Note: There is a difference between the posted Maximum Speed Limit and the Speed Limit. Thus, you question should be "any other speed limit." Again (from a previous post), I can only tell you what a police officer said to me. If you are not going over the Maximum Speed Limit, the question is what is safe. So, you can fudge a little bit on the number. The officer told me that studies are done for various parts of the city as to what is actually safe. That doesn't mean that what is safe is what is actually posted as the Speed Limit (note I didn't say Maximum Speed Limit). Now, I have no idea how you are going to get your hands on those studies. And I have no idea whether a judge will agree with you. But that's what the officer said to me and I'm passing it along. Mike
I am glad you are not in Florida...... because of people like you and your philosophy I am not worried about speeding but worried about people like you causing accidents that then I have to try to avoid.
No not always, before I was married, before I had a child, before I was driving a car that cost under $5000, you know, prior to age 25. I drank and drove and all kind of irresponsible, selfish Behaviour. My Behaviour was wrong! I admit it. I bought my family an Accord in the mid 80's and I started to grow up! My belief is live and let live. If people want to speed great find an open road or highway no traffic and see what she has, floor it, give it all she got! But this cutting in and out of traffic, riding on the nice person of some woman with a child, retired grand father, someone's mother, some new family, is pure and irrefutable proof of "road bullying", road rage, selfish, Dangerous Behaviour. When people bully me, or anyone around me, I try to stay composed, I really do. But if I get pushed hard enough.....well thank God it has only happened a few times. Just use good manners, think about safety, not even your own, the other persons. If your in a hurry get in the left lane and take your chances and speed, just be courteous, don't place others or the property of others in harms way, don't be a road bully!
That's a mighty teeny world you've concocted there ... believing it's the Prius that drives 50 .... as though most others just fly on by. Sorry to rock your world here - but if you look at this list of the TOP TEN LEAST LIKELY CARS to get a speeding ticket ... you won't find a single hybrid among any of them: Cars Least Likely to Get You a Speeding Ticket iow, one person's anecdotal observations does not a fact make .
I have to go with 'bullies'. People who complain about and harass only the little guys doing something, while leaving alone the big guys doing the exact same thing, are bullies. In this state (WA), big rigs are limited to 60 mph even when cars are permitted higher speeds. And a meaningful number of truck drivers do obey this as a condition of continued employment. So while the average (uncongested) car speeds here are indeed higher, the normal speed distribution is wide enough that cars going 'only' 60 are still within the normal speed spread. So the very few complainers about cars traveling 'only' 60 in the righthand lane here are bullies. I speak only for my region and state. Other regions have different road cultures.
If that tailgater is truly unarmed, he must be a world record runner or bicyclist. A motor vehicle is a lethal weapon, all motor vehicle drivers are piloting lethal weapons.
The deadliest speed differentials are those against (1) head-on traffic (most of my driving is on undivided roads) and (2) fixed objects alongside the road. Compared to those, the speed differential lethality of slow moving vehicles going the same direction is miniscule.
You are correct about opposing traffic (on un-divided highways) but incorrect about fixed objects and slow moving vehicles. The latter don't create the need to try to out-think the operators of moving chicanes -- unpredictable and self-righteous obstructionists -- while threading bog-slow traffic.
on my commute, the highway changes from 3 lanes and a legal breakdown driving lane, to 4 lanes and an illegal breakdown driving lane. when i get on, i stay in the breakdown lane. when it opens up, the lines take you into the new 4th (right) lane. every day it's the same thing, when this happens, i look in my mirror and people in the former right lane begin moving into the new right lane, speeding up and passing the people in the former. until they get to me. then they have to wait for an opening to go around me. they invariably wind up further back than where they started.
The traffic mortality statistics show that you are incorrect. Single vehicle crash deaths, where excess speed and driver distraction and impairment cause a failure to negotiate the road itself, greatly exceed deaths among multiple vehicles traveling in the same direction. No reasonable driver would describe slower moving vehicles in the designated slower lanes as a 'chicane'. They are more predictable and easier to avoid than the road debris and natural non-traffic obstructions that often appear on the road, that proper defensive driving technique must be ready to avoid. Only self-righteous speeders and tailgaters and distracted drivers are unable to avoid hitting them. I just returned from vacationing in Italy, where the maximum speed limit for commercial trucks was 40 km/hour lower than for cars. Many cars and motorcycles routinely violated their limits, while something was causing trucks to actually obey their limits, and numerous other cars were staying with the trucks, so the real speed differential was significantly higher. This wide speed disparity was not causing a meaningful safety problem.
I'm sorry, but I cannot do that. Mere property damage just isn't as important as human life and serious disability.
That something is a "black box" that constantly monitors truck speed and length of driving and it's reviewed very regularly (end of shift?). European laws are very strict for commercial drivers.
OK, you are right. President Richard "I'm not a crook" Nixon, Republican, had asked for a speed limit of just 50 mph (see also here, Nov 25, 1973). Congress upped that to 55, and Nixon signed it Jan 2, 1974.