While I am admittedly one of those leftist folks that Rush despises (as if I care what that gas bag thinks), I recognize that many folks on the right also drive Prius. Conservatives are touting hybrid vehicles and alternative fuels as an issue of national security- alleviating our dependence on foreign oil. Speaking as one of those tree-hugging liberals, that makes sense to me. And I'm not sure that I would define the current administration's policy of driving up the deficit and destroying the environment as "conservative." Michael L. 2006 Prius Barcelona Red p.s. I can understand why Rush hates the Prius. It's pretty hard to figure out where to put the key when you're hopped up on Oxycotin.
He just doesn't yet know how much storage the Prius has for his drugs! He'd be all over one if he did!
Being a tech I bought mine because I get excited about computers, batteries, and magnets. Lately, Rush just seems like a bag of bile with a voice system. When oil goes to $100 per barrel we will all be laughing.
Well Rush is "all wet" on this one. I am an ultra conservitive and I bought a Prius last moth, traded my Expedition. When I want to go 200 I just pull my 1973 deTomaso Pantera out of the garage and I can burn gallons per minute in style. I have been listening to Rush bash the Prius and that is just his elitist personality coming through. Noleman
Excellent point Noleman! What makes people think this is the only car we own? My other car is a dually diesel anyway! You think I drive it every day, hell no! This is the beginning of a revolutionary change, and Toyota is paving the way.
Wow, I never thought of that! Prius! The hybrid for those with a habit! It would take law enforcement 10 years worth of training to identify all the places to stash---er, your stash, in a Prius! Except for Schmika, of course. :: goes into melodious contralto:: Oh, Schmiiiiiiiiiiiiika... B)
I think he must have drove one and got embarrassed in front of the salesman because he was too fat to get behind the wheel?
No, me got embarrassed BEFORE salesman put fat behind on wheel. And, wherein, I say. Edited for the opposite of clarity, whatever that is.
Seeing as how I am "fat" and I fit in the Prius just fine then I would have to say that overall fat is not a factor. A FATHEAD though might be.
Well, I didn't say you're fat, and furthermore, you could be as big as a WHOLE HOUSE and we'd still be friends. I thought you said you were "sensitive" about, er, you know. :huh: