Should I buy $50 Zymol car wax?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by mediahound, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. pointcrossed

    pointcrossed Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    San Diego, CA, USA, Earth, Milky Way
    2010 Prius
  2. -1-

    -1- Don

    Jan 16, 2013
    Chester, Virginia
    2024 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    :)I fall into the majority category of owners that don't wax their cars. Those more passionate about their cars, might not understand. While I'm passionate about my vehicles, I can't say the same about waxing.
  3. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You've got to give it a try, build a passion.

    There's something about the packaging, the advertising on most polish, sealants and waxes. Where else do you get to use the word Hydrophobic and Microfiber in the same sentence? I can only hope that my vehicle is ever as shiny as the boxes most of the wax and polish comes in. It's the advertising promises of near invincibility and immortal finish protection. It's the claims of creation in a "scientific lab" after years of research and experimentation. It's not just a wax, sealant or's Sciences gift to the automotive industry. I may not be forever young, but certainly the Hydrophobic Nano Technology of this Wonder Wax will reverse or slow the aging of my vehicle. They say I lost up to $3000 dollars the second I signed the contract and drove my new car off the lot....well I'm getting some of that value back. And I'm using a foam application pad, and a microfiber towel to do it.

    Where else is a thin layer of "something" presented like it's the first line of defense in a beach invasion? You've got to applaud an industry that has gotten an entire generation of full grown adults playing with clay again.

    Sure, on cool summer mornings I slowly open the tin, to the smell of carnuba and a dried cake of some combination of ingredients that the manufacturer insures me will not harm the clear coat. There's something almost genuflective about the application of a small amount of the wax on a new application pad. Applying a haze to clarity, and then Waxing On and Waxing Off like the Karate Kid to a new level of improved clarity. If only there was a mental wax or polish one could apply.- The years certainly have damaged the clear coat of my mind.

    What's the payoff? It's walking towards your vehicle in the company parking lot, after a rain storm and taking stock of the finishes of all the vehicles parked around yours. Some almost dry, in a soaked in acid rain- unprotected way.
    Then it's seeing your vehicle....basking in all it's fully protected hydrophobic glory. Rain drops actually bouncing off of it like bullets off of Supermans chest.

    You've got to give it a try.

    Even though I don't do it, I hear Clay Barring is great fun. You get to rub a pad of clay, all over your vehicle, then you can put a plastic bag over your hand and go over the same surfaces marveling at the new found smoothness. It's almost an act of pornographic automotive sensuality. If you bonded any closer with an inanimate object, especially out in the drive way in front of the neighbors, you'd probably be arrested for violating the morality codes of the local community.

    So whatever products or procedures you adopt, I say "Join Us". It may well be an unhealthy and insane passion, but I need my car finish maintenance fix and the Wal-Mart automotive aisle is my Pusher Man.