I was being sarcastic, by the way. At 16 I was more concerned with my complexion than anything else. I'm still appalled by kids having sex. I guess I'm just a Prius loving prude.
well said, Doc. while many 17 year olds are pretty street smart, not all of them know the dangers involved in what seems to be an innocent good time. once it's over, there's no going back, and the lifelong consequences are pretty harsh. and unplanned pregnancy is no picnic either. for the parents or the resulting child...
lol! It's a worm... or it was. I'm having avatar issues and can't get one to stick. If it looks like a penis, however I hope it doesn't stick. That's all I need is another dick following me around!
littleprius, an ob/gyn is a medical doctor who specializes in women's reproductive health- obstetrics and gynecology. i'm sure hdrygas can give you a MUCH better perspective in his own words but for the purpose of answering your question i thought i'd shoot this out there. we all just want you to be careful, and it sounds like you have a lot of things to learn before going ahead and trying this venture. if you can't talk to your dad, please talk to someone else you trust before proceeding. just a few minutes can be a dramatically life changing experience.
If you don't know what Ob/Gyn means, you might think twice about having sex in a Prius, or anywhere for that matter. Hint: They're the guys with the ridiculously high malpractice insurance premiums.
oh no no no. you are asking for trouble using that method. big trouble. i urge you, talk to someone- PM me if you like- before you go ahead with this. i'm a pharmacologist. i deal with coming up with treatments for all the diseases you can get from having unsafe sex.
Thanks for telling me what an"ob/gyn is". When President Bush recently used the term in a speech about reforms, I thought he was talking about some special forces operations in Iraq! My friends tell me, like the Nike slogan, "Just Do It!" and that it will be a "dramatically life changing experience!" I didn't know about precautions....
"Well, I would have asked my Dad but I know he would be angry at the question!" :huh: . . . and yet we are amazed at his lack of knowledge regarding OB/GYNs???? :huh: I think the PriusChat community is being had! Think about it - He is a 17 year old kid . . . sitting in front of a computer . . . which is connected to the internet. Do you actually think he doesn’t know about Google or Wikipedia and needs to ask the PriusChat community about sex? Was it his dad who was smart enough to know when to pull out, or yours? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ob/gyn http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF8...G=Google+Search
Well, he's also posted this: "This is what I tell my wife....I won't trade you "for anything" and that you "and I are together for the long run"!!" So, basically, it looks like he can be just about anyone he wants to be......since he's on the internet.
I'd be afraid the air bags would go off when we do! Now THAT would be safe sex, huh? Toyota is dash indicator happy so I wonder if they put in a 'car rocking' indicator lamp, or maybe one to warn you that your windows are steamed up. MAYBE they could tap into the tidle wave power generation technology and link it to the suspension and battery so one could actually gain some energy back while rocking the car. How would that be figured into the sticker estimates? Interesting.
What's the point of moving a thread to Fred's, if you leave behind a link to it in the old forum? All you've really accomplished is putting it in both forums. As for having sex in a car, sex in cars is for people who have no place else to go and can't afford the cost of a cheap hotel room. How many people can afford a Prius but not a hotel room?