Is the VIN the same as the one he sent before? I.e., the VIN of the one you now own? If you're willing to post the VIN of the one he just sent you -- assuming it's different from the previous one -- I can look up the official history according to Toyota.
Can you get him to send the smog certificate? The original had the Plate information on it, and the VIN can be obtained from that.
I really hope this guy will get some justice. The cops don't need to catch him in the act for anything on this current scam, although of course that would be ideal. If there is already enough evidence of the scam he pulled on qnami, but somehow they cannot identify or find him, all they need to do now is confirm it's the same guy and arrest him. Unfortunately though, for those in more normal states who may not understand what it's like here in CA, there is an overall attitude out here that people committing crimes are oppressed and needing protection more than enforcement. Take a crap in the aisle at the grocery store? Here's a hotel room at the Four Seasons and some drugs. The cops may want to enforce laws, but at some point when they see the result of all their work walking the street that same day, they seem to lose interest.
What's the end game of this game? At some point you just hand over information to Law Enforcement. Then YES, you just hope something is done. OR What do you do? A citizens arrest? You better be careful or you'll end up being sued for harassment, if it turns out this isn't the same guy or a scam. There is a line you cross where self action becomes dangerous. I know you want justice/resolution but my bottom line, is at some point this isn't a situation best handled by the victim or a regular citizen.
You need to read everything throughly. Never in this thread I mentioned that I would go cowboy on this scammer. When I contacted this guy with my phone number and with no response for 2 days I knew he was keeping track of victim's phone number. Thats when I contacted with different phone number and engaged in conversation and found out similar characteristic. And sure enough he sent me car fax which fooled me. Using stevens creek dealership. After all this and knowing I am dealing with same guy/crew. I contacted both DMV and SJPD fraud investigation unit. I was hoping I can set him up and bring him outside and identify him to authority in the vehicle. (I have documented everything so far and hoped it was enough to convince authority to act on it). But I just found out that my report was dropped by sjpd and DMV simply doesnt give a shit. Detective simply told me not to contact scammer let DMV deal with it and DMV investigation told me to let people know in forum and friends that these things are happening because there is overwhelming case in SJ area. Why does it happen? because they dont act. I literally spoon fed them with all the info.
Well so that's the end game isn't it?- END. I never said you were "going to go cowboy" on this scammer...I asked what your end game was... When you have posts dated TODAY and YESTERDAY where you are evidently STILL gathering or trying to gather information, I have no idea how far you intend to go, or again what your end game is.... Did you ever seek any legal advice as suggested about 140+ posts ago? A good lawyer might of been able to tell whether all the effort you have put into this was EVER worth it. At this point, IMO... You did what you could do, if you can't get help from the DMV or law enforcement I guess that is the end over.
Yeah really thats it. I did talk to my friend who practices law at state of ohio and basically we need to find and identify this guy first. I just cleaned and replaced gaskets on EGR/cooler and intake manifold and After taking cover up, I can finally tell it has 300k miles on it
Yup, gotta get an identification on this guy. Won't be easy and may need to use some questionable methods but doable. If I didn't have a newborn, I'd be so ready to drive from elk grove to help. A larger budget could help depending on your level of determination. Could always hire a private investigator/attorney to help.
Sooo Not the end. What you gonna do if you "find and identify" this guy? -Which again I think is potentially dangerous and just something I wouldn't do as a Private Citizen. But again....what's the end game?
I don't expect to get any of my money back, simply I just want him to get caught and go to jail. I saw article back in 2014 DMV investigator arrested similar crime. I don't know what happened but that dude was out for 55k bond. DMV investigation said they are aware and they will take care of it and mean time I am patching my prius so I can get 200k out of that 300k miles car
Lot's of conflicting information posted within hours of each other. So which is it? Are they handling it? Or do they simply not give a shit? Are you taking the advice of the detective which is saying NOT to contact the scammer? Or do you feel the need to continue to try to find and identify this guy? Maybe it doesn't matter to me. I guess my advice is static, I'm going with the DMV -and saying do not contact the scammer and stop your personal investigation game.
Sorry to hear that, but not really surprised, as I said earlier. And I fault the voters and public officials out here for their position on crime, rather than that the enforcement itself is lazy. For those in different states or countries that cannot believe this is true, just google the new SF District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, who was elected on a platform of not enforcing laws. I could give the info here, but most people would not believe it. Also as I suggested a few pages earlier, I think if you want justice you may need to pursue him in civil court. If you can identify him, you can sue him for up to $10k in small claims court for fees of around $100 which will be part of the judgment back to you when you win. He may not show up, not pay, etc. but at least you will be getting back at him legally. Also, maybe after you succeed or fail at this or other ideas, you could contact Craigslist where they may at least shut down his main avenue of scam production. Good luck to you in all this. Your efforts will make things better for everyone else.
But this is why I have repeatedly asked the OP what their "end game" is. Doesn't sound to me like the OP wants or plans a civil suit for damages. -I could be wrong. However... IMO pursuing a criminal (even a scam artist) for ARREST, is dangerous. And IF law enforcement isn't interested in pursuing the case? What do you do? At some point don't you just say, I've given the proper authorities all the information I have, or could safely obtain, then if you AREN'T pursuing a civil case, you just stop playing detective? The OP can do what they want to do. They will. But a lot of seemingly conflicting statements as to what they are doing, or what they expect to happen. Leaves me just saying....good luck with the repairs....too bad you got scammed.
Don’t give up, call police back and ask at what point does it constitute a crime or a civil matter? Ask to speak to the detective’s supervisor and tell them you are not satisfied and BMV won’t handle it and it’s still a criminal offense. If that doesn’t work ask for contact information for one of their prosecutors and ask them the same questions. If all of that doesn’t work ask how to file a complaint. Just make sure you are professional and not demanding. It’s not fair you are being given the run around, this is a criminal offense and the guys is doing it again and will continue until stopped. Don’t try and do this by yourself.