Replaced ABS in 2007 Prius Now THIS...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by DIYohWhy, May 1, 2024.

  1. DIYohWhy

    DIYohWhy Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    2007 Prius
    I'm bleeding my brakes using the techstream method, going with ABS replacement bleeding since my brakes lines were loose and leaking. Just in case when I did the full bleed last time it didn't work because of that.

    I started with the front right as it tells me, but after filling one and a half bleed bottles, maybe a L or so? The bleeder valve still keeps dripping when open even though the program says it will stop dripping when all air is out. Am I just keeping it too loose or maybe I have that much air in my system? I'm not sure.

    I tried exiting the program and moving to front left just to see how it was doing and that got the buzzing and codes going. Once I plugged relays back in and reset codes were gone and buzzing stopped. Woops.

    I want to make sure I'm doing this right before I buy more bottles of brake fluid.
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Do you know how to bleed brakes in a non Prius automobile That's number one. You don't ever leave the bleeder or the zerk fitting open You crack it fluid flies out you close it before it stops flying out then you pump up again pedals hell down you crack the zerk . The operative word here is your cracking that fitting You're not whopping it a whole turn open or any of that You're just cracking it till fluid comes out You can pull down a little more and see it come out more and then before it stops coming or doing anything silly you close it Tell your buddy to pump it up 5789 more times whatever it is hold it down repeat You're not going to have much air in a 2.5 mm brake line unless it's from here to the end of your street. In a normal car you start the farthest away from the driver the rear right then rear left right front and then the left front last You can do the same thing in this car except you start in the front with the relays out You should be able to get the fronts clear without issue fairly quickly 5 minutes or so then go back and do the backs should be the same result once you have nothing but fluid . You should be in good shape check your brakes right in your driveway and see if your pedal feels about normal It should be real close then start the car and see if it stays the same way even after you pump the brakes and the valves open and all of that on my cars usually everything pretty much stays the same so I go for a drive all around my neighborhood and down the street adjacent to the main state highway takes me about 10 minutes and then I come back to the house check the fluid level and I'm good to go. Sometimes I'll bring out the tech Toyota software plug it up and go through just the internal bleed procedures where you're pushing the brake pedal 30 times and 30 seconds to open the whatever names it initializes for the valves in the big gray window then I don't go to the backs and do them again or anything like that because the air I just pumped out of the front when the valves activated if there was any just goes up into the reservoir boom that's done I don't do the linear valve offset or any of that unless lights remain and I'm being prompted and then I try to learn right over the value it has stored I don't erase it first normally I try to just do the linear valves offset and see if it will overwrite what stored a many times it does and I don't do anything else If I can't get it to overwrite then of the last resort I'll clear my learned value and try again usually that doesn't make any difference and the linear valve offset won't set No worries I'm using a used actuator so this happens sometimes so I just leave my wiper tray off and I drive around and use my car as normal and as soon as I run into another actuator usually 48 hours and then two or three days after that I'll change it again but in the meantime with all the lights on my brakes are working fine I even have regen breaking The lights are all on because of the linear valve offset and what that seems to make happen is the linear progression of the brakes is all out of whack so you can be halfway down on the pedal and brakes will lock up it's like it doesn't know where your foot is The linear part of the brakes is not working so it's kind of all over the place but they are working no question about it they'll stop you maybe faster than you want to.
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    If your system is not holding fluid at rest in other words you can see it at the wheel cylinders or the caliper connections or other connections that are wet and not sound connections then this is purely moot. That all has to be fixed before anything's going to happen with bleeding
  4. DIYohWhy

    DIYohWhy Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    2007 Prius
    I don't have much car experience in general. The program says to pump the brakes, then keep it held down, and open the bleeder valve. Once there is no more fluid coming out, I should close it and let the pedal come back up. Repeat as necessary.

    However I will try what you're saying since it just kept leaking. I likely had it loosened more than I needed to. I'm not sure how to know when only fluid comes out without air but I will give it a go.

    I'll do the fronts without relays, put them back in, then do the backs, and finally do the abs clearing with the program.
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    The backs get tricky that's where the pump is pumping the fluid and it looks like it's shooting a geyser You just barely want to crack the business and when your buddy feels the pedal like it drops a little he yells you close the fitting I can hear it with my ear and my wife is usually doing this in the car and well that's a lost cause so I listen for that detent to happen and then close dessert which is the fitting we're opening and closing You barely need to crack it trust me when you have nothing but fluid coming out of the brake line they'll be no fart noises coming out of the line air making the noise that it makes but you will see some miniscule bubbles that look like white foam mixed with the brake fluid as you're bleeding this is normal because the the fluid is rushing out of the fitting hence if you crack it in the barely let it dribble out like an old man peeing you will see the fluid look a lot clearer or a little lighter than sweet tea in the Southeast.
  6. mr_guy_mann

    mr_guy_mann Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    2006 Prius
    You realize that the "manual bleed" method that is described in Techstream requires two people? One(1) to press and hold the brake pedal while the second(2) opens and closes the bleeder screw. I use a small rubber hose that fits snuggly on the bleeder screw and submerge the end into some brake fluid in a plastic bottle (makes it "easy" to see air bubbles).

    1)pushes on the pedal, 2)opens the bleeder and watches for air bubbles, 2)closes the bleeder, 1)releases the pedal - then repeat the entire process until no more bubbles come out of the hose on the bleeder screw.

    We're concerned about moving "lots" of fluid, not about drips. Pedal "up", open, close, release pedal - only needs a few seconds per cycle.

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
    #26 mr_guy_mann, May 8, 2024
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
  7. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I've actually had the drip method work pretty well on these too when there's only one person The old lady or the kid aren't around etc It works very well on non Prius cars so I decided to try it on a Prius when no one was here to sit in the seat actually worked quite well and if I purge the actuator I'm putting in cracking the lines all the way up and retightening them and watching the bubbles come out of the ferules. It's worked quite well All of our generation twos now the brakes are spot on no lights on all of that so pretty uneventful and not much entertainment messing with the brakes.
  8. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Person 1 can be replaced with a Brake Rock when necessary. I have a telescoping windshield squeegee I use for the same purpose. Unlike Person 1, it is always around when I want it, and never complains about my driving.
  9. DIYohWhy

    DIYohWhy Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    2007 Prius
    I got it! Thank you. I took it too literally. I did bled it like you said and it seems to work, although I'm concerned there may be a small leak somewhere still as I saw some drops from under the car while a buddy pumped the brakes up. But I took it for a small test drive and my brake fluid level didn't seem to change and the brakes felt good
  10. DIYohWhy

    DIYohWhy Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2024
    2007 Prius
    I used one of those sticks that holds the pedal down for me. Eventually got a buddy to help though since it was faster