Your suffering is self-induced. You live in a world of delusion. It may have seemed to serve you in the past, but we are now entering the age when all illusions will be torn down. You can curse the current or you can learn to swim. The choice is yours. One doesn't need fairy tales to live a spiritual life. The highest spiritual experience is found by simply awakening to the here and now. "We could say that meditation doesn't have a reason or doesn't have a purpose. In this respect it's unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music and dancing. When we make music we don't do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best. Also, when we are dancing we are not aiming to arrive at a particular place on the floor as in a journey. When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point. And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment." - Alan Watts
Hmm. Many 'thinking people' have thought about it a lot. Scientists that have done wonderful things have thought about it. Just because you care to think differently about Christ, is that reason enough to ridicule others? God, for me, is no 'father figure'. Nor, however is God imaginary to me. Nor is He a 'fairy tale', since in the strictest sense, the story of Christ involves no whimsical ending. It would be good for those who don't believe in Christ to mass up, and do good, since their numbers far out weigh those who believe in Christ. There have been horrible acts, throughout history that have been perpetrated on others, who have had no religious forbearance. And there has been, as well, horrible acts given by those who misinterpret Christ and His message of Peace Love and Understanding. Well put.
Of course not. I'm just a firm believer of Godwin's Law and wanted to end this discussion as quickly as possible.
I don't understand all the arguing over religion. What's there to argue about? The world and everything in it was created by a flying spaghetti monster. It's obvious, and there's no legitimate refutation. So why can't we all just relax, get together for a big plate of spaghetti and a cold beer (or a warm beer if you're British) and be thankful that His noodly appendages are keeping us from floating off into space? End of discussion.
I'm not sure that the FSM ever existed. I'm not saying it didn't, I'm just saying there is no proof that it ever did.
Neon Tetra Thanks for posting that video clip!!!! George Carlin is the man Woo Hoo, I just love him.. I am not offended by anything he said, I would call myself a very liberal catholic, raised in the church but definately don't believe everything the church teaches. I have a very open mind about all religions. If someone gets offended by the stuff that Carlin talks about then, they really are uptight and need to relax and take a chill pill.. I have seen that clip before, and I laugh my A** of everytime I hear it!!!
Proof??? You want proof? What proof is needed? The FSM created the world. The only proof you need is that if it was not pressing down on you with its noodly appendages, you'd float off into space. You don't have to believe in it. All you need to do is accept that it's the Truth and we can all get down to our spaghetti and beer.
The way I see it I'm in a Win-Win situation, I see enough evidence in Creation to confirm my belief in God. Through study and prayer of His word I have increased my faith to the point that I believe His promise of ever-lasting life. I don’t blindly follow someone else’s interpretation of what the Bible says because I carefully compare what they say with what the Bible says. If they don’t agree I usually step back away from that teaching but still keep an open mind. If I don't understand a teaching or an act of His I am told, since by then we will have already been judged, that we will then have an opportunity to judge or inquire into Gods acts, decisions and teachings. I am thankful for the free will that God has given me and also thankful for the freedom I have to worship Him in any way I choose. When all is said and done and my life comes to a close I will have lived a life of my choosing and by utilizing most of the guidelines from the Bible, I will have helped people when I could and as much as possible contributed to society. If God is not real then so be it. I suspect my fate will be the same as everyone else’s. On the other had if God is real I am assured of ever-lasting life. I am not standing in judgment of your beliefs or non-belief just pointing out the fact that there is a Win-Win situation available to all. God loves you and He has a difficult and costly plan for you. Why? Because any other way and you would not be satisfied or happy if it had been easy. God Bless Wildkow
That was pretty good I think a language warning would have been good, glad my mum wasn't here. Crying shame that so many wars are fought over religion.
Kow: You make several very dangerous assumptions. You assume that if there is a god, that the Bible is god's Word. You assume that if there is a god, your belief specifically in the Christian religion will assure you of ever-lasting life. And you assume that that life will be enjoyable, or at least preferable to non-existence. It is just as likely that the Quran is the Word of god, and that your choice of the wrong scripture will consign you to hell. It may well be that choosing the wrong religion has worse consequences than believing in no religion at all. I had a Muslim classmate in high school who respected me far more than anyone else in the school for precisely that reason. In his eyes I was a non-believer, but at least I was not an infidel. Allah might take the same view. It is also just as likely that the creator is hostile to the human race, rather than benevolent towards us, and that good-hearted people like yourself will be consigned to hell while nasty vicious people go to heaven. Fortunately, none of that is true. Fortunately, the creator of everything is a flying spaghetti monster. Fortunately, this is so obvious that there is no possible reason for failing to see this truth as clear as the nose on your face, accepting Pastafarianism as the Only True Religion, and enjoying an eternity at the beer volcano and the stripper factory.
In Your Opinion. To some, it's quite true. And to others, they have their own truth. Each person is quite welcome to harbor their belief system, or none, as they desire. One has to allow for diversity in everything, in order to fully respect others views.
Sorry, you're all wrong. It's still turtles, all the way down.