All of this talk about tots made me walk down to my company's cafeteria and order some. Yummy. They're one of the most popular things on the menu. Of course, Napoleon Dynamite was filmed in Preston Idaho, just a few hours north of here on I-15, so maybe it's a cultural thing. They have to be deep-fried until they're crispy. Nothing worse than soggy tots from the oven or microwave.
Reminds me of the old propoganda poster from the 30s. "MARIJUANA- THE ASSASIN OF OUR YOUTH" full sheet of horrible consequences, and then, at the very bottom, in tiny print, "Brewer's Association of America." Ps Voted yes, no conditions, just like cigarettes, but cigarettes HAVE conditions, which I would favor...but while you're at it, triple the taxes on cigarettes.
So, I get the parts where you bored his Mom to sleep in bed, and you're nicknamed 'PeeWee'...but how does that relate to tater tots?
At this point it is 31- 12 for legalization. 72%, I would categorize that as a pretty 'stiff' lean to the left. MICHAEL MOORE in 2008 with Barbra Steisand as VP! Platform: Legalize all drugs. Disband the US military. Tax the hell out of the rich. Healthcare for all. While were at it, how about a new home for the poor! All teacher salaries are doubled and the school year will be cut down to only 100 days! The US will pay reparations to all the families of former slaves AND to the families to all world residents who have been offended by US foreign policy! AMENDMENT #1 Ang Lee's Birthdays is to become a national Holiday. AMENDMENT #2 The threshhold of what is 'rich' will have to be adjusted so members of the NEA do not qualify.
:lol: That's not even funny... I think THAT platform would have a high probability of success... At least, far higher than the Green party...
Most 'wake 'n bakers' do live very productive lives, if watching 14 hours of tv /day counts as productivity.
Yes, just like in the Netherlands, total anarchy if pot becomes legal. The Netherlands has proved itself as a state of complete anarchists, all smoking pot at every opportunity, essentially living in a wasteland with no law and order. Thank God we don't all live like those damn Dutch. Riding their stupid bicycles because they can't afford a decent American SUV. It's a wonder my Philips light bulbs light up at all! Or my Philips flat panel television! It's only a matter of time before I find marijuana ash inside my light bulbs at this rate. Anarchy. Yes, anarchy. I'm sure of it. I better go buy some more guns... Nate
Oh, and "Vote for Pedro. All of your dreams will come true." It is quite possible that I can quote every line from the film, possibly the greatest movie ever made. Nate
I've never understood the extreme fascination with Napoleon Dynamite... I was bored silly, except for a few parts...