Thanks for the advice everyone! This is helping a ton. I am test driving the Fit on Tuesday and will see how it compares to the Gen II that I drove last week. My hunch is that I will only keep my next car for about 3 years and keep saving in the meantime to afford whatever new technology might bring us (maybe a car that handles great, has super smooth suspension, AND 70+mpg......?) There are charging stations in the parking lot where I work and my apartment has solar panels & no utility charges, so I could see a situation where 90% of my driving could be powered by "free" electricity if the right car/price comes along.
You might want to toss the Mazda3 hatchback into the equation. It just got a new redesign for 2014 and is up over 30 MPG combined with Skyactiv technology. I was very impressed sitting in one. Mazda does a great job laying out interiors and that model has been well known for years as being fun and zippy to drive. MazdaUSA - Wireless Tour - Gallery
I have had both 2012 Honda Fit Sport and Gen III Prius. If you are looking for a smooth ride, the Honda Fit is not it. It is like a go cart on wheels. It's a blast to drive, but the sporty suspension gets old after awhile. I'm not sure if the base Fit is smoother. I'm sure you can find something cheaper and lower miles than the Prius you have found. I would expand your shopping area to include LA. A trip on the Coaster could save you some money. And a beautiful drive on PCH would be a great way to bring her back.
If I were you, I wouldn't buy either for various reasons, but mostly because your commute is short and you don't drive many miles, and you haul a lot of stuff. Consider a Mazda 3 hatchback.
We have a '11 Prius 2 and new '13 Fit Base. The Prius has a bit more passenger & cargo space, but the magic rear seat in the Fit offers more flexibility. The Fit is quicker and handles better, but may be less comfortable for long road trips. It sounds like your mix of driving would be well-suited for Prius MPGs, but the Fit would be more fun. The Fit appears to have fewer squeaks & rattles than the Prius did when new, but it's new and our roads & winter temps will make any vehicle scream for mercy after a few years. I suggest driving both, consider your cargo handling needs, and enjoy whichever vehicle you chose.
I have no clue what you are talking about. The Prius has always been very comfortable. In fact my dad, who spent years as a long-haul trucker and who is very particular about having comfortable seats in a car, traded in his Camry hybrid for a Prius last year. My dad is 6'4" and has occasional back problems and has twice driven across the US in it without complaint.
I owned a 2010 Honda Fit Sport which I traded in this past year on my 2013 Prius. Listen, the Honda Fit is a GREAT little compact. The design and layout is great. I was continually amazed by how much I could fit in the Fit as a result of the "Magic" seats and the totally flat load floor. It also drove like a Go-Cart on steroids. So I would say "Fun to Drive" if that is a factor. If the benefits of owning a Hybrid aren't enticing enough? Then the Fit is a great choice. I would agree that The Fit isn't a "smooth" vehicle, infact I find the Prius to be much more a cruiser or comfortable vehicle. Not that the Fit was uncomfortable, but being as small as it is, you feel bumps when encountered. So keep that in mind. My 2010 also had a high degree of road noise. Honda added more sound deadner and insulation in subsequent years. I've been told todays Fits are quieter. Maybe I'm not too much help, because I can recommend BOTH vehicles. I like both for various different reasons. So to me? The deciding factor has to be how much do you want a Hybrid and HSD and the benefits that owning a Hybrid create? If you are somewhat indifferent about roughly 15-20 mpg more you would get with a Prius, then I would say buy the Fit. I still miss the Fit leather wrapped sports steering wheel, and all the storage pockets, as well as what I thought was a beautiful dash.
The biggest knock on the Fit is that it's a bit of a buzz bomb on the highway. It definitely handles better than the Prius, which is a plus or minus depending on your taste. That being said $2,500 buys a lot of gas to put in the Fit. Get the Fit.
I would suggest the Fit, buy it, drive it into the ground and save up for a new Prius (or whatever hybrid is around at that time). I have owned a Prius, sold it and got a new Avalon, liked the Prius and had I bought it with all the toys I would still have it. It's your choice, make it and don't look back.
For cargo capacity, yes, if the seats can be folded down. Also, the rear seat only accommodates 2 people in the Volt. SCH-I535
"Capable of 75 mpg in town, and 60 mpg on the highway if gas gets really expensive." Not in real world driving, I doubt Francois is interested in hypermileing. But the Fit's poor crash tests would concern me a lot, maybe outweighing its many virtues. It's a good car aside from that but maybe I'd look at a 2010-11 Mazda 3 hatchback, as well as a '10 Prius to stay within your budget.
Based on what you described and in San Diego...I'd say the Fit is much better for your needs. I owned a 2008 Fit Sport prior to my new 2013 Prius IV and it was a fantastic car. The Prius is going to feel more premium than the Fit but if you're not driving too far of a distance between trips and annually, and driving on mostly level ground, the Fit is going to be a much better car for you - value and MPG. Since the Fit you're looking at is a newer generation than mine, my friends have told me that theirs (the newer generation) is quieter, roomier (it is larger overall), and more powerful. Their average MPG was also better than mine - despite having the same EPA figures. Last note...if you're into the car club scene and mods, the Fit is the way to go. If you're looking for a comfy ride that gives you great gas mileage on some short, but mostly longer trips, then the Prius is a go. I will say it is amazing to get 2-4x greater gas milage since switching to the Prius but a good chunk of "fun" was sacrificed. That's not to say the Gen 3 can't handle just about as good as a Fit and can even beat it in a straight line, but it's not the same! Good luck!
I have a Civic. It does not seem any quieter or more comfortable than the Prius. It probably handles better, but I find it annoying that the steering is too quick, demanding more driver attention. I do the maintenance on the Civic and It is much better designed from that standpoint. Oil and filter is ez to change. Spark plugs and O2 sensor are ez to get to. Belts are a pain though.
I'm puzzled why people recommend the Volt. It's expensive, has a small cargo capacity, the rear seat is cramped, and the ICE is not that efficient and requires premium gas.