Dr. Mike does your wife kknow you are chuckling about her?? When I first got this car I could not get used to not putting my thumb on that black buton at the same time I was touching the sensor to open the door....resulted in a bit of frustration on mine and the car's part (I do believe in AI and my Prii will one day take over the White House!!). The other thing that I have done is to have forgotten the car is on when I park somewhere and walk off without shutting it off. Good thing it has all those beeping sounds. Perhaps we should start a thread for silly things I have done learning to drive my Prius....
Salsa, Just to be sure, you know that you only need to touch the black button on the outside of the handle to LOCK the door. To UNLOCK you need only touch the sensor on the inside of the handle...not both.
ahhh I love this. For people not familiar with the prius (bosses, co-workers, friends etc) The first ride they get they get to hold my keys as I start the car and go driving. Freaks most of them out. No keys in the car... how in the H#$#@ is it running! That and wait, hold my keys while I open the doors... with no keyed locks Depends on my mood for shoving the key in the slot. How about, I do it when I remember. I have a nack for leaning over things to start my car when its cold, hand on the break, hand on the power button, keys on the seat as I reach for my snow brush. Yesterday in chicago in the snow was fun. 3 hours to make it home, when the drive is usually only a half hour.
the smart feature is my favorite feature of the car. (well aside from it being a hybrid ) of all the packages it's the feature i probably couldn't do without if i'd buy another prius.
I say sometimes because I can't say never. I'll put it in the slot if someone else needs to take possesion of the car, like a car wash, or dealer service.
I turn it off and give them the valet card so they have to put it in the slot. It puts them at ease, the other way is too spooky.
Nope, I'm stuck with the $9.99 leather fob holder. I just spent the other $400 on my kid's Xmas present (Xbox 360).
The SKS is something that took a little getting used to when we took delivery of our Prius a little less than a week ago. But now, I try to drive my older Honda Accord as well without a key Couple of days back when my wife and i were returning home from grocery shopping, she did remark how wonderful it would bet to have a keyless entry system for our house as well. I told her that we would get one when we own a house (presently living in a rented one).