twenty-five years ago Chevrolet was soaked with arrogance!
Everything above is a fact, except for your last point. Explain this diversion? Toyota's real goal is to make people "think" they are a green company, so they can produce more gas guzzling vehicles and get people to buy them? I think you miss the point - This is what GM and Ford want you to think. They would rather you think this then think that people like Toyota's better because they are built better and offer better reliability. In 2000, when you had this meeting, Toyota was well on it's way with hybrids. They were already at least 3-4 years into producing them. Their involvement in other areas is simply good business sense. Should they just dump all their non-hybrid business?? Part of your problem is that you are way too biased to see clearly. I can see both sides. My family has always had a lot of cars. Both foreign and domestic. They actually never owned a Toyota. I myself have only owned domestic until my Prius. So my allegiance is probably more towards domestic makers at this point, yet I don't think anything Toyota is doing is "smoke and mirrors". If anything it's now GM that's using smoke and mirrors - They see that consumers really are willing to make sacrifices to better the environment and their pocket books. So they are finally getting the message and making a bigger hybrid push. Why exactly did Ford stop making the Excursion? Get that Toyota dealership going - I think you'll see how much better built they are. Being as biased as you are right now, you're unable to see this.
I think they are somewhat prepared to defend the full-size truck turf. I also think that the sharp spike in fuel prices has caught the GM and Ford off guard. I know that is pathetic for a large company but I think it is the truth. While GM is woefully out of luck on hybrids they do have pretty good gas mileage on many of the vehicles. The problem is nobody knows it, and until recently they didn't seem very interested in telling anyone.
I am very biased. I do have a few friends that own Toyota stores and they for the most part seem to agree that Toyota is a "green" company, just not the green that we are talking about. On reliability, I agree that Toyota has been historically tops. I do think that by and large GM has caught Toyota on this point but the perception won't catch the reality for a few years. Again that info comes from some of my friends with both GM and Toyota stores, the number of warranty dollars spent is roughly the same per vehicle sold. 10 years ago it was roughly 3 times greater at GM. the domestic that stillis having an incredible amount of warranty claims is Chrysler. It has come down a little in the last two years but for us is still mauch higher than Ford or GM.
Fair enough. What car would that be ? All I ask for is Toyota or Honda level quality in cars at least five years old, 55 MPG, SULEV or better emmisions, and equivalent features for the same price. My car is a top-of-the-line Toyota '04 Prius, that cost $26K delivered.