read the most ridiculous article in business insider yesterday. must have been one of the shorts. trying to defraud the public (investors?) by claiming that fcev's will soon take over and surpass bev's, and tesla and musk will be left in the dust. 'they already have 5 minute refuel time' 'they already have longer range' 'all they need is': infrastructure a deal with natural gas companies mass production to bring down costs. yeah, no problem
I saw a synopsis of the same article and remembered, "There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute." There was also a brief YouTube showing a Taycan Turbo doing a maximum acceleration ... pathetic. Bob Wilson
These drag race videos must stop. They're making the new tech look as if only fools and idiots drive these, though, and sadly, that is partly also true. More videos from Bjorn, Ben Sullins, Joy, Raj and others like them are so much better, but unfortunately hardly ever filter to the top of "the news" that most people read and view. There's so much going for EV's and that needs to be conveyed to more eyeballs.
I see little evidence that Internet video/stories have any effect. Those I meet and demo our Model 3 remain surprised by what they experience. Bob Wilson
Tesla's market value is now more than Ford and GM's combined (TSLA) | Markets Insider $500 ?!? . . . . (at least for a quick moment there) market value higher than Ford & GM combined? That reminds me of the heady days when Schwarzenegger & Stallone's restaurant, Planet Hollywood, had a similar goings-on, being higher than GM. .
I’ve got a put for $560. Based on activity, I may increase it to $590 if evidence of a stronger SHORT ‘hug’ is going on. Yes I’m banking the results in gold stocks. Bob Wilson
OK, OK, I might have been off by almost two years in my statement above. TSLA is hovering around $520 right now. Wow! EDIT: Oh dear, $532 in aftermarket trading today. Could hit $536 tomorrow.
Rats! Raised my most recent put to $595. If Tuesday is like Monday, I'll have to go to $645. Bob Wilson
I'd like to call your $645 and raise to $6,000. Tesla going to over $6,000 per share: Ark Invest's Catherine Wood
Actually I set the next tranche to $990 because the buy/sell performance suggests a slow-motion, SHORT squeeze is going on. My primary clue are the huge, single daily buy events frequently followed by a day or two of 'quiet'. I'm seeing 2-3 such buy spikes events every week. The quiet periods allow the stock to 'settle' for the SHORTs' next raid. Basis of Estimate: Tesla, Inc. Common Stock (TSLA) Short Interest | Nasdaq 12/31/2019 - $26,259,152 The $26 B has per share increased with the share cost BUT the SHORTs clearing out their position has reduced their exposure (at some loss today.) Just the current situation if not kind to the last SHORTs to leave. Another patten I'd noticed is three days before the earnings report data, Jan 29, 2020, there is a local peak in TSLA stock price. So if I see a good opportunity on Monday, Jan 27, 'carpe diem.' Bob Wilson
Source: Global Surface Temperature: Going Down the Up Escalator, Part 1 Called climbing the down escalator, it happens when the primary signal is mixed with noisy data. So anyone with a 'short range' view will select temporary downward trends only to ignore the upward spikes. This pattern is what I'm seeing the TSLA price. But there is a calculus trick that attenuates the noise: plot the first smooth line connecting the local 'maximum' values plot a second smooth line connecting the local 'minimum' values a trend line between these two curves is the long term, rise (or lower) curve My expectation is the next price jump should be after hours Thursday and/or Friday. There will also be another early Monday. Then a period of 'noise' while the stock trends downward. Bob Wilson
Source: Tesla, Inc. Common Stock (TSLA) Short Interest | Nasdaq Closed: down $19.42 After hours, ~30 minutes later: up $3.03 Bob Wilson
Then there is the pending Model Y release. CARB already has a Tesla communication with that EV characteristics. Bob Wilson