I look at it slightly differently... The only difference between everybody is in the number of Gods they worship - 0,1,2,etc - no matter what number it might be there are fanatics in each group.
In a lot of ways I agree but I guess I'm slowly coming to a point where I see a great many very nice religous people in here and in the real world and I have no desire to taunt them uneccessarily. I have no qualms with pointing out faults in the bible and the history of some religious beliefs but I don't see that any good will come from being mean to those who choose to have a different creation belief than my own. It did take me awhile to get over the anger I developed after reading "End of Faith" ~ Sam Harris but I'm better now. Hahaha
Thing is, these cults encompass far more than just different creation beliefs. Religions, specifically western ones, are the most dangerous things on planet earth today imo. I exclude ones like Buddhism, because honestly it's more a system of psychology than a 'religion'.
I'm well aware of it my friend. I just think there are better ways to come to agreements than by ridicule. I take it you've read the Sam Harris books as well as those by R. Dawkins?
I've read some Dawkins, but I'm not an atheist myself. I do believe in a 'higher power', if you will, but I don't believe in a magic man in the clouds or any 'supreme being(s)'. I also view the Jesus-based cults as instruments of severe, though sometimes subtle, brainwashing. Just look at the history of the church. How on earth can people still subscribe to this blatant BS? To each his own, of course. But if I was in a cult, I'd be thankful if someone helped free me from it. But these people are scared to even question their beliefs. Free thought, it seems, is a 'sin'. Very creepy imo.
Because there are some compelling reasons to trust that Jesus existed and that much of the legend around him is true. Plus, faith gives people like me hope, purpose and motivation to bring good into the world. Look at the number of faith-based food banks (and other relief charities for that matter) and you can see some of the positive effects that a gathering of people who believe in a common belief can bring to the world. Sure, the flip side of that coin is that "the church" has been responsible for a lot of evil as well, but I think it's important to make a distinction between "the church" which is sometimes corrupted by men and Jesus' gifts and teachings, which I think are quite pure and positive.
The evil perpetrated in the name of religion far outweighs the good. It would be nice to see people group together to do good things without having to wrap them in voodoo and mysticism. Tom
Exactly. The mafia does some good things too. Doesn't mean they're good people though. Well, I guess there's still people like you that need an imaginary father figure. As for myself... if I see an old lady walking down the street with a nice gold necklace, I won't rob her. Not because I'm afraid of a man in the sky, not because I'm afraid of hell. I simply know right from wrong. I simply wish to be as good of a person as I can. I do all that I can to free people of suffering, rather than inflict suffering. Maybe one day people like you will evolve to my level & won't need fairy tales to keep you from doing harm. Maybe.
I'll go along with Tom on this one. By the way I'm a Frisbaterian, when I die my sole goes up on roof and no one gets it!
if you are trying to be nice to people, be nice to me too - do not respond to my posts, it upsets me. stop my suffering - leave me alone - very alone....
Do people automatically become immoral when they convert to atheism? Do they suddenly start lying, murdering, thieving and generally causing mayhem? No, I don't think so. I think respect for all life forms works fairly well as a basis for morality. No need for a higher being. Capital L Life, taken in its entirety, could and probably should be seen as more important than humanity alone.