I am glad we can all express our opinions here be it complimentary or inflammatory. Politics aside, I love the gas mileage and safety features of the car. I only wish more Americans started voting with their wallets and purchased more fuel efficient vehicles. Then maybe we would have more choices available to us. American car manufactures have been too slow to meet the growing demand and continue to fail because of it. Toyota has always been good at listening to the wants and needs of their customers and it shows in their increasing domination of the automotive industry. Some people think that I am an environmentalist or that I have this great fear the polar caps are going to melt next week. Bump-kiss, I am just a red blooded capitalist who would rather save money at the pump. Plus, when I am driving the Land Cruiser or fishing in the jet boat I don't mind the extra fuel costs, it all balances out. If they only made Hybrid outboards... Republican, Conservative, Veteran (It's okay if you don't agree with me; I fought for your right to do so)
Thanks for fighting for them; rights are like people, they always need the exercise Which war did you fight in?
USAF 1995-2005 Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom I have since separated to finish my degree in Environmental Science (no, I am not a tree hugger, rather a conservationist).
Rush? He's nothing but a big bag of wind. He got fired from 38 radio stations before he finally got lucky. He was doing a show and spewed out some stuff people seemed to like. Then he got bigger & bigger. I can't stand him. He also owns a mansion on the island of Palm Beach, FL. He has the balls to talk bad about Prius's? Gee, maybe we all can't afford to drive vehicles that get poor milege. Some people have all the luck. He is just a big bag of wind.
I don't know why this has not been mentioned yet. (check here) Remember when there was some question of whether or not Rush got a legit doctor's prescription, and some of the medication included Viagra? He left in his black Escalade. Just like he is stereotyping hybrid drivers, I'm associating Escalades with egotism, narcassism, and ED. About me: I'm leaving my Christian icon under the rear-view mirror, even though Rush says I'm supposed to be an athiest. I have been voting Republican since 1976, but at the insistance of Rush and a few others that act like Reagan did not go far enough, I did not vote Repulican this month for the first time in my life. They want to run off half the people that had supported GWB and I don't understand it, but they must be smart enought to figure out how to maintain a majority.
Yes, Rush did beat the "arrest" of obtaining pain pills illegally and Dr. shopping. It's true that money talks. If it was me with all those pills I'd be in jail right now. Also, I remember when rush was so anti union when UPS went on strike. He is a typical rich butthole living the life of riley while guys like me can't get ahead of our bills.
Rush limbaugh is the last person who should be criticizing anyone. With all of his drug habits and all...He seems to always be railing about something dumb...
Not sure how you came across that thread but did you notice the date it was posted. Rush could even be secretly driving an '08/'09 Prius by now.:welcome: Gary
LOL!!! For real, this thread goes waaaayyy back. Also, should it not be in Fred's House of Pancakes? Or in the politics forum? Administrator?
Love him or hate him, it will not matter once the “Fairness Doctrine” is reinstated. (google it) If nancy pelosi has her way this will be pushed thru. I always find it interesting the names that are given to such policies is such an oxymoron. This should be the death of conservative talk radio. Then we will not burdened with shock jocks such as Howard Stern, Mancow Muller, Steve Dahl, Mike Church etc. This is the American Way?
So driving a H1 Hummer, H2 Hummer, Escalade, Land Rovers, BMW, Mercedes, etc is not making a statement too...? This is pure Prius Hate.... people like him need someone or something to blame or vent at, a scapegoat...
Rush is an entertainer for simple heads. A lot of people love this guy, and I'm one of those people that just don't get it. I guess being outrageous about anything will get many people to listen, sells a lot of advertising and makes tons of money. Denigrating someone who wants to conserve resourses by driving a Prius, using low wattage lights, or whatever, is the ultimate oxymoron, coming from a 'conservative talking head'. Exactly what part of 'conservative' do I not understand anymore? The more I conserve, the less conservative I must be, right? Someone help me out here.
The only car that would be attractive to Rush L would be one that looked like Oxycontin or Vicodin.....and he would eat it, and go deaf.....for those of you who know about Rush's hearing loss years ago, and are familiar with the affects of excessive tylenol mixed with narcotics and excessive abuse of these drugs, its an inside joke... For Prius owners, we don't need to defend a good choice like purchasing this car to a radio talk show host that stirred hatred among americans on his radio show, unimpeded by balance liberal responses, during the Bush Sr. Clinton, and Bush Jr years... that's a lot of years...and became a multi-millionaire in the process. I hope in 10 years people will say "oh your driving a Prius", its not 'totally' environmentally friendly...and Rush who?
Fear mongerer? I think not. More of a realist. Just what advice did I give? Partisan Hack?? Gezee did we get up on the wrong side of bed nooaah? I Sure can tell who you voted for. Read up? I did, which is more then I can say for you. The Fairness Doctrine was introduced in the U.S. in 1949. The doctrine remained a matter of general policy and was applied on a case-by-case basis until 1967 Some Democratic legislators have expressed interest in reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine, although no one has introduced legislation to do so since 2005. Democrats Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dennis Kucinich Nancy Pelosi and Louise Slaughter are all on the record as wanting “Fairness” in radio. Slaughter introduced failed legislation for a Fairness Doctrine in the House in 2004 and 2005..” People that don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it.
my problem is that with a great deal of the general public Just because you're on the radio it proves one has something viable to say or contribute. he appeals to the worst thought patterns in incredibly stupid people. all my radios are set to NPR regards Froley
I think you are afraid that if a broadcast audience heard 'the other side' they might change their minds. It suggests their views can not stand anything but pure, unadulterated, one-sided, propaganda broadcasting. Bob Wilson