I read that the frist time you posted it. This is more than a slump. The sales numbers are down a staggering amount two more months and there will be no stopping a recession. Anyone wnat to make a sig bet on that fact? 2 more months of decling sales and the good ol' USA will be in a recession.
Like a broken record. Attributing GM's bad fortunes and bad management to a completely unrelated force... competition is not the problem, GM and Ford is. Spiteful much?
AND JUST WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO ABOUT IT? LETS GO SUE TOYOTA AND GIVE ALL THE MONEY TO GM... TOYOTA IS TEH SUCK, GM RULES!!!11oneone GM isn't some innocent party in this. Don't go blaming Toyota for everything. If we slip in to a recession, the people's who's heads will rightfully roll for this is at GM. They dug their own grave, and moreover, they dug everyone's grave. Toyota has nothing to do with it.
Nothing? What if Toyota built all of the vehicles they sold in the US here and were say 90% North American content. This conversation would not matter.
2 more months of declining sales... you are thinking short term. Getting people to suddenly stop buying foreign cars and buy American cars will NOT stop that... if according to you, we've got 2 months left... Boycotting Toyota won't have an affect in 2 months.
I am making no recomendations in the short-term, I'm afraid that die is cast. In the long-term, I just want people to realize and consider the total cost of what they are purchasing.
What if this what if that... You can't make a single point without relying on the purely hypothetical.. You see, your conversation does not matter because you're just making up situations as you go along. What if this what if that! You're not dealing with reality. The reality is that competition is a very real thing, and it's something we all have to deal with. It's not always pretty for us, but that doesn't mean that the people or countries you are competing against are always in the wrong. Americans think the whole world revolves around them... take some frickin responsibility for your own boners.
If you want more American cars to be sold, the RIGHT approach is to hold the domestic car companies responsible, and encourage them to make better cars and an all around better package... In the long term their cars would be more compelling, and they would sell more and compete better with Toyota, Honda and the others Convincing the American people that their #1 priority is to buy a domestic car above all else is WRONG... it'll give a boost to the domestics in the SHORT term, but in the long term, you won't be holding the car companies accountable to make a more compelling product. THAT'S COMPETITION.
GM and Ford released pathetic sales results today... that is not what if, that is real. I assure you it will be very real for the folks who are laid off in the coming months. Many of those folks will think they had nothing to do with the automobile business. The silver lining will be that gas prices will be under 2 buck by late January.
Would you just move on from the whining about GM and Ford? Everyone here knows that they're in trouble and it's going to be bad... You've posted that like a dozen times already, and everyone agrees with you that they're in deep doo. But you still have yet to convince anyone that the right approach is to make our next car an American car.
Just consider an American car or truck. Go drive one, do some actual fact finding. Many of you postring on this site have had some great experiences with Fords, so at least go take one for a drive next time you go vehicle shopping. I'm actually getting tired and probably a little depressed, I will be back at it later.
WHO SAYS I'M NOT ALREADY? I considered an Escape Hybrid. I DID TEST DRIVE A FORD. I know nearly as much about the Escape Hybrid as I do the Prius. I did just as much homework. You see? You ASSUMED I never even considered a domestic. You make so many assumptions about me, the American public, and everyone else here... I'm convinced that American people DO do their homework and shop around when they buy a car. You clearly think they're all idiots. I think most of those foreign car drivers out there in this country considered a Big 3 car, but going over all the facts, they decided Toyota, Nissan, Honda... were better.
GM's Guardian Angel: if you think we blindly buy Toyota because we just assume that that are great cars like your "typical" neighbour did then you are wrong. We already tried and considered American-made cars Take a medication and a nap that might help put your thoughts straight on the topic and perhaps be more in tune with reality
Funny this will be my first post. Consider an American car or truck? I've owned a Camaro, my family owned a Celebrity, a Gladiator Van, and now we own a Yukon XL. I've considered American, just like I considered another VW and Benz, but in the end I chose to wait on a list for a Prius and I'm not regretting it. I guess unions should also be dismantled within the Ford and GM corporations too since they take away from profitability. Well thank God I'm part of a union as well. If economics play such a large role in this discussion, why bother even visiting this site? The fact that most computer components come from East Asia must make you shudder. Your computer may support firms in China, tech support in India, heck even the servers this site runs on had parts fabricated in China as well. Maybe the source code or the OS could've come from "public domain!" Are you thinking that these Americans are just throwing their profitability away? It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. If economics and capitalism were as simple as your linear answer, then we'd all have RCA records, radios, and televisions. We're not in some mercantalist-capitalist transition phase anymore. This certainly isn't the 17th, 18th, or 19th century either. Take my advice and stop trying to rip off Pat Buchanan's logic because you're not doing a good job making his points (if he ever had any points.) If you feel strongly about this, go buy a Ford and feel better about it. We bought 4 GM cars and I still decided on a Toyota. If you think it's my loss or the country's loss, so be it. At least I know where I stand.
I'm not sure malorn is a troll. I think more like just a sadsack. Woeful tales of doom to the American economy because Toyota is *brainwashing* all of North America. No matter how many times, and how many people tell him, he refuses to face the facts- the big 3 domestics can't build quality, reliable, 21st century cars like the Japanese companies are doing right now. I, like so many others here, have been through my share of domestic cars in my life which all let me down... then I bought a USED '92 Camry 10 years ago... and it's still running (and looking) great with 375,000 kms on it. And now I have a Prius that I've been thoroughly satisfied with from the day I bought it. But I should ignore all that according to malorn and go back and purchase another potentially dissappointing domestic next time (???) The only ones that can save GM are GM themselves... and that's going to take many years to first build better, more dependable, longer life vehicles, and then let a reputation develop for top quality automobiles, much like the Japanese had to do for so long, to get to the point they're at now. This didn't just happen over night... the Japanese worked hard and did their homework over the past many years while the American companies sat on their wallets expecting the population to buy whatever they were churning off the production lines as long as it looked slick and shiny. Wake up malorn... the Japanese are not responsible for the American economy... America is. Work harder, build better, and people WILL buy domestic again. Stop looking to blame others and accept the fact that we put ourselves in this position.
malorn huh? ok, i know who this guy is: first off, he has lied about himself in this thread he is 17-18 years old he does not have a BS in anything (might be full of bs though) he may be taking economics 101 (lol) he actually drives a suburban he makes money through settlement checks (this is why he has so much time to post) he get himself off using a 9 volt battery (weirdo) he lives in malone, ny (hick central) his name is kyle (lol) his screenname is more commonly..gmfreak8 we commonly go at it at this forum: http://www.xmfan.com/viewforum.php?f=27 specifically here: http://www.xmfan.com/viewtopic.php?t=47587...cd21474a22f677e join in the fun at that forum...he's got a lot of moronic comments there too.