Screw toenails, I'm ripping someone's friggin foot off!!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by bigbaldcuban, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. drbob

    drbob New Member

    Apr 7, 2004
    Northern Michigan
    I feel so bad for you. This could easily happen to anyone. I know when I put a $500 deposit down last October my check was niether cashed nor acknowledged with a written sales agreement. I live in a small town and this is just the way we do business. It could have bit us in the butt though.

    I'm really sorry your dealer has gone over to the dark side.
  2. Huck

    Huck New Member

    May 12, 2004
    North Carolina, USA
    I am disappointed to hear this. This is where a few of us on Prius Chat recently got our cars at MSRP. If they, like BigBaldCuban's dealer, have now decided to gouge people, I will find that personally disappointing because I liked them and referred people to them.

    On the other hand, I'd like to think that for people already on their list, especially those who have waited faithfully based on the terms that were given to them when they got in line, even Advantage (if they are, in fact, price gouging, that is) would not do what these horrible "bean counters" in Texas have done, by pulling the rug out at the last minute!

    I think you have good cause to fight back in any way possible, and I wish you the best of luck.
  3. miniracer

    miniracer New Member

    Feb 12, 2004
    Oakland, CA
    I think that is the coldest thing I have heard of. Since it is kind of "iffy" as to whether you had a legal contract; and, because they are returning your money, your "loss" is limited to your time, anguish, hopes, etc. I don't know if the legal system can help you here.

    I think, in times like this, that the press is your friend, and I would make every effort to bring them in. It is amazing what public pressure and bad press can do.

    Pressure on Toyota Corporate might get better results, as a lot of people might be "deadened" by yet another story of "car customers getting screwed" - because this has been happening since the inception of the industry.

    I wish you all the best in this. Had it happened to me I think I would have lost it altogether.

    I would almost be tempted to go outside Texas, find a dealer and even pay a reasonable amount over MSRP, grab your ankles, so to speak, get a car and move on. If you keep a car 10-15 years what the hell is the difference anyway.

  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Listen, Daniel makes the most sense of all here. Don't create a stir with the press or anything like that yet...that will put the dealership in a corner, make them defensive and create further annimosity.

    As I suggested earlier, go to the manager, call, make a specific appointment (today or tomorrow, don't let them stall you). Go in with print outs of anything you have showing that they verbally (e-mailly?) agreed to MSRP. Tell them that you feel that that was a contract for price and that you agreed to that contracted price by leaving your deposit.

    Reinforce how long you've been patiently waiting for the car (exact days, I know you know them). Tell him flat out that you want him to take a few hours, or a couple days, to discuss this with "the corporate bean counters" and get back to you. Make it clear, and under no uncertain terms what, exactly, the consequences of failing to follow through on the agreement will be:
    1)Letter to the BBB
    2)Contacting all local media outlets consumer advocates and informing them of your plight
    3)Contacting a lawyer to discuss options for a civil suit for breech of contract.
    4)Absolute refusal to buy a car from that dealership at any time for any price in the future.

    Try not to sound out of control angry, but rather in complete control, knowledgeable, and confident.

    In the mean time, start looking at other outlets. WV isn't THAT far from TX, is it?
  5. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    Frankly, Vandergriff doesn't deserve my business. I've already spoken and placed a deposit with Durant Toyota in Weatherford, TX (Tom Hammon). He stated up front that they add $1,000 to the car. I don't care about the mark up, I've paid below sticker for both my F150 and my wife's Xterra. As a true believer in supply and demand economics, I have no problem with paying exrta for an in demand car. I do believe in being up front with people so I'm giving this local dealer a chance to redeem the D/FW area. If I get hosed here, I'm giving up on Toyota all together and looking at other makes.
  6. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    FYI- He only has 4 or 5 people on his wait list. He believes 2 want a Salsa 9. I'll compromise on color, maybe package. He told me he gets no more than 1 car per allocation (1 or 2 a month). We'll see how this plays out. Aaron, you and your car are safe. I'm on my way to Vandergriff to pull their "bean counters" lips over their heads, cram it straight into their nice person and see if they can swallow their own sh&*!!!
  7. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Those of you looking for the scene of the "Outraged Cuban on the Loose". please visit Vandergriff Toyota.

    [Broken External Image]:

    Seriously, I would follow what Daniel & Evan have to say, see what Vandergriff says back to you. If they are completely non-compliant then we'll start a pissed-off 2,000+ person phone campaign.
  8. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Come on Manny, give what Daniel and I have suggested a chance. You're absolutely right that they don't 'deserve' your business, but at this point they're also your best shot of getting your Salsa #9 soon. It sucks to have to play the games that way, but at this point your options are crappy and crappier.

    It's worth a shot to put a little leverage on them, you're in good position to succeed. You're kinda 'steaming' right now and I think you'll regret not working through all your options if you just give up on those idiots completely.
  9. texassalsa04

    texassalsa04 New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Dallas, Texas
    Manny, Sorry to hear about your incident. I just saw the post and I must say that if it was me, I would have rampaged through the dealership looking for vengence. But as others say here, keep your cool in public and keep your hopes up even if you go to another dealer. As for the Plano dealer, that is outrageous! Plano, especially that part of town, has a demographic of average household incomes around $85,000 per year (no, I do not make that much myself). I know because I live and work in Plano. Please do not let the dealer's reputation tarnish the image of this master planned city. Plano has been ranked among the top city to live in among other cities in the nation. My first stop on my way to purchase a Prius last September was this dealer because I wanted to help businesses located in Plano by shopping first in Plano. After only a few minutes, I got a bad taste in my mouth. After half an hour, I left in disgusts. I promptly stopped by a neighboring city (Richardson) and it was like night and day compared to the Plano dealer. The sales rep I had, really gone above and beyond the call, on my purchase. If you need info from the Richardson dealer, let me know and I can recommend the sales rep to you. I do not know if he/dealer will charge a premium above MSRP but at least it will a be another decent contact. Good luck. Tony.
  10. Marg

    Marg New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Eastern Ontario, Canada
    Manny asks:

    My uninformed guess is that it would depend somewhat on the content of the message. Does it say something like, for example, "These days, we're selling Prius package 9's for $25,000" or is the message more like "The cost of the Prius you ordered from us will be $25,000"?

    The latter is a more firm commitment than the former.
  11. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    I've reported it to corporate (yes, I know they can't do much, but at least I can say I've tried). I've left a message on the customer relations manager voicemail and will give her 48 hrs. to call me back. What should my next step be?
  12. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    Well, Cust. Relations called back and it amounted to
    "Yeah, we got tired of people asking us when their cars coming in, so we're selling them on a first come, first serve basis. The fact you've been waiting since Jan. is irrelevant.
  13. miniracer

    miniracer New Member

    Feb 12, 2004
    Oakland, CA
    I sure get the feeling that Toyota just doesn't care, and all the babble about "thanks for being so patient" is just self-serving crap. They've got us by the cojones and they know it all too well.
  14. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I outlined your steps above--bypass the Cust. Relations...their job isn't to help you, it's to deflect you from the people who can help you but don't want to deal with stuff.

    Either call and make a firm appointment with the manager or just walk in the door so they can't avoid you...a busy time of day may be good b/c they don't want other customers seeing/hearing you gripe at the receptionist, but it might be bad b/c the mgr. may be legitimately busy and losing another customer for them won't get you anywhere.

    I would directly confront them with the facts, the e-mail and how you feel that there was a a contract that they are now breeching for the sole purpose of getting higher profits. Tell them that you want/expect them to stand by your contract (use that word a lot and don't let them tell you you didn't have a contract just b/c it wasn't written on a formal piece of paper--most handshake contracts are still pretty binding in most states). If they continue to refuse tell them you will contact a lawyer, the press, the BBB and anyone else important--maybe the state licensing boards, etc.

    Manny, you don't have to do this angrily, but you need to be firm and assertive and not be put off by the first pawn that threatens to check-mate you. You've got a lot of other pieces on the board, play them.
  15. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Yeah, but you "came first" -- back in January!

    :oops: Ack... need to rephrase that....
  16. Che

    Che New Member

    Jun 21, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    I would suggest giving up on the urban dealers, most of the ones I spoke with here in the southeast were uncooperative and had a high incident of price gouging (West Ashley Toyota wanted 31K for a used 1600 mile base model 04!). The rural dealers seem to be less likely to do this, maybe because their demand is lower.
    We bought our tideland #9 from Griffin Toyota in Hamlet, NC for MSRP and not a dime over. They were very friendly and cooperative and even gave us Blue Book retail for our trade in. At the time they had no waiting list for prii. I found the car by daily searching of the inventory pages of all the dealers within reasonable driving distance. Found ours due to be delivered in a few weeks, called them, put a deposit on it and drove home in it the day it arrived.
    Maybe we were just extra lucky.
  17. Che

    Che New Member

    Jun 21, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    Cars do just pop up on the lots available for general sale every once and again. We actually looked at 3 other prii at other dealers before we bought ours. All were at the two dealers here in Charleston, the first we did not buy because they would only give us 12k for our trade in valued at 20k at the time. The second two were both at the same time and place oddly enough, this was the West Ashley dealer. The new package 9 seaside they had on the lot they wanted 35k for! Yeah right. We promptly left.
    So anyway, my point is you do not have to be on a waiting list to get one. Just patient and persistent with the internet and the telephone.
  18. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    i think that to a certain extent toyota is basically 'throwing up their hands' because they can't keep track. what with people placing multiple deposits, traveling hundreds of miles from home, putting them up on Ebay, they just can't keep track and they are admitting it.

    prius - the cabbage patch doll of 2004-05
  19. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    If I get a car at all, it'll be at Durant Toyota. If not a Prius, I might get me a Matrix.
  20. Tempus

    Tempus Senior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Washington DC
    2004 Prius
    One other thing. Toyota Regions have been known to Allocate cars to specific dealers for specific people before in situations where something really bad has happened.

    It's possible that a nice exchange with Regional may result in them sending a car to the dealer and saying "Give this to him at MSRP and tell him we're very sorry for the confusion."

    It's happened before :)