I am bipolar and suffered from horrible insomnia. For the whole year of 2010, I could never get more than 1 or 2 hours of sleep per evening. My medication did not help the insomnia. I lost my job and insurance in 2010 and turned to drinking to self medicate and help me sleep. Getting 5 to 6 hours of sleep was divine. It felt so good after pacing an empty house night after night. But drinking caught up with me. Last year, I quit drinking completely and went back to the psychiatrist to get better meds to treat the bipolar condition and insomnia. He actually put me on a blood pressure medication at bedtime that lowers my blood pressure and puts me right to sleep. No opioids. I feel somewhat for Michael Jackson. I grew up watching the Jackson 5 on TV and thought he had so much talent. But fame seems to destroy some people. They become caricatures of themselves. An image that isn't real. Think of Elvis in his last days. And Prince. Bad handlers, plenty of booze and pills, etc.