Shocking : Tesla Model S gets 26.5 mpg

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by jameskatt, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. roflwaffle

    roflwaffle Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Orange County
    2005 Prius
    Austingreen's post on refining is pretty good. It looks like all in (coal/electricity/nat gas), refineries need ~.75kWh of equivalent electricity (EE) per gallon of fuel (gasoline/diesel/jet fuel/propane).

    Given the figures from the Greet model, that means nat gas used on site could generate another ~2.2kWh EE/gallon and coal is another ~.15kWh EE/gallon. The only unknown is how much electricity is used for onsite refining, but that's probably +/-.25kWh EE/gallon.

    All told, the electricity/coal/natural gas used in extraction/refining could provide ~3.35kWh EE/gallon, assuming equal refining efficiency. Of course, that's not accurate, since gasoline is least efficient in terms of refining. It's not a huge difference, but adjusting for efficiency probably adds ~.1kWh EE to gasoline and reduces diesel/jet fuel/LPG by ~.1kWh EE. We also run E10, not RUG in most places, which bumps up the EE by another ~.1kWh/gallon.

    This puts us at ~3.55kWh EE per gallon of gasoline. At the national average, a MS 70D could travel 10+ highway miles on the electricity generated by the natural gas/coal/electricity needed to create a gallon of E10 gasoline. In states where gasoline production is more energy intensive and has less energy, like CA, something like an i3 could go 20+ miles in the city on the EE needed to create that gasoline.

    All things considered, an EV could go anywhere ~10-20 miles on the electricity we could get from the energy (coal/NG/electricity) we put into making a gallon of gas. Not the electricity. Not the energy. But the electricity we could get from that energy.
    3PriusMike likes this.