Without doubt. Rush Limbaugh would have fit in perfectly with Goebbels Nazi propaganda machine. He is a pathetic example of humanity hiding behind a microphone where contrary opinion can be snuffed out at will. Strangulation at birth would have been justifiable in his case.
What fun it is quoting myself...whoo hooo!! I listened to rush the day after Barack Obama was elected. Rush blew a gasket, spun a bearing, and went into vapor-lock. That was good radio - funny stuff indeed, he was obviously pissed off, I loved it - ha ha!. Now I call rush limbaugh, Ripe Limburger. The E.I.B network stands for Excellence in Broadcasting, I call it, "Excrement in Broadcasting". There are no laws against acting stupid, so more power to El-Rush-Bo, but our troops deserve to see and here what we see and here. There is a fine line between morale amongst our bravest Americans in theater, but it's another to remind us and them that Democracy is what we fight for and defend. The fairness doctrine also speaks to what the troops get to watch and listen to on radio and TV. Since they are on the front lines, they should decide what they want to hear and see when they are not fighting....seems fair to me. Some talk radio will actually teach you something, actually make you sharp - believing ripe limburger will make you as sharp as a bowling ball. and to think i don't even go to freds house of clam-bakes anymore.....
I am not sure how the fairness doctrine is applied to shock jocks. I thought the fairness doctrine was being considered as a result of the many unsubstantiated right wing statements being made on radio stations all over the country. Rush Limbaugh is the most well known talk show host and is nationally broadcasted. Some of the local right wing radio broadcasters down south were beyond scary.
We NEED the fairness doctrine. We learned about it a little bit in class and I HATE how people just tell lies on the radio all the time. Lies are not opinions at all and I HATE the people that hide behind that. I mostly listen to KISS FM because all of the other stations are super biased for the right, and I think it's stupid. I love how you can always turn on a country music station though and hear someone whining about how they love their trucks and drinking and having sex... that stuff needs to be off the radio because one day if I have kids I don't want them being exposed to that kind of stuff and I personally don't believe in any of it.
Yes, Jeb has a mentally challenged brother....perhaps they can go on long walks with one another soon and Jeb can explain to him why we need clean air and water. Cheney and Rumsfield were a bad influence on Jeb's slower brother.
MichaelCrichton.com | Why Speculate? Look up Michael Crichton's speech "Why Speculate?". You will have to go the "cached" version. The disgust aimed at Rush is also true of just about every other media outlet, regardless of political affiliation.
Perhaps all we need is 'truth in advertising:' opinion program - a subtext that says "opinion" or "propaganda" news program - subtext that includes omnibudsman for complaints, date and time of 'corrections' report Bob Wilson
Allow me. In con speak, right=left, up=down, black=white. To rail against homosexuals =you have a blow job coming, to rail against 'non-christians=you do not live by HIS standards, to complain about high taxes=you are a tax cheat. Get it now? By the same standard, the left-wing=conservative and the right-wing=socialist (see also government give-aways).
Rush Limbaugh is a snake oil salesman. He convinces hundreds of thousands of ditto-heads to align with policies that benefit his economic strata (not theirs.) He is a multi-millionaire; 90%+ of his listeners are not. If he intimates that a Prius is bad, then it must be good. He never supports the good side.
People still listen to him? Colin Powell was right when he said the downfall of the Republicans was when they started to listening to that Tool, and actually believed him and looked at him as their spokesperson.
Your are smearing 'tools' everywhere. Tools either provide a useful function, or used in another context, say something dumb. Limbaugh is a destructive annoying object of the Christian right that mascarades himself as a republican. The best image of him is a stupid teenager who walks around the neighborhood with a boom box on his shoulder turned on max volume playing heavy metal music. He distorts republican values that a person like Colin Powell has assumed in a life of public service in the military. If you keep the volume blasting you lose the music. Let's hope this is the end of some very destructive individuals.
I apologize, you are right, I should not demean "Tools" that way. I should have said Manure. Oh wait, Manure has a more useful purpose as well. Maybe I should just stick with with "A Self Righteous Holier than thou arrogant P.O.S."