Yeah, but reality is reality. I would love to lose weight but it is hard as I have carried alot since I was a kid. Most people who know me don't care or think about my size but are always supportive whether I lose or gain! Then there is that problem that I have with cooking...I am a very good cook and baker!! Splenda has become my new tool of experimentation!
Well, you could have me for supper. Uh, I don't mean, y' know, EAT me for supper; nosirree, that would be gross, 'cause I've got, uh, these love handles. Well, that's not true, either. They USED to be love handles, but they morphed into what I'll call a "love RING", 'cause you can't miss, unless you're facing north. Edited to add Prius. That's right, I'd drive down to supper at your place in my Prius b because, you see, it's good on gas (or "gas", as the Russkys spell it), and, uh, this IS a Prius-related thread, because it's in the Main Forum, y'know, not, uh, that other thread, know what I mean? The one where if they mention "Prius" once a year, it's probably a misspelling of something else?
Well, I have always thought the heart and mind were the best parts of the body. I actually do listen to both Air America and stuff like Rush, Roger Hedgecock and others on SD conservative radio . Both can be so extreme and unreasonable. I like being somewhere in the middle. I have to say that I cannot understand the negativity that some folks have about Prius and other new technologies. Jealousy, insecurity?? Long, rough week. Time for rest. Take it easy. Hope you are enjoying that little red car of yours. Who gets to drive it the most? You or the Mrs.?
My wife has her own silver one, which she snatched away from me after I had broken it in. I let her drive the new one around the block a few days ago, so she could try out the rear camera. (No, she didn't back around the block. :lol: ). Long, rough week? Surely, you jest. I know, I know: no, I'm not jesting---and stop calling me "Shirley"!
You have to first have a question before you can have an answer? I don't see a question, do you? The "question mark" implies proposed possibilities or fact and/or opinion.. not a question. Sorry if it was confusing. I forgot we have english teachers out here.
Rush is a big bag of wind. He calls us "enviormental whackos." Itake real issue with many things he says. Does anybody know the man was fired 38 times from prior radio jobs?
After sleeping on it, I decided that if it was a question, then its someone elses turn to answer. Not me, I asked the question?
Even if there was an answer to the question it might not be the only answer in a universe of possibilities. So Jack06 has recently come out as J Kelly and now there's a Shirley/surely in there somewhere.......We are all sounding more like one of Rush's drug induced ramblings........
Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. Although if I had to live in a world that was either dictated by him or Al Fraken, I'd choose Rush...
I have a special attachment for my radio that automatically bypasses any station that has Brush Lintball in their program schedule. Once I made this modification my car insurance rates came way down because without the blinders he insists on his audience wear I see a lot more of what's really happening around me. My health insurace rates came down too because of the lower blood pressue.
Rush is a depressed mouth that was addicted to pain killers. What the heck was he doing with 30,000 oxycontin??? Why isn't he in jail? I'm embarassed that he's from my state. Andy