perhaps you have a skewed view because you have been attacked so much based on your first post. i admit, i could be wrong, but i have seen a half dozen first posts this week, all seemingly written by the same troll. none of them have replied to the 'helpful' members here.
Easiest way to resolve this is to swap tires with another new Prius (that doesn't vibrate) and go for a test drive. Vibration gone ? Replace the tires. The end. REV
Yeah....that happens sometimes too. my favorite Admiral always used to say: "Ships are safe in port, but that's not what ships are for!" I guess I'll have to keep calling them like I see them. Any word from the OP??? I have my favorite semi-sincere, almost apology all rehersed!!!
So the OP hasn't returned. bisco wins! This marks the second time that evpv has fallen for a troll. The next time your BS alarm gets triggered by an OP and evpv posts in the thread, watch out!
Good Lord I hope we are not all getting too cynical here. Its not bad to give the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps the OP didn't return because he/she was bashed for asking a simple question. Yes I realize there have been a few trolls lately...
Solved! The OP was experiencing vibration because he had the front windows closed and the rear windows open. You're Welcome
Sure, but there are too many things off about the OP. "We've had Toyotas for years, this may be our last" over this before we can even offer a solution and there's no V with Canada Technology package! That's about the worse noise in both our Lexus and Toyota. Anyone sitting there's ears are going to be shot.
You and bisco should consider dumping your afterschool jobs at Qwik-e-Mart and get into full time Troll Patrol duty. You're both so good at sniffing out these trolls. Your intense investigation concludes that M Rauenzahn from Henderson NV signed up just so he could start a flame war on the forum with a complaint about a tire vibration. No chance he really owns a Prius, nope. Another troll outed. Great work guys. 5 more and you both earn an "I shouted TROLL first" badge for your signature.
It's possible that the OP has an out of balance drive shaft on the driver's side. If moving the wheel and tire to the rear doesn't change symtoms, suspect this. John
You're a troll. King Troll to be exact. You slowly gain our trust for 9 months, occasionally stirring trouble with new threads about unintended acceleration. You support other trolls and accuse other people of being trolls when they call out you and your minions. Yeah you aint fooling anyone.
I takes a pretty serious troll to justify buying a Prius V just to gain the trust of a small forum. Another brilliant Troll Patrol post, great job macmaster5. Your education is really paying off.