You are wrong, buying a new car is not just about money as you would not buy a new car in the first place. There are sub $1000 used cars available out there and they will give you the best bang for a buck.
Thanks for all of your input. What I want to say is that too many people focus just on MPG. I heard people saying short trips hurt MPG which is very true. You get no arguments from me about that. But that statement is meaningless since everyone of us had to pay the short trip penalty anyway. Since none of us could avoid it, what's the point of bring it up and make comparisons. At the end of the day, short trip drivers will use less gas while long trip drivers will use more gas. Short trip drivers will get poor MPG while long trip drivers get great MPG. But what's more important? To me, I'd rather be the short trip driver that gets poor MPG but burn less gas
Let's stick with cars that are similar. If I were in the market for used cars, then I would compare two used cars. For most people, money is the issue. There is a reason why more people are buying the Prius instead of the PiP. PiP is a better car technically but money will always be the issue.
$20k for manual after destination charge. That's what is showing when I tried to build one with my zip code.
I got my PiP for $25k. Matrix is $21k MSRP. Perhaps I could get one for $19k at the dealer. $4-6k difference is worth it for me. I have heated seats and remote A/C, better equipped car overall. My PiP uses 1/4 of the gas Matrix would use, in my commute. Short trips running on gas engine CAN be avoided. Majority of my trips are very short (2-4) miles, which makes up about half of my miles. Yet, I am averaging 55 MPG for the miles I use the gas engine. That's the beauty of PiP.
I would thing the people in Russia would also refrain from suffering fools So explain again how a jeep is greener than a Prius, please, now that you have actually decided short trips are bad for gas mileage, overall BTW, I didn't call you a troll, I suggested you change your user name to troll
I don't think so. The average price of a new car sold in USA is $30,000. If you were right, everyone would be driving a base Nissan Versa and entry level KIA cars starting somewhere near $12k. There were times you could buy a brand new Yugo car for $3k and they didn't sell well. I wonder why?
Yup, which is why I said Matrix could be $19k after discount at the dealer. Matrix doesn't qualify for the $2,500 plugin tax credit.
Dodge Dart's are pretty nice. Especially if they come out with the turbocharged SRT version. Stay out of boost and the mileage will be ok. For best MPG away from the Prius, I would go the Focus route. You can still hit the 40's. Although the problem I see with a car that can run in the 40's, that is sportier than the focus is that you may not want to drive it as gently as the Prius. With my Wrangler, I could get maybe 16-17mpg around if I drove it gently. But who wants to drive a Wrangler gently?
You said "I don't think so". What does that mean? If you think money isn't an issue, then in that case, PiP should be flying out of the showrooms. Why would anyone buy a standard Prius if money isn't an issue.
Perhaps it is time to hit "Report" and let the moderators know this thread belongs in some "Other Car" forum. Perhaps the make and model the OP seems to favor. <GRINS> Bob Wilson
Suffering fool? LOL. I'm sorry. Just because you have a narrow mind, that doesn't make other people fools. For the benefits of others, I'll explain. I said my neighbor with his jeep is greener than me with my Prius. Although he gets poor MPG and I get great MPG, at the end of the year, he burns much much less gas than I will because he's retired and put very little miles on his Jeep. It's simple math, really. Anyone with a high school diploma should be able to see this clearly. Being green isn't about what you drive, it's about how small your carbon foot print. Having great MPG doesn't mean you're greener than someone else unless you calculate the carbon foot print.
Report on what? Educating the readers? Opening up people's mind to other possibilities? What are you going to do next? shut down the schools?
PiP was designed for 40% of all potential Prius owners. Those are the people that drive less than 12.5 miles a day in the US. That's the max PiP can capture. PiP is new and just started so, most people are not aware of it's value add. Some just see the price tag and the EV range and stops thinking. It'll take time to overcome that. The efficiency data are rolling in and there is a Top 10 MPGe thread for it.
What are you really expecting, when you come into a Prius board and start complaining about a Prius? I think Report on the fact that this post is getting out of hand, and you and a few others are getting your feelings hurt. The hurt feelings just continue to drag on what has been a dead topic after about the first two pages. You are rehashing the same stuff over and over, the people don't agree with you. Walk away, sell the Prius, buy something you would rather drive and be over it. Agree to disagree..... and understand that you are not going to talk what you think as 'sense' into folks on this board. Work must be really slow today for some =)