Sorry you went through that, it looks painful. Hard to believe people questioning the value of vaccinations!
Oh? People have been doing that for hundreds of years. George Washington hisself mandated vaccinations for "the pox" back when we threw off the yoke of imperial oppression in the late 1700's. HOWEVER (comma!) Our myopic "fact checkers" failed to account for the actions that many of his subordinates used to slow George's roll, and since people in the US who are victimized by public education usually learn their history from assistant coaches.....they often forget that there's was a bit of a difference between Colonial forces and militias. There WERE mandates. There WERE ALSO "anti-vaxxers." ....even when disobeying orders brought MUCH harsher punishment in the military than an AD-SEP! Remember ALSO that then (as now!) there's a bit of a difference between the rights of those in the military and those in CIV-LANT. More recently..... The Polio vaccine ASLO wasn't "exactly" developed overnight NOR without controversary.....and the MMR vaccine took ten years to study before mandates were started....and those four diseases were a "slightly" higher societal threat. Even today, there are (currently) NO STATE MANDATES for the "big 5" if you home school......Six if you count influenza. Other REAL vaccines with REAL longitudinal studies fighting diseases with YUGE societal costs aren't even on the radar.... Yep....I'm lookin at YOU Hepatitis...and your two sisters too! Humans are funny critters. Just about the only vaccine that we've effectively eradicated is smallpox....a disease with about a 30% mortality rate and a predilection to leave some of its survivors with shocking disfigurements. Ever read about the smallpox vaccine? The side effects for this drug are VERY serious and they occur much more frequently than even the most wildly exaggerated Rona shot's effects. I've had three of them......only one voluntary. AND YET.....if we were fighting Smallpox instead of Rona ( I know...2 VERY different types of virus!!) people would be crawling all over each other to get the "21 gun salute!" IYKYK
ETC(SS) Very much enjoy reading your posts. Did you see this story: More than 100 Marines discharged for refusing Covid vaccine as troops across services face discipline When I was in the service in the early 70's I worked with two people forced out of the service during my 6 years because of their weight to height ratio. I don't know if the service still does this or not! I was deployed only infrequently overseas but was required to go through the full battery of shots and vaccines for service personnel headed overseas - had the added thrill of participating in mass shots/vaccination party during basic training to include air guns to accomplish the mass shot/vaccination party accompanied by bleeding arms of people who jumped when getting dosed by the pneumatic guns, fainting serviceman going from one line to the other all under the blazing hot sun of a San Antonio Texas summer day at Lackland AFB. No one ever asked me my opinion of this or if I was okay with this protocol in the service -the worst thing you could do in Basic Training was to "speak up" - boy how things change.
Thanks. Yep. Read it. And....I support the Green Machine's decision. even with the "moved-goalposts" truncated approval process AND the overly polluticized $cience involved. Here's why: The military is an all-volunteer force. It's not a "fair" all volunteer force, and they're selective about whom they accept, and there's another selection process that takes place for those that meet the initial qualifications before they are ALLOWED to wear the globe and anchor, in the case of the USMC. Other branches of the seven uniformed services practice more or less the same jobs fulfillment strategy....mostly less. A "large" part of being in the military is following lawful orders. ALL of them. Don't like it? Don't join. The jar-heads that "face discipline" for disobeying a lawful order will merely be Ad-Sep'd - or separated (fired) from the military. There's a world to this, and mostly it will still be considered to be an "Honorary" discharge.....more or less. doesn't do ANYTHING efficiently and there are layers upon layers of categories and sub-categories for those who were/are discharged under conditions other than just getting to the end of their contract. BY the way. I similarly feel that PRIVATE employers have a right to "employment at will." They have a right to require that employees regularly bathe, work to an agreed upon standard for an agreed upon compensation, do not steal time or inventory, or treat customers like most government employees treat theirs. Don't like being "asked" to take a shot or wear a mask? GO work somewhere else. Last time I checked, other jobs are more than widely available.
Yep/ and the second COVID shot was an experience. I also agree that the military should do what they are told and strongly suggested. The miltary could have fixed this 12 months ago. No commissary/BX with out shots. During the great pandemic they set up tent cities for the sick people. Why bring them into a hospital so they can make everyone sick. Supposely the tent patients had a higher survival rate. I remember the Swine Flu, Black Plague, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, and Cholera shots and that was an experience. Those were mandatory for deployment. I am very conservative but do not understand the insanity of not getting shots. Pretend red necks! A real read neck works in the sun all day in the farm fields and has a real red leather neck. Chewing and spitting / driving a truck on steriods does not make you a real red neck. Most of my family were farmers and that is where I learned to work all day without pay and glad to do it. I would like to live a little longer and that should motivate everyone to do what is logical
I'm curious about something. I've read that people who grow up on farms learn early certain life lessons like, "you reap what you sow." Do you agree with that, and would you say such lessons translated to the "real" world?
I think my best childhood memories were when everyone went to the same church. Crossroads! Not an atheist farmer I ever met in those days. When those farmers sang in their rough voices the angels stopped to listen. Saturday night was bath night! Women and children went first and then the men! Same tub and same water! Love those showers folks. Outhouse was the only bathroom and no running water. Remember getting up at dark and going to the field to be ready to work at daybreak. Packed a small lunch and worked until dark and then went home. One of my uncles was a poor farmer that used two giant horses for everything. He taught me lessons you will never get in school. Like how to train horses to follow directions. I love to see Hispanic crews work hard all day on houses. My wife and I enjoy watching them and listening to their music. Every American needs to have that work ethic. Pay to work! One of my jobs was to walk behind and help move rocks out of the field that the plow dug up. He also taught me about the wildlife and why he liked and disliked certain animals. Loved to going to school with all the teenagers in the community as there was not a mean one in the bunch. Remember my dad taking me to bootleg country to buy lumber. My dad left me at the country store to play with the kids on knife day while he went to a saw mill that only a few trusted people knew about. On knife day, all the boys would bring their knives and toss them in a ring and everyone would grab a knife for the next week to use. New toy every week! What did I learn? Too much to list! 1. Honesty 2. Friendship 3. Loyalty 4. Integrity 5. Work is good 6. People can actually treat each other with dignity and respect. 7. Money is only good enough to buy what you really need/will never buy happiness or true love 8. Lessons helped all through life and the military If we all reap what we sew we would be miserable people. We all make mistakes every day! It is how we deal with failure that makes a decent person (Star Trek episode on Capt Kirk cheating on his final exam/ the exam was to see how we deal with failure). A good person will say, " Well, I will not do that again. What can I do different to have a better outcome?" As a child I was an atheist (another story at another time). Many of my best friends were atheists in the military. Why? Because I understood. Well time to go take food and gifts to my children and grandchildren even though they do not need it. I remember being dirt poor and wondering how my family would feed me.
Kentucky has always been on of my very favorite states (been to 'em all, lived in over a dozen.) Well.....maybe except during basketball season....
Primary religion is basketball in KY. I was in the High school band (Grant County HS) and went on all the basketball trips. What a blast! Race horses Basketball Baptists Saying goes "the state of fast women and pretty horses" I remember, as though it was yesterday, a very pretty majorette with a permanent tan sitting in my lap since there were no seats left on the bus. I was in trouble and knew it. I decided early on that I needed a college education to somehow learn how to make a living. Mountain girl played with my hair in English class and drove me nuts. She said, "why don't you come home with me and eat some possum pie". Had visions of her father with a shot gun. It seems country folk expected marriage in HS before graduation in those days. Anyway! Way off topic! Get all your shots as in all of them. Tiger has them all: Distemper, rabbies, feline leukemia
I owe you a real answer! We will all reap what we sow in the final judgement. Maybe not in this space time continuum. Yes! It is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you get in a bag of seed. 1. Could be the wrong seed 2. Could be bad seed 3. Could be good seed 4. Could be mixed seed 5. Climatic conditions might not be optimum 6. Farmer did not do the planting properly 7. Farmer did not remove weeds during growth 8. Farmer did not properly manage the plant (example is some plants need to be topped of the bloom) And more. This relates to our lives as well. The parable of the planting is worth a read.
Let me play devils advocate..."Disobeyed a lawful order" Okay, show me the law. What? It's not a law, it's a mandate. So they are disobeying a mandate. Okay, show me in the UCMJ where it says you can be punished for disobeying a mandate? (Search all you want, it's NOT in there.) People think it's a cut and dry and white...but it's anything BUT! Just because you are ordered to do something in the military doesn't mean you MUST do have the right to ask if it's lawful. If my colonel told me to go outside and wash his car and I refused could he court martial me for disobeying a lawful order? No, and, in fact, he could be charge with abusing his authority by giving an unlawful order and for conduct unbecoming of an officer. (A charge I really wish we could levy on a whole of out-of-control politicians!) A Federal law has to be passed by both legislative branches and signed by the President. Even though service members are all volunteers, they STILL have protection of their freedoms and rights under the Constitution.
Given the origin of 'mandate' in the Latin word for 'order', it kind of seems you're being too clever by half here. Sure, if you do a computer search to only match a string of letters, perhaps you won't find it, but if your search is done by a human who reads English and recognizes synonyms, they will probably find a number of mentions of consequences when such things are disobeyed. Sure, but just what is it you think you're saying here? If your colonel says "ColoradoBoo, pack your gear and report at 16:00 for X training", are you saying that's an unlawful order until both branches pass, and the President signs, a law directing your colonel by name to send you to X training at 16:00? Or is the order lawful unless both legislative branches have passed, and the President has signed, a law that the order would violate?
Good example. I was just going to generalize and say that a lawful order is one that is not illegal, not one that's required by law. I had an electrician who always wanted to pick the glamor jobs and avoid the hard or dirty jobs. When I told him on a maintenance day to inspect the burner inside one of our ovens, he said, "That's not my job." That's as close as I've ever come to actually biting off someone's head. I showed him in the employee handbook that that job is specifically an electrician's job and then went on down the page and showed him where it said "and any other task assigned by your supervisor."
UCMJ articles 92 and 134 seem applicable…..once they truncated the FDA approval process, that is. Before the 90s…..they could (and they did) go off the reservation a little bit with meds…. “Trust the Experts!”