I live in an area with a very high precentage of Prius' and I have yet to see someone doing the P&G since I bought mine in '05. I mean ever! If I want to perform someone as agrivating as P&G I hit my local levee roads or AG roads where I won't bother anyone. Like stated above though, I will not be forced above the speed limit with exception to *emergencies*. P&G with other drivers around you is indeed very inconsiderate I'll admit. I've just never seen anyone doing it. lol Maybe you were behind my best friend. He used to P&G without even thinking about it. It's just how he drove. It made me crazy riding with him. Haha
I also see a fair number of Prius' here and have never come across anyone P&G. I drive at a reasonable speed (~0-5 over usually), take surface streets when I have time, and practice good momentum driving techniques. There's plenty of room there for squeezing out good mileage without having to piss other people off. That said I definitely don't drive this car like I used to drive. I've discovered that getting the high score on the Prius "video game" is just as fun as trying to perfect my launch or shaving a few seconds off my personal best commute time. IMHO those activities were far more dangerous and obnoxious than anything most Prius drivers engage in. Rob
There's one lady I see every day on my way to work that puts on VERY elaborate makeup in the car. I wonder if she ever ends up with mascara and stuff all over herself when she gets to work..my drive is on side streets through residential and industrial areas, and its a bear, even with the cell phone off and both hands on the wheel. :target:
I agree 100%. That, and the fact that it leaves me much more sane than when I would try to get my personal best commute time...
I drive my Prius in Los Angeles and if you drive slowly you will get more than some funny looks. Guess that’s why I average only 41mpg in the city. But I will sacrifice 10mpg any day to prevent road rage.
There's a bunch of things about this thread, and frankly some of the others that have run along these lines, that really get under my skin. The first if the sadly mistaken idea that "driving the speed limit" = "driving slowly". That kind of logic is simply moronic. Have we really reached the place were we simply make up new rules if we don't like the ones that are applicable? I really hope that the answer is no. The second is that even in this community, I cannot believe why we're supporting the development of stereotypes about the cars we drive and the people who drive them. We all drive differently; there are a variety of reasons for having purchased a Prius. There is NO one right way to drive, nor are my reasons for having this car any more or less valid than anyone else's. I'm sorry that there are people who feel that there "image" would be damaged by owning a Prius, but I cannot find it in myself to change myself to make them more comfortable. That runs to alot of things, but it certainly includes how I drive. Beyond just myself, I cannot fathom making the request of others; that request is so unspeakably rude I cannot imagine that anyone would have the balls to actually make it.
that is just insane i raced corvettes when i had maserati, but racing it with a prius? man..... that is strange
hwy 40 towards needles has a spot that looks like that and their aint $**T around there...lol whats your point...that place has looked like that much much longer than the prius has been around...build a bridge and get over it
Sorry I think you missed my point. My comment was regarding urban traffic not freeway driving. I'm not saying to speed or drive fast, what I'm talking about is dribbling across intersections after the light turns green or trying to drive on battery only. Accelerating slowly is no more economical than accelerating reasonably quickly and acelerating reasonably quick keeps the traffic moving better. If the only Prius a person sees it accelerating slow, people think Prius are slow. If you see some green and red frogs and had never seen that breed of frog, and they all only jump backward, would you draw the conclusion all green and red frogs jump backward? I would.
The place where I draw the line ... ... is in coasting up to a red light. I agree that we shouldn't be annoying other drivers with our hypermiling antics. However, I refuse to accelerate up to a light just because some clueless driver behind me wants to become part of the line of stopped cars more quickly. I had someone honk at me last week for coasting (at a decent clip) 100 feet up to a long line of stopped cars ... Sheesh!
Re: The place where I draw the line ... +1 along with a few members of PC, i drive the prius how i would drive any other car...coasting a bit earlier and slower towards a stopped line of cars at a red light is kool IMO
Re: The place where I draw the line ... Today I had some bimbo (I can say that, I'm female) tailgate me, whip around, tailgate someone else, and guess who was sitting in a long line when I got there?
Re: The place where I draw the line ... Bob, LOL, I've only recently seen the value of not gunning it between lights. It gives you very little and look especially foolish when the person you cut off pulls up next to you. I don't always coast up to the light, but refuse to gun it. I still hate getting cut off and can't let them win, so to speak. My original reason for starting this thread was to plead to fellow Prius drivers to keep in mind other drivers when accelerating or the annoying varying of speeds on the streets and freeways.
they're cracking down on slow drivers in the left lane here. i can't stand them either. Poking along in the left lane? Prepare to pay | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | News it's not just prius drivers as i see all sorts of drivers and cars doing it.
Lucky...I wish they would do that here. In our city, it appears that the left lane isn't for passing. You can do any speed you want in any lane. I sometimes get stuck behind someone going 10 MPH+ under the limit, and the person won't move over to the (empty) right lane. Drives my coworkers and me bonkers, even if we're in the Prius!