I can't believe its been 8 years since that dreadful day. I was very close by when it happened. My office was about 1/2 mile north of the towers in an area called SoHo. I actually witnessed with my own eyes the second tower coming down at ~10:25AM that day. It is an image etched in my mind that I'll never forget. Lastly, there is one name on that list that was a friend/neighbor of mine when I was growing up.
i can also not believe its already so many years. i can still remember it like yesterday i was on route to home when on the radio there was a message of a plane that hit the WTC tower. at home i put the TV on and together with my mother i watched the news. ( i think i was watching CNN ) and then live on tv there was a second plane that hit the other tower......... ............. ok.. then there was that moment where you now this can not be a mistake. and maybe even a new world war..( with the involvment of country's al over the world in iraq and afganistan and the war agains terrorisme you can maybe even call it that ) i did cry ( am not afraid to say that ) and visited newyork( ground zero ) in 2005 on a stopover to california on vacation. still to date i can not believe the terror that people in those building must have been in. it now is part of my history but lets hope nothing like it wil ever happen again. but it did change the way i look at things still to date. in a way you can say it changed my way of live and not always for the better.