We had the old singe dose shot years ago. Last year we got the Shingrex shots. No issues for me. Just a little tenderness in the injection site. My wife's arm turned so red and swollen after the first dose that the doctor told her to not have the second one.
I got the first Shingrex shot early last year during a regular PM inspection. I had a very robust reaction (sore arm, redness and slight swelling, low grade fever, forced afternoon nap) HOWEVER (comma!) I also got the pneumonia vax on the same day. I rebounded the next day and shot #2 was immediately followed by Pfizer #1 with zero side effects. I watched two family members go through shingles. If my reaction to the first vaccine were orders of magnitude worse, I would have ignored my doctor’s advice about not getting the second dose and found a way to get it anyway.
I got pneumonia shot in one arm on a Wednesday, and shingles shot in the other arm two days later on a Friday. November 12, I hope to get my COVID booster, then January 21 my second shingles shot. I am usually too busy in December to be out of sorts for a couple of days. (Choir Christmas performances, Christmas parties, scheduling Christmas meal delivery, (550 meals last year, 16 volunteers), vacation in Washington state)
We are both almost 60 so got our two adult shingles shots late last year. To be honest, they had some side effects of very sore arms, lethargy, and lasted 2-3 days. So we did ours on Friday to have the weekend to take it easy. The 2nd shot was worst than the first but totally worth not getting shingles...some people get it in their face/neck which is very painful.
Indeed, the CDC fact sheet didn't make it seem like a very hard decision. I'll take the sore arm thanks. (From CDC site, photo credited to M.Oxman.)
mrs b got the covid booster yesterday, pfizer on pfizer, couldn't sleep, and can't lift her arm today.
I wouldn't post my picture from shingles, but this person looks exactly like I did, with the exception of the crustiest deepest part of the damage occurred right over my eye which the ophthalmologist checked daily fearing I'd lose it. .
Ouch my sympathy if it helps Mrs lower case B. On Twitter I follow a guy who went to get a Booster and Flu shot in the left arm. Mistake though, what he actually got was both Pfizer and Moderna boosters. So he should be good re: COVID immunity. I guess best practice they show you the shot label first. I usually only get one shot at a time.
she is better today, thank you. when mrs b went into cvs and they came out with the shot, she said, 'is it the covid booster?' the tech laughed and said, 'i don't know how they make those mistakes, the flu shot is single dose, the covid shot has to be drawn out of the bottle into the syringe'.
The COVID shot also has to be diluted. At mass vaccination centers, they have people in the back who prepare the syringes. You never see them. The person who actually administers the injection didn't prepare it. This is a weak point for errors. When you walk into a community pharmacy, the person who administers the injection also prepared it.
I don't think that is totally true. I believe it depends on which variety of shot you are talking......and they all are not the same.
Now I see that is true, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine must be diluted, but the Moderna version must not: My initial search didn't show anything regarding J&J.
Got my shingrix yesterday. As others said above, a feeling of fatigue. It was coupled with a slight headache, but worst of all, through that first night? Huge chills and was snuggled up in bed multiple layers of blankets and bed clothing - to no avail. Today some of the strength is coming back & the chills are gone.
Wife and I both got our 2 SHINGREX shots about 6 months ago. 1st both tired and sore arm. 2nd no issue. People that never get there shingle shots all have one thing in common. They never had Shingles before lol. Cause Wow does that hurt. I Got the classic across the chest model hurt so bad couldn’t take a full breath from my ribs moving lol. Just the dog hopping onto the bed made me scream. I’ll do anything not to get that again. Plus the model that may take your eye out or where you get it in the nether regions lol. Jesus.
I got my Shingrex booster this week. Boy, was it a woozy! Felt like I got hit by a truck. Feverish, chills and achy. Highly recommend taking ibuprofen if you have these side effects. Symptoms mostly subsided for as long as the ibuprofen was working. Two days later, most symptoms gone, except a little tenderness at shot site. (Earlier I posted that the first shot was fine, just a sore arm.)
Keep in mind that (as with all vaccinations) you should not take ibuprofen or acetaminophen until after you get a fever. Some people prophylactically take a fever reducing pill to prevent the fever, but studies have shown that doing to gives you a reduced immune response. If you want to get the most gain out of your vaccination (and your pain), you need to allow your immune system to react to it properly.
After having the same shiver ache symptoms - and trying to be positive - the second dose in a couple months? Looking forward to it being much much easier. (crossing fingers & toes) Surprised our Medicare didn't pick up more of the tab! They said it would be $200 without insurance? Jeez, you would think it would save the insurance system money to not drive people away from the vaccine & & into the Urgent Care. .
About four hours ago, I paid $189 and got my second shot. After my regular mid-morning nap, I started cutting and shift the fallen tree limbs to the curb. After an hour or so, no other symptoms than those associated with cutting and moving a couple of hundred pounds of tree limbs. So my wife asked, "Are you tired and need to rest?" I answered, "Baby I'm 72 years old, I'm always tired and need a rest." (And I thought with carnal feelings, 'In your arms.') Bob Wilson