<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(unruhly @ Jul 16 2006, 11:55 PM) [snapback]287419[/snapback]</div> That's exactly the reason I disabled mine. The noise in the cabin made it so I couldn't listen for cars or pedestrians when backing out of my driveway. There are frequently kids on their bikes riding down my sidewalk so I always look and listen intently when backing out. That damn beeping cut down my inputs drastically. A subtle beep directed toward the rear of the car away from the driver's ears would make a lot more sense.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Jul 17 2006, 02:37 PM) [snapback]287639[/snapback]</div> You're making the assumption that the greater good requires leaving the beeper on. If you read the posts above with an open mind, I think you'll see lots of good reasons why the greater good is not threatened by turning the beeper off. Reading through your sarcasm, you're basically calling people who choose to turn off the reverse beeper selfish and not caring about the greater good. This is ridiculous. It's these types of extreme views (ie: I'm right and everyone that doesn't agree with me is wrong) that cause problems like we're now seeing in the Middle East. Sadly, we often see this kind of disrespect in our political discussions. Our leaders, the people who should be acting as role models for our children, often act like immature children. One side treats the other as if they deserve no respect if they don't hold the same views. We all deserve to be treated with respect, whatever position we take on an issue. If we can't learn this in the larger world, I think we're in for some tough times ahead.
I say, let 'em crash! (now, is this the thread for that quote, or what?) Again, if the individual does not want the beep, turn it off. However, how annoying is a thirty second beep anyway? Really? Not much. If you can't handle the time it takes to back up with a slight beeping going on, then you might not handle the sound of a Borla right next to you, or a Sub Woofer shaking the ground, or heck, a particularly good blast from the 1812 Overture that may be playing from your own stereo. It's a beep. A reminder you have the car in reverse. It's small, insignificant, and why get all worked up about it, when really, the sound of an incoming missile, that would be a sound to get worked up about. See, when put in perspective, it's not that big a deal.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Jul 17 2006, 11:37 AM) [snapback]287639[/snapback]</div> Alnilam: Fellow Prian, I am surprised at the responses that you have given in response to your original post. It was a very well written post on why you leave the beep on. As I see it, about 75% of the responders agree with you and about 25% do not. I do not believe that turning the beep off makes any other Prians less safe drivers any more than believing that leaving the beep on makes the remainder more safe. Clearly, those of us who leave the beep on appreciate the extra security and those who turn the beep off appreciate the silence. Beep or not, with any car, you need to watch out behind you. Take care,
I'm sorry but I'm 60 years old and was getting confused with all the beeping and bells coming from the dash. Somewhere in these forums there was pictures and instructions on disabling the reverse beep that comes from the front and pulse buzz coming from the rear that pedistrians can hear on the outside and you can hear from the inside. I don't have the pictures but I do have the instructions: Installing Beep to warn Pedestrian you’re backing up You will need: (1) 1 High Intensity, slow-pulsing 12 VDC Piezo Buzzer, part #273-080 Radio Shack (2) 1 Package Tap-In Squeeze connectors, part # 64-3053 Radio Shack (3) Pair of scissors (4) Pair of pliers (5) Piece of electrical tape (6) Flashlight (7) Two twist ties Costs: Less than $10. A. Open the back hatch and remove everything so you can crawl in the cargo area and work comfortably. B. Remove the cover of the left back taillight. (Note: you can do it on the right but there seemed more room of the left.) C. You’ll see a lot of wires. Quite a few of them go to a big white plug. If you grab that plug and gently wiggle and pull it will come off the black plastic bracket that’s holding it. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to put it back. D. The end of the plug that was facing into the taillight has all the wires that lead to the lights. The end of the plug that was facing out has the wires that come from the car. THAT’S THE END YOU WANT TO WORK ON; the wires that are facing out. E. There are five wires with electrical tape wrapped around them to keep them together. With the scissors, gently cut the tap along the wires, being careful not to cut any wires, and remove the tape. F. You can now separate the wire to look at them. You want the RED wire and the WHITE wire with the BLACK STRIPE. You are going to use the squeeze connectors to add the buzzer wires to the existing tail-light wires. No cutting, stripping or soldering necessary. G. The red buzzer wire will go to the red tail-light wire and the black buzzer wire will go to the white tail-light wire with the black stripe. H. Look carefully at the squeeze connectors. The channel on the outside goes all the way through and that is the channel you will use for the existing tail-light wire. The channel inside next to the hinge is the one you’ll use for the buzzer wire. I. Hold the connector with hinge facing to the right. Put the tail-light wire into the outside channel. Push the buzzer wire up into the hinge side channel. Take the pliers and put them over the metal bar in the middle of the connector and squeeze the bar down. After it’s all the way down gently tug on the buzzer wire to make sure it’s tight. Then take the plastic “door†and close it over the connector and snap it closed. Repeat with the other wire. J. Now take a piece of electrical tape and tape all the wires together including the buzzer wires. Push the white plug back into place making sure it clips into the black plastic bracket. K. There is plenty of room above the white plug for the buzzer. Take the two pieces of twist tie (or gardening wire or use white plastic zip ties) and using the two holes on either side of buzzer, wire the buzzer to something so it doesn’t bounce around. L. Now turn your car on and put in reverse. You will hear the new buzzer from both the inside and outside. Replace the access panel. (There are also end to end splicing connectors so if for any reason you need to replace your buzzer, you can cut the buzzer off and attach a new one to the old buzzer wires using the end to end connectors.) Now you can disconnect the reverse beep that comes from the dash. Kathleen
Re: Beeping for seatbelt before i drive my husbands prius over a cliff can someone tell me exactly how to stop the seatbelt beeper. he doesn't hook his seatbelt most of the time and i hate the beeper. i have tried the suggestions on here but have not had it work. it is an 08. HELP...
Re: Beeping for seatbelt Hmmm. He won't wear his seat belt and you are going to drive over a cliff.....yeah....that will convince him to buckle up next time.....assuming everybody survives.
beeping irritates the **** out of me in general (i remove speakers from PCs to stop startup beeps, if BIOS settings don't allow turn off). besides this fact the constant beeping puts me in a frantic "OMG something is wrong/make it stop" mode that interferes with my ability to function as a safe driver.... i've almost had 3 incidents because of it, and i've only had the car a couple weeks. now that i'm aware of this as a changeable feature i'm going to have it changed, pronto! weather the beeping is an safety aid or a hindrance is really user dependent.
Re: Beeping for seatbelt If your husband is the passenger, you can disable the beeping, or you can have the dealership do it for you. If he is the driver, I know of no way.
How did you take that noise off? The garage or programming your self. In the manual for the 2010 model is nothing mentioned. Thank you very much for an answer.
I like this idea a lot. Or it could say in a demanding voice "Damn the torpedoes!!! Full Reverse Back!!!"
I'm all for safety, but how about the fact that until last week I thought the beeper was sounding outside, not just inside? I rarely, if ever, witness my own car in reverse from the outside. Since the car is quiet because of the electric engine, the usual warning sound to a pedestrian is missing. Therefore, it made sense that pedestrians were hearing a warning beep, but come to find out it was really only me. That in and of itself is dangerous, because I thought they were hearing that beep too. I'm not going to turn it off, but I'm not convinced that annoying beeping is of more value to the driver than the pedestrian. After all, do trucks beep as a reminder for the truck driver?
Go to the manual (can be downloaded us the US homepage), then to the garage, to "borrow" the PC, and you limit to 1 big beep. A quiet car should be quiet...-
The reverse beep has never really bothered me. I guess I just don't back up that much. However, that passenger seat belt beeper had to go. I often toss my laptop case in the passenger seat. Since I has the laptop case as a briefcase, as well it is quite heavy. My Prius thinks a kid is in the seat.