Yes, sorry for my acerbic reply. I was not upset that you may have been anti-Prius. I was upset you were anti-SKS. -I- think it's the best thing since sliced bread. I love being able to unlock my car with both arms full of groceries, just having to touch the door handle. And leaving the FOB in my pocket at all times is great. You can, in fact, use one FOB on many cars, but only four, I think, on any specific car. The FOB is just a "dumb serial number". It's the car that must be programmed to allow that serial number access. So you could, for example, program 10 cars to respond to one FOB. The dealer -should- charge you $50 or so for each car (the cost/allowed charge for plugging in the programming/reading tool). Now a -good- dealer should only charge you the $50 for programming up to four FOBs at one time. Plus the cost of the FOBs of course. The second strike against your original post was your love of "Onstar". -I- think that is the worst incidence of overcontrol ever invented. GM -can-, at their whim, or perhaps FBI request, wrest control of your car away from you. It's been done! I would never own a car with it. Including a Toyota. (are you listening Toyota!)
Wow - that wins all awards. 74 words in a "sentence (?)" - maybe we could say 76 counting contractions. Possibly you can edit it to make sense (please add a ? or . or ! at the end so we all can follow your train of random very long excruciatingly vague drivel). Definition of SCHOLAR 1: a person who attends a school or studies under a teacher : pupil 2a : a person who has done advanced study in a special field 2b : a learned person 3: a holder of a scholarship
No sweat. I'm happy that you're happy with your SKS. I don't really care if anybody is unhappy that I'm not happy with 'mine'. I do not take offense if somebody hates any of my vehicles---or any of the options in my vehicles. I don't really "love" the On* system, but I know people that will not buy a car without one. Personally? I'll probably let it lapse, when the 'free' service expires. If I decide to buy a Prius for my personal use (my G3 is a company vehicle) I'll demand a third fob, disabling of the reverse beeper, and a few other things before I sign a purchase order---or by then maybe a more economical vehicle will be available. Who knows? As far as worrying about big brother being able to wrest control of my vehicle from me...I'm not a criminal, so they're probably not interested in my GMC Sierra. If some environmentalist decides to blanket-disable all vehicles that aren't "earth-friendly', I figure I'll have enough advance warning to disable my On* antennae. I have security clearances, and a CCP---so the government already knows who I am, where I live, and how many calories I consumed for breakfast. On* is the least of my worries.... So...there we are.'s OK for some. It's a "gotta-have" for others. I can live without it.....
Just what everyone needs, a Scholar to teach us all the english language. Now pls. go back and correct all the mistakes you made in spacing. And your use of english seems to be a little rough, "who has done advanced" , completed might have been a better choice of words for that sentence. A space after scholarship would do just nicely, there should be a 2 before you use 2a, and it should be indented.