I think we need more LOVE motels, charged on per hour basis, so we wouldn't have to distroy our Priuses
What do you call a guy who "pulls out" or "counts days" for birth control? Daddy! And who can afford a Prius but not a hotel room? Those who financed their Prius to the point where most of their disposable income goes to car payments (I don't count myself in that group).
Did anyone else follow heliotropehead's link to car sex positions? Zowie! :blink: I'm no prude, but that was quite the educational experience. I have two observations I can share: 1) I don't think the prius hood is strong enough for that sort of thing, and 2) I'll never be able to look at a wheelbarrow the same way again.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I know! And how is lesbian cheerleader sex considered a car sex position? I used google and that came up (pun) as one of my first choices. I was trying to help out our little resident freak.
Love those people!! Bread and Butter. They put my kids through College... that and those that know what they are doing. Gotta Love them.
You can have sex in ANY car. It just takes some imagination and a little (or a lot) of flexibility. Where there's will there's a way. Pulling out does NOT work. That's why child #3 is currently on the way.
littleprius: If you truly do not know this stuff, do not have sex (at least not with anyone else). Wikipedia is your friend.
Condoms and birth contol pills are not fool-proof either. Let me be clear on this: THE ONLY FOOL-PROOF METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL IS TO NOT HAVE SEX! It's that simple. Condoms have a 3% failure rate. Birth control failure rates vary on exact pill, but also is around 2-3% Pulling out has a 30-50% faliure rate. Take your chances if you like. Just ne prepared to deal with the results afterwards. They are not to be taken lightly. For us it's not a big deal. We are financially sound, have a big enough house, and have big enough cars. We were thinking of having more kids anyway, it just hapened sooner than we thought it would. We weren't trying, but we weren't not trying.
I suggest folding the front seats forward moving to the rear seat and getting your freak on cowboy style. But if cars came with front bench seats it would be much easier. With prius shifter on dash front bench is possible.
The best way I found is from the backseat. You get the girl to turn towards the front, in between the front seats. You may have to move the seats forward some. You position yourself behind her and...... you know the rest. I'll draw a diagram if need be.
Twice in the Prius. Once in the passenger seat in the front with it laid all the way back and once... Get this... Ok stay with me here... In the back seat... I was on top with my butt on the center console and my knees on the seat and he was under me and I was leaning forward. It was spectacular for just doing something different. Cheers to all who make it spicy!