It's been said by others, but it bears repeating: there's no sensory feedback in this car that you've shifted into gear and which gear it is, unlike any other vehicle you'll drive. This is especially important when shifting into reverse, because most of us will then turn around and look out the back of the vehicle. Personally, I think it should have a female starship computer voice say, "Reverse Engaged" (and "Drive Engaged", etc), but that's me. Or perhaps a single beep for Drive, a double-beep for Reverse, etc. (Perhaps the reverse beep is also to encourage you subconsciously to be extra-careful in reverse, since you will have greatly reduced visibility and will be silent and thus pedestrians behind you may be totally unaware you're backing up. It would be better to simply have an external backup sound, like a truck, but this is from Japan where silence is golden.)
Quick question regarding the reverse beeps. For those who opted for the option of Rear Parking Sensors...are these reverse beeps integrated with the sensors? As in the same beep becomes more and more frequent the closer you get to an object? Or are the two beeps separate and overlapping? Which can potentially cause confusion and annoyance one would think.
I have the ITech model and had the front and rear park assist beepers fitted. They do actually compliment the park assist functions that are in the AV/Sat Nav/Reverse Camera system. I had the reverse beep changed to a single beep to avoid the confusion between the continuous beeping and the park sensors beeping. You can sort of pick which is which but I did not want to have any confusion for my wife and kids who will be only occasional drivers. When backing using the IPA function the red line on the reverse screen meets the end of the parking spot well before the extra sensors start their beeping and they are just useful for the situation where you want to park really close. Same for the front sensors, they do not start to beep until I am starting to really worry about where the front of the car is. Until they were fitted I would think I had parked close and then when I got out I had about four feet of room to spare. Continuous beeping on the front or rear sensors gets me to about a foot from the obstacle. David
Thanks Dave, that's really informative. I'll be asking my dealer to change it to a single beep as well before the delivery of my car. Tuesday can't come any sooner!
There was a post a month or so back about some unit that fits in to the camera feed and shows the distance but the standard Toyota one does not do that. The front sensors also have to be activated with a switch down next to the mirror adjusting switch and pad, headlight washer and solar fan. Bit inconvenient but at least somebody had enough sense to put a light behind the switch so at night it is the only switch down there that is illuminated. It also has an indicator in it that lights when it is on. David
all, Just an addendum to my earlier post #16. How many of you learned to drive with a column-mounted, manual shifter (mostly 3-speeds)?? If my memory serves me correctly, to get to reverse you lifted the shift lever up towards your face (& still in the upward position), then pushed the lever forward (towards the windshield). First gear (forward) was found by keeping the shift lever up towards your face, but (holding it up still) you then pulled the lever backwards (towards your stomach). So I don't really see why so many complain that the Prius shift pattern seems to them to be turned around or un-natural. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Well entering week number three of ownership and honestly the reverse beep, which I thought at the start would be a major annoyance, has been a non issue. The pushing forward for reverse still catch me from time to time, but then there is the beeping to remind me I am in reverse . Also so far I am very happy with this automobile, no squeeks, no braking issues, or other pesky issues of any sort Cheers
When I am reversing, the beeping is annoying and distracting. While I understand the safety concern, maybe they can replace it with a chime?
The "pesky issues" are blown way out of proportion by a few in these forums, as is the case in most forums for any product.
I had the beeping reprogrammed to a single beep and I honestly don't notice it anymore. Last night when I was backing into the driveway, I was about 20 ft down the drive in reverse when I asked myself, "Did I hear the beep?" and remembered it. Bob Wilson
Did you have a chance to read all the reports herein about this 'defect' and that 'complaint' and this other 'issue' that our litigious society is ready to pounce on every opportunity to dig into the pockets of some wealthy target. There are complaints / claims / class action suits for unexplained acceleration the vehicles that are too quiet...see bobwilson for all the details vehicles that brake funny when backing up vehicles tha brake funny when going forward Honda even is settling a class action suit for using the EPA numbers in its ads....which it is required to do. Somebody is laying in wait somewhere for something to happen unexpectedly so that they can file a claim or start a class action suit. Imagine this litigious person then sitting in his/her absolutely quiet Prius with the POWER ON but the ICE has turned OFF. Then imagine if he or she were inadvertantly to shift to R instead of D. The vehicle makes no sound whatsoever when the driver presses the pedal and but suddenly runs over some unsuspecting citizen walking behind the car. There was no warning, nothing. The car suddenly lurched backward and ran down that pedestrian. "Officer it wasn't my fault I had no warning it was going to go backward." "Judge / Jury, this class action suit is filed on behalf of all the pedestrians run down by deadly silent Prius' that give the driver no warning that a) the vehicle is running and b) which direction it's going to go." Think these are far-fetched? Read the LA Times and every other auto website week after week. The manufacturer has complete responsibility for protecting society from all potential errors that the driving public might make. Engineering defect..they should have expected stupid things to happen. They did..ergo the reverse beeps.