I DID in post 18 before you could whine. Are you taking Bob's stance that the Prime should be Gen 4.5 ?
I guess I’ve driven it reasonably then: This was taken at the local Arco where I had to use this strange door on the drivers side for the first time: But the $35 for 9 gallons reminded me of why we got this. Not bad for the first tank of gas .
you have to drive it to believe it, that's how tesla is succeeding. but there are still those who only want lowest toc.
I’m one of them and Toyota delivers that for us. It was funny on Friday as I was unplugging before heading out from work. One of the staff pulled up in his v8 Silverado and complimented the color and was asking questions about it. He’s been thinking about a Volt, so this may have swayed him toward a PHEV.
3 at this company so far. Now to get actual charging locations. When gas is over $4 a gallon, people tend to listen.
I served my sentence there. I watched the Kentucky Derby today. 85 and sunny here. No rain in sight for MONTHS.
There are plenty that still buy v6 or v8 SUV’s. But all I can do is share my story and some will listen. Those that listen and investigate usually find similar results.
You mean in the north east as I’m pretty sure you did on your FLA swoon. You can keep that and I’ll take the fun in the sun.
That’s unfortunate . The roses have been in bloom for about a month now and were perfect for Easter dinner dinner table center pieces . Just good to have nice weather to keep the kids outside.