The speed limit in was 65 in my eye witness account of events. The idiot in the Prius just moved over in front of him with maybe 6-8 feet of room to spare doing 50 miles per hour. No one was in front of the Prius, so I figure the driver sensed fresher air in the left lane and said "I'm gonna go fer it!" Yea, those dam# Toyota truck drivers going the speed limit. They should know ahead of time that anyone in a Prius going 15 miles an hour slower than rush hour traffic in the right lane has every right to cut you off without even turning on the turn signal while saying to themselves "Piss on you." I've had it happen to me, so I am leary of the Prius drivers while driving MY Prius. An that is the reputation we have come to enjoy as Prius owners.
There is no, absolutely no law that I'm aware of that I can use that says it is ok under certain conditions to exceed the SPEED LIMIT. However, there and many conditions that can be used for just doing the speed limit! Example, driving too fast for conditions. The speed Limit is only permitted if road condition are suitable for that maximum limit. If it is icy, snowy, flooded, foggy, you can increase the list! So again, if I'm relying on, "sorry officer I was following traffic. Everyone else was also traveling that speed too!" Well, let me tell you what the Viginia officer told me, " here is your ticket, and it is double because about a 2 mile ago this section of highway was listed as construction zone." I was the last of about 6 cars in the far left lane on rt 295 around Richmond, on a Sunday morning. We were just 10 miles over the posted limit. Ouch! Big fine 2 weeks befor Christmas. Not a prayer of fighting it either.
There is no, absolutely no law that I'm aware of that I can use that says it is ok under certain conditions to exceed the SPEED LIMIT. However, there and many conditions that can be used for just doing the speed limit! Example, driving too fast for conditions. The speed Limit is only permitted if road condition are suitable for that maximum limit. If it is icy, snowy, flooded, foggy, you can increase the list! So again, if I'm relying on, "sorry officer I was following traffic. Everyone else was also traveling that speed too!" Well, let me tell you what the Viginia officer told me, " here is your ticket, and it is double because about a 2 mile ago this section of highway was listed as construction zone." I was the last of about 6 cars in the far left lane on rt 295 around Richmond, on a Sunday morning. We were just 10 miles over the posted limit. Ouch! Big fine 2 weeks befor Christmas. Not a prayer of fighting it either.
if this subject can get this heated on priuschat, i can't even imagine what would happen on vdubchat although, it probably never comes up.
Ah, six pages in and the actual fact's appear, thanx rogerv, I was reading along getting ready to do the same, yes, if you're in the left lane, going 10mph below the limit, AND someone wants to pass, you are asking for a ticket, same day Fl also outlawed bongs, especially when in the left lane going 11 mph under the posted limit
Someone may have already answered this. I see that highway min speed limit is 40. Not sure if this is a national standard. I'm sure that you will not get a ticket if there's something wrong with your car that prevent you from going at normal speed. I think this is going to be a law that isn't going to be enforced very much.
...doing 10+ OVER the posted limit is going to, at best, raise some hackles and, at worst, cause an accident. If you want to go fast, stay off the freeway, that's my opinion.
Really? People routinely drive 10-20 MPH OVER the speed limit. And perform all sorts of crazy dangerous things while doing so, and you think Prius stigma has anything to do with how we drive?? Prius drivers are hated because of political reasons and because we induce guilt. Look at all the hatred, most of it has nothing to do with speed or even driving. That is all an excuse to vent their hatred, not its cause. If what I said isn't funny, it should be.
read "rear ended" on here right now it's a great example of what can happen when driving to slow on a highway
If you are a hazard...get off the highway. No matter what you drive. A friend of mine told me they "drive in the fast lane slower because no one should drive fast." I told them they were a fool. Is it worth getting in a crash or causing one? SCH-I535 ? 2
I can only tell you what a Sheriff deputy told me some time ago. I used to work in a sporting goods store and the Police, Sheriffs and CHPs would stop by and I got to know a few. He said that there are areas where the posted Speed Limit is lower than what is considered to be safe. In those cases (and good luck on finding out where those areas are), you can beat the ticket. The deputy pointed out to me a few places that were applicable at the time. That is different than what is considered to be the "Maximum Speed Limit." You just plain cannot exceed that number. Mike
Well, of course. The left lane is for passing and relative slowpokes like me should stick to the right lane. It's only fair.
Sounds like a religion to me faith that you can exceed the maximum posted limit. This thread is about getting ticketed going less (10mph) than the posted speed limit on a 4 lane(each way) highway while in the extreme left lane, I disagree that doing 80 in a 70 is legal, 55 is enough, trucks at 80 are the problem, hills slow them to 55 down hills speed them to 85, 55 get's everybody there safely, jmho, wi'mEitwb
Two state laws in NJ that are posted are "Slower traffic keep right" and "Keep right except to pass". Both rarely enforced.
Well my friend, I really hope the judge after reading a RADAR or whatever the calibrated instrument prints out in the report, decides in your favor. I can hear it now: Honest your Honor officer so and so Told me I was allowed to go 85 in that 75 because its safer. Oh Mr. Hahn, I didn't know that....well I hope we haven't inconvenience you today. Sorry, our bad! If I were you I'd check the aw my self and see if there is any thing at all that tell a driver it's ok to exceed the speed limit. I mean anything.
The issue is not slow drivers! There is however a 99.9% reason for rear end collisions. It's known as tailgating. Road bullies, road rage, pushy people that have no regard for other people or their property. They actually, have enough ego to blame others for their immature, childish, self serving behaviour. If those Prius drivers would only drive faster. Actually, hardly a day goes by I don't see a rear end collision. I'm shocked the insurance companies haven't made a push to stop tailgaters. It going to happen sooner than later.
You obvious didn't read what I wrote. The maximum speed limit is exactly that. There is no fudging the number. I hope you understood that from my post. And I didn't say there was a law about fudging on the other numbers, only what a deputy Sheriff told me. And like I also said, I don't know how one goes about proving whether it is safe to go faster than the posted speed limit (not maximum speed limit). I was only giving information of what the deputy said. If you think I misrepresented what the deputy said, then you and I have a different problem. If you think the deputy's statement was wrong, then you have a problem with the deputy. I was only passing along what I was told. I have no idea what a judge would say if I presented evidence from the governing body that it was safe to drive 35mph in the 25mph zone and I was driving 35mph. But if I had that information, I'd certainly use it as part of my defense. Personally, I don't think it would work, but I'd give it a try. The reality is that we couldn't get our hands on the information.