Scanner survey

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by bwilson4web, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. w2co

    w2co Member

    Dec 11, 2009
    Longmont, CO.
    2006 Prius
    As Bob mentioned that little four pin header is for programming the pic only (TXD and Tclk +gnd). No output there. I have also been using an SGII in my 06' gen2 prius for a while now and it works very well in that car. I monitor SOC, MPG(avg), RPM, and GPM but I change GPM to BTA sometimes. Of course on the gen2's it uses CAN buss communications via the OBDII connector. When we use a SGII on a gen1 car, it is not CAN buss it is iso-9141 so the SGII must initialize iso-9141 comms. which the SGII does as well. The Xgauges for CAN and iso-9141 are totally different as is communications in general, Iso has serial like data w/low update rates, CAN is so much faster as the SGII actually becomes one of the nodes in the CAN buss (parallel) with the other ecu's, continually polling data through each other. I own two SGII's, one for the gen2 (leave it in all the time as it "learns" the car) and the other for the gen1 (iso-9141 comms. and totally different Xgauge settings).

    Now as far as getting any data out of the SGII for record is probably not possible given the pic code (and the hardware) it has does not support any outputs other than the lcd. This is really unknown at this point unless someone gets a "copy" of the assembly code <grins>. It's basically an input only monitoring device. The AE software and the "Pro-Line" conn. can record data live in either gen1 or gen2 as myself and others have been playing with lately. Yes it can only record values from ONE controller at a time. Mostly in virgin territory there..They probably have gen3 by now???I haven't looked in a while. This would be a good suggestion to AE to have more than one controller displayed at the same time. But I heard somewhere they could not do this for some reason in ANY version.

    As far as connecting two devices at the same time to the OBD I wouldn't try this as the parallel impedances will now be at least 1/2 the resistance of just one, and could cause too much current flow from the gateway ecu. So without some very complicated buffering/isolation circuitry it probably is not a good avenue to take.
    2 people like this.
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    That was one of my first trouble reports to them and they claimed it had to do with 'initialization.' But from what I can tell from the ISO-4191 standard, this is bogus unless they are using an ECU-by-ECU logic. The standard does not require a per ECU initialization and if the 5 baud technique is used, there is no way to address individual ECUs (or I've misread the standard.) This is just another example of the poor support from Auto Enginuity.

    BTW, I loaded their latest from the end of August and it still does not include the ZVW30.

    Bob Wilson
  3. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Sorry to be bringing this thread back up from the grave but I also was looking into some scanners, but being new to this technology I had no idea what to look for.

    My first choice is the Equus 3130, I haven't read or heard anyone speak of this device but after reading people on here speak of the Autoenginuity with the Toyota enhancement, I'm leaning more toward that.

    From the people using this device, can you tell me how much data can be retrieved opposed from me taking it to a dealer to have hooked up to a professional machine? Also I noticed a few devices that had a feature that allowed the user to reset the "check engine" light, does the Autoenginuity also have this feature?

    Thanks in advance!
  4. 2009Prius

    2009Prius A Wimpy DIYer

    Mar 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
    In addition to posting questions here I would also e-mail the manufacturer and see what kind of response I get. If the pre-sale support is not satisfactory I would walk away - the after-sale tech support won't be better. Just my 2 cents and good luck! :)
  5. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I don't really like talking to companies of the products I'm interested in, usually they tell you only what you want to hear. The only time I'll ever speak with a company is if I have problems with the product. I'm not saying all companies will tell me only what I want to hear but from some that I've dealt with in the past, I'd rather talk and listen with people who already own it. Less of a headache and I find that most reviews and experience that some people put into the products is much more valuable to read than a chart of what the product is supposed to do. Thanks for the advice though.
  6. 2009Prius

    2009Prius A Wimpy DIYer

    Mar 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
    Maybe I didn't say it clear enough. I meant that if one has some specific tech questions like you do then it is good to ask the manufacturer directly. (Any general query about the product would likely be useless as you pointed out.) For example I decided not to buy AutoEnginuity after learning directly from the manufacturer (via e-mail) that their product can not talk to more than one ECU in the same session. Hope this clarifies it. Good luck! :)

    By the way your point on user review is well taken. Recently I wasted hours on the phone with the outsourced tech support department of one of the largest software companies on the planet. :mad: Later a Google search solved the problem in less than 5 minutes. ;)
  7. Nersciple

    Nersciple Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    North America
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I got what you meant, but I've had some bad issues with companies telling me there products does this and that, tech questions that were pretty specific and when I finally got the product I was irritated to know that their product doesn't do what I want it to do. Chalk it up to bad customer service or even the high ups that tell their customer service people to say the things they say. That is why I rely pretty heavily on the Internet and some good ole fashioned research. Just in the last few days I've learned more from this site than anywhere else, which is the main reason why this site has become my primary source to find knowledge. And just to be clear, I do check other sources for the questions I ask, maybe not in forum form but I definitely do a good amount of research. I just thought that since two people owned this product then they'd be able to give me a more extensive review. But thanks for the suggestion.

    And outsourced customer service is the worst. I once spent 3 hours on the phone, in the days when I was new to wireless routers, and I couldn't understand a word the man was saying. He even had the nerve to give me attitude over his improper use of English.