Ahhh, my charging rate might be set lower... and apparently I don’t have access while it’s charging... I’ll check that when I get home haha
Public charging is Level 2. Usually 3.3kW or 6.6kW (shared or dedicated but it doesn't matter to us since the Prime only takes 3.3kW). Did you want repost the station without the address so that the internet doesn't know where you work?
Ahhhh, the option isn’t there when charging. I changed it to MAX. Perfect thank you. also set the schedule to charge for 6am, but when I charge other times, I’ll put MAX
Yeah. You’re going to be pumping a lot less often. If you can charge at home and work, it’ll be months easily. Note the first hour charges faster than the second. And of course because our cars have smaller batteries, we should move it when we’re done.
I almost wanted to tell them NOT to fill it up before delivering it, less fuel = less weight hauling around for nothing hahaha yeah, car will be used daily, so it’s gonna be taken advantaged of.
Don't worry about the weight of the fuel. You would need some kind of engineering/testing equipment with lab conditions to be able to measure the difference in economy between a full and an empty tank.
I’m in the civil engineering field. Less weight = less power needed to get moving, but once moving, it’s not that bad. So commuting at constant speeds would render big differences, but in stop and go traffic it would. I’m not gonna lose sleep on it for sure though hahaha
Curb weight for a 2017 Prime Advanced is 3375 pounds. Gasoline weighs just over six pounds per gallon. So five gallons vs 10 in the tank is a little more than 30 pounds extra weight. Passengers, on the other hand ...
Maybe I should try losing 30lbs to make up for it hahaha. It might help me get more air on jumps too hehe
Haha, I’m actually hoping to go down about 17lbs this year. I’m at 200lbs right now and I’m 6’ tall, therefore 183cm... would like to be a pound per cm LMAO
So it showed I had 4.5kms left prior to charging. Now it shows 47.5, But isn’t it suppose to be 8.8kWh? Why would it only show 5.44?
I found a level 2 charger for sale on my local marketplace and it has a L15-30P plug. I’m curious, I have a 30a RV outlet on my garage. Can I get an adapter from that outlet to this level 2 charger that would gain my level 2 charging speeds?