Not unless your charger is capable of pulling 40A. The Prime will never pull more than about 14-15A. As long as the circuit is rated for about 25% more current than your charger everything will be fine.
Like any electric vehicle, there’s always a buffer. With a PHEV, there’s an additional buffer for the hybrid operation when you run out of EV range. A full charge is about 5.7-5.8kWh which will show up as 6.1-6.3kWh at the meter or charging station due to losses. If you can find an adapter, that’s fine. Your car will regulate the amperage.
but will it be any faster? I have a normal outlet in front of the garage and that’s what I’ve been using the last few days, but if I can get more speed out of my existing 30a RV outlet.....
It’ll be as fast as a public charger. The Prime can only accept 16A so anything higher is a moot point. Case in point, my 240V charging outlet is a 50A circuit (I’m using a 6-20P on a 6-50R) so I’m significantly under utilizing my outlet but I’m future-proofed for 11kW charging EVs in the future. On 110V, it’ll take 5h30m to fully charge. On 240V, it’s down to 2h20m. Note: like any other EV, the bottom half is faster to charge than the top half. Charging slows after 80%. That means, if you have a 240V charger, you can charge for an hour and get 60-65% back or about 30km (summer range).
His 30amp outlet is just 120V. Being able to charge at 16amps will be faster, but not as fast with the higher voltage. Charge time will be in the 3.5 to 4 hour range. Depending on cost of the EVSE(charger) and adapter, it might be worth it to have a dedicated EVSE at home. Leaving the Level 1 unit in the car. Another option is with the supplied EVSE being able to handle more current on its own. At least the higher voltage. A member here modifies them with a plug for a higher voltage outlet. If it can handle the higher amperage, he could probably just switch the plug to one for the existing outlet.
We discussed it last night and actually, we don’t have a reason to have a quick charger at the moment. When I commute to work, I can use the free public charging station that’s near my office. When she uses it, she can easily make it to and from work on a charge (could probably do two days without charging too). I don’t think she could plug it work and probably won’t ask then if she could anyways. Now that I know that a typical charge will probably cost me no more than $0.50-0.65, since you’re never really charging 8kWh, that will be even better. I’m real happy with the current readings so far. My morning commute was pretty good this morning. I could probably get better range, but I’m using the cruise control because I’m not a morning person haha. I don’t use the highway, so my Max speed is 80km/h (about 50mph).
That's pretty good range when your commute includes 80km/h segments. I find range decreases more rapidly as one surpasses 70km/h.
I had the cruise at 70 in the 80 sections, but once ai had a vehicle tailing me, I bumped it up to 80 LOL. Fairly flat too, only about 220m elevation in total (I only know this because of cycling the route a lot)
I noticed a screen that showed my % EV driving. It was at 95%. Does this reset per trip? Because I know I only used a bit of fuel the first day I took ownership, since it wasn’t charged upon arrival. So since then, it’s been solely EV. I’m eager to see a 100% if it’s possible haha
It indicates the EV percentage for the trip meter/odometer you have selected. It'll change as you toggle from odometer to trip A to trip B to "since you last started the car" (whatever you want to call that one.)
Looks like I’m going to burn some petroleum today. When I went to pickup my kids, my wife asked me to bring my daughter to her violin class.... ah well. Still pretty good considering the cooler temps today.
Made it to an even 50kms before the ICE kicked in. Not bad for mostly 70-80km/h Next stretch I’m choosing a different rural route to see if I can drive 70 or less without traffic haha
You have the Tech pack right? So you have the HUD? You can get the "EV range remaining" shown on the HUD. Then you can change the "EV range remaining" to "Battery %" in the MID if that interests you.
I do have have the tech package and do show the EV remaining in the hud. When it’s sunny and I have my polarized sunglasses, I can barely see the hud though haha I think I saw a % when scrolling the menus... still experimenting LOL. Wife is finally getting her take on it today and tomorrow. I’m cycling to today and taking tomorrow off hehe
Almost 2 weeks later... went from and to work on a single charge . 54.8kms with 4.5kms leftover, therefore possibly 59.3kms, thus almost 37miles whoop whoop. Guess I know which rural commute is more efficient haha. question = I noticed when scrolling thru the various “trip” information that you can see how many EV kms you’ve travelled, but that resets to 0 when you shut down the vehicle. I scrolled thru the menus, but can’t seem to find one that would show the entire range on a single charge... where would I find it? thanks!
You'll only see the entire range before you start driving on the full charge. Once you start driving, it'll start counting down. That's on Drive Monitor 2. Look for it in the instrument cluster section of your manual in the Multi-information display area.
That's a fantastic range! That's almost my record (63km) If you scroll to the Eco Diary, you can then change the screens left/right to show daily and month consumption. There's a daily consumption for distance travelled. Unfortunately, that's the only way. (and it'll be messed up if you charge up in between since that's just the daily total distance travelled and not per charge).