Re: The place where I draw the line ... I agree, the best way to stop is not stop at all. I accelerate up to the speed limit briskly while looking for the next light and trying to time my arrival at a green light. If I need to stop then I try to glide (no lines on MFD) to a stop. All I'm saying is the planet will use less fuel if you get moving when the light turns green.
On the topic of "poking in the left lane" - I am wondering: Is Missouri/Kansas the only place that has left exits on the interstate? When there are left exits does that change your opinion of how the left lane should be used? Just curious, never heard anyone address this.
there are a few left hand exits here in LA, but its only cool to slow down if you are anywhere near that said exit, other than that its probably best/safer to stay off the FAST lane if you wanna drive SLOW LOL
So Immature and dreaming....street racing is nothing to be proud of, you put yourself and others in danger grow up and stop with your dreams of your car ever getting in front of a vette.
Hi kc..., The Eisenhower expressway in the near west suburbs of Chicago has a few left lane exits too.
Balance is the key to a simple life. I don't have to keep up with the racehorses, but neither do I want them behind me! Nice and smooth is my driving goal. No overly slow or fast accelerations, no hard braking. Only come to a complete halt when there is no choice and then try to anticipate by a freckle when the light is going to change. Another realization from age: I really shouldn't spend any effort trying to teach other drivers a lesson, as they are usually either teaching someone else or they just don't care what I think. And even worse, I don't get paid for doing it either.
I agree with the quick launch and hold the speed under 70 mpg will help with both the gas mileage and image.
this is from a porsche forum regarding pius behavior..... Petition to Ban Arrogant Environmentalist Prius-Driving D-bags So yesterday I was running slightly late for work. Nothing serious, only a few minutes. However I have to drive on 3 of the busiest freeways in San Diego County to get to my job and have to travel about 21 miles each way. So I'm on the westbound freeway going towards the coast at probably 80, minding my own business and getting a very nice 30 or so MPG, certainly not a gas guzzler and not a big polluter. However out of nowhere some self-righteous silver Prius zips past me on the right, cuts in front of me and then lets off his gas for whatever reason. He was probably 50 feet in front of me and taps his brakes and I have to do the same to avoid riding the rest of the way in his back seat. So we're doing about 60MPH on a 65MPH the left lane. There's all sorts of cars in the right lane now, a few big trucks so I can't pass him illegally. And my horn relay blew up so I can't honk at the fool, and flashing my foglights doesn't do any good because its bright out and he has a 3 square inch rear window that he can't see that low out of because he's so close to me. A few minutes later...ANOTHER. SILVER. PRIUS. Pulls onto the freeway, this one in the right lane. After a minute or so it pulls up next to the first one and I guess they exchange niceties and gay phone numbers and whatever Prius drivers do when they meet (two finger salute?). And then they decide to drive the ENTIRE REST OF THE LENGTH OF THE FREEWAY tandem. They match exactly their speed (and MPG !) in two lanes of a...two-lane freeway. So obviously I'm pretty infuriated at the moment am about ready to use my big 80's steel bumper to push them both off the road, then go to the USMC surplus and pick up an RPG to mount on my roof. But since they can't see my foglights and cant hear my silent horn I open my window and start shouting ungodly obscenities at them hoping that they might hear the rage and move over, but they don't. So we get to the end of the WB FWY and get to the I-5 interchange and one goes NB and one goes SB. I manage to zip in the lane between them, flip them both off (skill I know) and then zoooooooomm away at stupid speeds and end up 20 minutes late for work.
Hi Spikes, The only reason for a driver doing this , for legimate road issues is that the lane to the right was going very slow. And he did not want to have a large differential with it. As some yahoo could pull out of that 30 mph lane, and assume he can get to 65 mph in 5 yards. You know there are people in sports cars who have not done the math at how far ahead they need to be to do a 35 mph increase in speed. Used to see this all the time in my Saturn SL2. I think they thought it was an Alero, and consequently much farther away than it actually was. But reportedly that was not the case in this situation. Now, lets looks at the reality of the numbers. He says he was doing 80 mph, and on time to be 3 minutes late. Instead he was limited to 60 mph, and ended up 20 minutes late. 80 - 60 is 20 mph difference. 20 mph is .33333 miles per minute. To loose 17 minutes, the portion of the road he was limited to 60 mph would need to be 51 miles. I am not familiar with the roadways out there. But is 51 miles the right length for the road he claims he was on? If not, then there were other traffic issues that led to the 17 minute loss in travel time. On the fog light thing, well he could have backed off to 20 yards, and then used the fog lights, and then did a 65 mph charge. And backed off again. Then given the Prius driver time to find a spot in the right lane to fit into. This poster does not say anything like that. So, maybe the situation got into a tail-gating war. And the one-sided report does not indicate that side of things. But, then he says there were all sorts of traffic in the right lane. So, maybe that lane slowed down to a speed where 60 mph was the safe left lane speed, after all ?