Sorry, but what is "ATF WS"? Can you also say more about the issue with jump starting another vehicle and replacing 12V after needing a jump start? Just trying to learn. I know that the 12V can seem okay but not be, so I replace them at first sign.
The Transaxle (transmission and a differential in one) uses ATF WS as the lubricating/cooling fluid. (a Toyota Automatic Transmission Fluid) While it is never mentioned in the service schedule, it does need to be replaced eventually. The Prius 12 volt battery is tiny and will not have enough power to start a 12 volt starter motor, like other cars use. Once flat (completely discharged) the 12 volt battery is never reliable again. Since it is so small, even a dome light overnight can kill it.
Thanks so much for the info. It always helps me to know "why." I'm one of those people. I couldn't learn to drive a manual transmission until someone spent a few minutes telling me why I would need to depress the clutch and shift gears, how it all worked together, then I just drove. I learned from a Prius Chatter back in 2012 when I bought my first used Prius that the battery can register as okay but when strange things start to happen, replace the battery. That advice has never failed me. And yes, TINY, and expensive comparatively. When I bought my 2008, and the battery wouldn't start soon after, I really had to have a showdown at the dealership to get them to replace that 12V battery, as they swore up and down it was fine (of course). I finally prevailed and got the "free" new battery but it was a dark day in Elmhurst, IL getting it.
Also worth mentioning that it is very doable to finance a car from a private seller if you go through a credit union - we've done it several times without great difficulty.