I voted that I am not into the color. I don't hate it but I don't like it at the same time. It just looks like a weird color.
The poll results seem roughly even across the board but those that dislike the color are pretty vocal about it. Well, just got a call from my dealer that I get the next pkg 8 Prius. Guess what color? I asked him when and what color? He said the car hits the dock on 12/09 and Pistacio in color. PISTACIO!! I don't recall this being a new Toyota color. I sure he was just pulling my leg but is this what the salespeople are saying to describe this color, as Silver Pine Metallic makes me think of Christmas trees. I have seen what I think is the color on other Toyotas and really don't have strong feelings either way. I will probably buy it as I have been waiting awhile and just for the sake of it being different from the others in this area.
That's funny, Jack!!! We test drove an '06 Driftwood with the 'beige' interior (whatever color they are calling it). We got the call that it was in around 4 pm and my dad came over to watch our little one while we went to do the test drive. The color was 'okay' to me when we first arrived (still sunny), but I was not excited by it at all when we were leaving (dusk). The good thing about it is it will hide the dust & dirt around here very well. I have a friend who has the same color on a different car and her car always looks clean. The seaside pearl will require more frequent cleanings to look nice. DH said the ugly clean air stickers will blend in better on the driftwood, also. Sooo true!!! I saw a seaside yesterday driving up I-5 and the first thing I noticed were the stickers, not that it was a Prius. LOL At least down here in San Diego we have a lot of sunny days most of the year, so I won't need that huge, clamp-on, canopied sunlamp...
Just joking about the pressures of day trading. And day trading autos no less. Seems like that'd make one a bit 'touched' rather quickly.
According to many, the pictures of bisque on the web are not at all accurate of the 06 bisque. They depict as being a light tan, or even an almond.... others have said its the same color with a different name.... Beware of internet colors... they are rarely accurate.
I agree... to me the pictures online on my monitor of Pine Mica look great, I would take it in a heart beat, I went and looked at an Avalon in this color and was very disapointed, not green enough to be green and not a light enough to shift in different light from silver to green. I suppose I just cannot be pleased by toyotas color choices, I still want to see this in person on a Prius though. Some time ago someone noted it would make the Prius look like a Limabean, perhaps it would be interesting on the Prius where I just plain disliked it on the Avalon.
I think PISTACIO looks pretty accurate to me!... my wife really thinks she likes that color as her first choice, I'm still trying to warm up to it. I definately like it better than some of the other colors.
I wanted the green enough to wait for the '06 to get it. I liked it in the Avalon brochure. Then I finally saw one in person- mud. Just murky mud. No relation to the photos. So it's back to blue for this boy.
I am also trying to stick with silver or blue, time will tell what is available and if I will take what is offered or hold out.
Sure interesting why they cannot depict the colors any better online.... a frustrating problem they need to rectify to enhance sales. I know how the monitor changes etc etc the colors, but they need to study "how" the colors are changed and use their computers to undo the change so it shows real on computer monitors. Should be an easy solution. Someone with as much talent as toyota should be able to do such an easy feat? They could even have two different samples to cover lcd screens verses monitors.
I agree about figuring out a more accurate color depiction. Not only with computers, though. The brochures are notoriously bad, too. Of course, those tiny little squares make it really difficult to imagine an entire car in a color. As I stated earlier, I saw the silver pine mica on a Sienna. WHOA! However, the salesman did mention the Sienna is huge compared to the Prius (obviously). But how much smaller will it take to tone down that pale shiny green that looks NOTHING like the name implies??? I, too, think of Christmas trees (or at the very least a forest in the mountains) when I hear or read the color silver pine (mica) and was hoping for at least a medium shade of green. I was hoping for a green in a comparable intensity to the seaside pearl. Oh well...
Just don't like that silver pine mica at all... the Tideland green was a very far second choice for me, but I do like it... I couldn't get my hands on a black one in LA. Seeing as how my last 3 cars were black (I never kept them clean) so they always looked like crap... the tideland always looks clean, as will the pine mica... so there's one benefit.
The toyota dealer I have been working with has a display inside for their Scion lie that has 10X6 "painted" panels so people can see their color before they place an order. I looked at them and honestly they looked very different than the same colors in the parking lot. On closer inspection I noticed they were not painted panels they were stickers on metal panels. Toyota does not seem big on color accuracy, very annoying. I suppose however if this is my biggest gripe they must be doing the important things right.
Yeah, this forum is threatening my manhood. First the whole gay car poll, and then an ad-argenteum attack on my first-and-only color choice. I'm waiting for SPM on a package 8.Yesterday drove 40 miles to another dealership to check out the color with bisque leather in person, and definitely liked it. There was also a Barcelona (?) red as well, and it surprised me that i liked that ,too. I had thought the red would be too dark, but its a darn nice color as well. I like the SPM because its a subtle color, and is a great match with the bisque. The prius is more than a bit choppy in design, and looks less so, i think, is a subtle color, or a very dark color. Now i'm moving from a WRX wagon, which is a truly homely vehicle. That said, my sincere thanks to anyone who voted more favorably than 'hate it', so I can keep my eggs and bacon down at breakfast this morning and not panic over my choice.
Don't let other people's opinions regarding something very taste-specific like the exterior color of a car hinder your leanings towards it. If you like the color, you like the color. One who doesn't like it, well...doesn't like it. Simple as that. If I liked a specific color and 99% of the population polled they didn't like it, would I change my choice? Heck no!!
Agreed!... you put on red shoes to please one crowd, you just offended the crowd that likes blue shoes!, so you change your mind and put on blue shoes and the red crowd doesnt like you nor does the blue.. because your not "true blue!".. So then you have to pick a side and stick with it.. so you pick the red crowd to please.... heck, then they change thier mind tomorrow! ... Ha!..... Pleasing people is a fickle loosing battle...... because people are fickle... Heck with em all.. you get what you like!... Please yourself! Hopefully your not too fickle!... or you won't even like what you choose! :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm picking Barcelona Red and I'm fully aware its by no means the most popular color, but sometimes it pays to be different!... especially if its good for you.. you have to pay for it...not them... let them buy thier own car!
Well, I have prolonged first-hand evidence of Silver Pine Mica, and you know what? It's pretty nice. Heidi's Prius came in today, a Silver Pine Mica; when she got home this afternoon, she parked it in front of my '05 Tideland Green, which was a great way to compare the new '06 Prius profile to the '05 -- and to compare the "new" green to the "old" green. I'd have to change my vote to liking it. If I had been buying an '06 myself, and had seen the Silver Pine Mica up close, I might very well have bought it (particularly if Magenetic Gray wasn't available.) Most important, though, Heidi likes it. She wishes the "midnight blue" option that Japan and Europe have (or at least had) was available here, but she thinks it's a good color. A hint more yellow than either of us like, but good overall. (And apologies, but no pictures to be had. We're luddites within narrow paramters -- no digitial cameras, no cell phones. We don't keep up with the Jones, but we're OK with that -- more time for walking and reading. )
I haven't seen it yet in person?... Does anybody know if its "greener" than the tideland pearl it replaced?
Best way I can put it, viewing them side-by-side in bright sunlight: Tideland Pearl is more olive-green, while Silver Pine Mica is a very light mint green. (There's a better analogy for SPM, but I can't think of it at the moment.) Update -- this morning, our neighborhood is coated in a thick fog; and Heidi's Prius now has a sort of pastel metallic lemon-lime color to it. (It's prettier than it sounds. )