no, I hit the door lock on the inside - but it seemed that Dan was saying it's impossible to lock them in any case. I think we've beaten this subject to death... the OP wanted to know if they could leave the key fob in the car - the answer is YES, so long as they disable the SKS by flipping the switch under the steering wheel. In addition, once the SKS switch is flipped "off", they could leave it LOCKED in the car while rafting, and take only the metal key with them in their shoe or wherever they want to hide it. - Jim
It was understood that SKS was left on. At least that was my assumption. It is not possible to lock the car with the door open, and have it remain locked when you close the door. It will detect the fob and unlock it if SKS is on.
The Smart key can only be locked in the car when the smart key option ( located underneath the stearing collum ) is turned off, this is done by simply pressing in the button. as for worrying about the extra key, i have deffinetly gotten the smart key damp going to theme parks etc, but i wouldnt get it soaked, and like the person above said, you can detatch the mettal key from the smart key part and take that with you leaving the smart key in the car, or there are also probably aftermarket lock box type things that you could store an extra key in. hope that helps and good luck with getting the prius. -Chris 2004 Silver Prius ipod player hook up B)
YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE what happened with me this morning!!! We bought the car thinking there's not SmartKey (it's a brand new 2005-bought in 2006, with Package C). I mean, the car had the black buttons on the handles and everything, but the SmartKey wasn't we (including the dealer) thought the feature wasn't installed in the car. We were gonna get the 2006 C instead, but dealer really REALLY wanted to sell this one. Because of no SmartKey, no MP3, no rear cam, we dealt about $3000(CDN) off the price of the car!!! So, I read the manual this morning and figure out there's supposedly some kill-switch for the SmartKey. I walk out...and well...waddaya know! We have SmartKey!!! This is such an amazing feature...and I'm so glad to have got it for "free"!
Doesn't the SKS system automatically disable if the fob is inside the car for more than about 30 minutes with the car powered-off, in order to save the car's battery? In that case, if the fob was inside the car when the door was closed, after 30 min, the SKS would disable, at which point if someone touched the door handle, the 30 second timeout before relock would enable and the SKS would be off so the door wouldn't automatically pop-open if the fob was detected inside. Dave
On my first stop during a cross-country trip I found I couldn't lock the car when stopping for coffee. On each try at locking the car I'd get nothing but a long steady tone. To make a long story short, I was in the habit of always leaving my spare keys in my shaving kit, and thus had my spare fob with my luggage. In that I was stuck with having it with me and didn't want to keep two of them in my pocket, I finally just covered the spare with aluminum foil which acted like a good electro-magnetic shield, and lo-and-behold the problem was solved.
I keep a hidden key in my SKS prius. I keep the battery removed so it won't drain or cause problems. But I can put it in the dash slot and run the car that way if there is an emergency where I lost my main key. I keep it wrapped in plastic with the a label saying "emergency prius fuses" so that theives will pass it by and so that if a dealer mechanic finds it they won't mess with it.
I thought so too, at first, but I suppose he means the top of his sock. Sounds like a pretty good idea, although I'd want maybe an easy to change and launder baby sock for the FOB for comfort.
...and it's not like your talking about wearing two pairs of briefs and keeping it sandwiched between them, do you delete posts?
By the way, if you tape your FOB inside your small rear triangular window as shown, it will let you lock the car. If the tape comes off or battery runs out, you will have sucessfully locked your FOB inside your car with SKS enabled. Actually, I can't be sure of what would happen if the tape came off, maybe the doors would unlock. [Broken External Image]:
to take the battery out of the fob, you have to remove the side key.. then while pressing that little release button in, slide the Logo and top (all connected) off.. it's best to use a fingernail and pry at one of the lower seams of where they come together.. or.. use your key.. and where the little wedge pin (that hold your key in).. pry just below that and the piece should pop loose.. remember to have that pin in the full "release" position.... then you'll see a battery cover with 4 little screws.
Thanks V8! I found it just as you were replying. Much appreciated. I've got it all depowered now. The dealer says a new key is just $6, so I think I'll get a couple of those, and I'll be set for losing the other.
I dont want to jinkxs anyone but in the field I work we try and tell people not to put a hide a key in the bumper nor should you leave the ignition key inside the vehicle, ie in plain sight... as this could turn into a crime of oppertunity.. My father learnd this lesson 3yrs ago and the vehicle was in the garage with the door closed enough for the cat to get in and out.. the suv was locked with the little code thingy on the door and the key was sitting in the cup holder on the console. They recovered his leased explorer gutted by fire three counties away..
Understood! And I do appreciate the concern. More dangerous for me, is thinking of my wife standing out in a dark parking lot with a car she cannot operate because she's lost the key. I'd rather have the car stolen than deal with the other.
I too have the smart key, I had to go to a lock smith to have another little key made as the hardware stores do not carry them. I too keep a spare fob hidden inside the car for just such an emergency, we have 4 little keys & 3 fobs..
I too have the smart key, I had to go to a lock smith to have another little key made as the hardware stores do not carry them. I too keep a spare fob hidden inside the car for just such an emergency, we have 4 little keys & 3 fobs.. I had taken my prius to the car was and they must have hit the sks button I could not find out why the key would nt work lol call the dealer and gave them a good laugh... :huh:
Newbie Prius owner.....question. I have always hidden a key holder with extra key on my cars. Can I do this with the Prius key unit if I first wrap the unit with aluminum foil to prevent the fob from communicating with the lock system?
Take the battery out of the fob before hiding it. You never "need" the communication, and this will only be used in case the other key is lost, so the battery is not needed, and you'll be better off without power to the fob. Jeez. Did that make sense? Bottom line - take the battery out of the fob you hide. Anda again. I plan on only hiding the small key, and then keeping the batteryless fob inside the car hidden.
I also recommend taking any battery out of the fob before hiding it in the car. I don't have a tiny screwdriver, but will putting the fob into the dash without the battery in place still work? I wouldn't see why not, seeing it's not a rechargable battery i would guess the car slot and battery are almost two seperate power circuts... like i said, i would test this (fob without battery in dash) but i don't have the screwdriver.