Were you both backing out of your parking spaces at the same time? If so, I can see where her insurance company is coming from. This could wind up being an exercise in futility. Good luck!
If you were both backing out and you stopped before she did there may be tire skid marks left where she pushed your rear end. Get a high definition camera, got to parking lot and look for marks left by your tires being pushed.
She was at fault. I was in the car in park in my spot. She drove past me down the alley and I waited for her. Then I back out and she's backing up into me. Said she forgot something and just threw it into reverse. She wasn't going fast enough to move my car but I do have a shot with some skid marks from her tire.
This may be a tough one to claim. The fact you were moving out into the lane and she technically had control of it is where they may get you.
Probably, but she was driving erratically and admitted fault to myself (multiple times). I'll keep you guys updated.
I drive in the country to work. Have hit 4 deer over the years. One totaled my Saturn & another $4000 on my VW Jetta. I have 600 miles on the car & had to slam on brakes today to avoid 2 deer running across road. Should pass a LAW....Orange Vest for deer! Wear a vest on if they are near a street. At least put those invisible fences. Works on dogs!