Had two shingles shots, No issues. No cost to me either but then I pay for the same insurance the congresscritters have. I can't recall ever paying for anything medical related beyond eye care and even that if written up right was cheap.
You might have better insurance than them now. I believe with ACA they had to go through the publicly available plans.
Have a question for you guys who have gotten the new double shot- I had the single shot for shingles about five years ago. Is it recommended by the doctor to get the newer double shot also even if you have had the single shot? If so, I am going to get it at my next doctor's appointment. I have also seen what shingles can do and am one of the individuals who want no part of that experience! Thanks in advance for your replies
Yes, because the new 2-shot vaccine (Shingrix) is more effective than the previous 1-shot vaccine (Zostavax): Shingrix Shingles Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know | CDC "Who Should Get Shingrix? Healthy adults 50 years and older should get two doses of Shingrix, separated by 2 to 6 months. You should get Shingrix even if in the past you had shingles received Zostavax* are not sure if you had chickenpox" From another source: "The ACIP voted that Shingrix is preferred over Zostavax for the prevention of zoster and related complications because data showed vaccine efficacy of more than 90% against shingles across all age groups, as well as sustained efficacy over a 4-year follow-up." "Zostavax was shown to reduce the incidence of shingles by 51% in a study of 38,000 adults aged 60 and older who received the vaccine. The vaccine also reduced by 67% the number of cases of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and reduced the severity and duration of pain and discomfort associated with shingles, by 61%."
If "shingles" to you means ANYTHING besides something that people use as a roofing material you would get as many vaccinations, tested or untested, "allowed" or not....as you could POSSIBLY get. Besides a kidney stone, it's one of the few generally non lethal medical issues I fear, and I haven't even HAD shingles but rather I watched my father and another relative battle it. I HAVE had a kidney stone.... If they every develop a vaccination against those, I'd be the FIRST human volunteer for the FIRST dose!
It’s brutal. Very unique super sharp pain that pain pills did not help much. like your being stabbed with a super sharp stick. Slightest movement of your body really wakes it up so going from the bedroom to the bathroom is a long long journey. Can’t sleep. And if you want to horrify yourself just Google it. The local supermarket Publix had table set up lady asking if want any shot. Last year and half I have had 8 vaccine shots. 2 Flu. 3. Pfizer. 2.SHINGREX. 1 Numovax . Bring. Them. On.
After battling an 8 mm stone for over a week, & shingles across the face & scalp? Almost the dead even race. At least there's a vaccination for shingles.
I have the plan that is available to government employees thanks to my wife who worked for the feds before and after raising kids. It isn't cheap but for major things like prostate cancer, knee replacement, etc we have to pay almost nothing. Meds are co-pays only. The company (14 different owners) I worked for for 37 years terminated all medical and pension benefits beyond those a person had accrued.
Howdya get the stone out?! I'm reliably informed that my ureters (like most others) have a 2mm bore, and for some reason our designer made them sorta non-flexible. I'm thinking that an 8mm (hopefully not spiny) rock would take a little bit of.....ah....'grunt work.' Interestingly enough, at least to me, I listened to a STYK podcast about these little devils. Stuff You Should Know - Kidney Stones: No! Please, NO!
The advantage to federal employees for health insurance is the huge number of choices in providers, and the fact that they can choose to continue coverage instead of going on Medicare. As you know, that choice is pricey, and preretirement, it isn't all milk and honey like pundits like to portray. The rate amount of the premium paid for by the government is about average compared to the private sector. Of course, the government being such a huge employer meant they got generally lower rates. There are some really nice plans compared to what most of the private sector got, but had qualifications. I think nearly any federal employee can opt for the USPS plan, but they had to join the postal carrier union. Once found a really sweet plan that ended up being only available to CIA employees. I don't know about their staff, but Congress critters use to get a plan much better than that of federal employees. That changed with the ACA.
Too long to listen, but I've heard about ultrasonic shock wave lithotripsy, focused sound waves to shatter the stones into little pieces. At least my suspected stone was not large enough to be visible on xray, and was somehow gone in 15 hours without being noticed in the toilet bowl. I was supposed to screen for it, but was forgetful under the opioids, then woke up from the next nap cycle to suddenly realize it was gone. A long hot summer hike left me under-hydrated, probably dropping a stone. It was bad enough that even the smallest sip of water triggered vomiting. I went to Urgent Care for a rehydrating IV, they gave me 2 liters laced with opioids. If pain is related to stone diameter or volume, I'd really hate to experience one large enough to actually show up on xray, let alone 8mm.
if one can call it fortunate, fortunately it was the (usually described as) mulberry style. The stones containing other minerals that look like children's Jacks? Yea I would have probably passed out if passing one like that into the tea strainer. Instead - just lots of screaming like a little girl. .
Actually Medicare is my first payer and the rest is sent on to BlueCross. So we have both and pay for both.
In fact, since we have Medicare and also a Plan F gap policy, there were no out of pocket expenses for either my or my wife's knee replacement. Edit to add that we do still have some out of. pocket with drugs though, but not much.
14 years ago! I put the stone picture up on PC. Looks like the server we used back then went belly-up. Exercise, Eat right ~ then go straight to the Hospital | PriusChat .
There have been several host migrations since I arrived 13 years ago, and very many images have been lost and links broken.
Yep. That’s OK though. I have full faith that “yours is bigger” and I don’t even want a participation trophy in this contest……
Roughly ½ of the way thru this journey of life so far - only age 33 .... year 1988. My date w/infamy. Dad took the picture; Hopefully this serves as an advertisement to get your vaccination. .