Wednesday evening, I was monitoring the battery low with the ScanGauge and started seeing some impossible values. I pulled into the grocery store parking lot seeing the traction battery level vary from almost nothing to fully charged. When I came back out, the car would not initially start. Battery level looked bad but eventually it started up. Worse, the check engine light came on . . . not good. Regardless, I drove home without any problems other than the 'check engine light.' About six hours later, I took the Auto Enginuity laptop out to the car and found . . . the same HV ECU-to-Battery ECU bus problem I'd seen before with the original battery. This was just the second occurrence. I cleared the code and reconfigured to monitor the traction battery for my next errand. This is not a ReInVolt problem but probably HV ECU connectors that need reseating. One thing that surprised me was the 4 C temperature difference between sensor #1 and the pair #2 and #3. It was freezing outside and this explains why we tend to see the interior modules failing first. They do not cool as rapidly as the end modules. Ordinarily a 4 C would not matter but over a stretch of years, this would increase the probability of a problem. Bob Wilson
honestly, to put it simple, my NHW11 battery had a couple bad modules. The car would start but eventually would die down the street. I paid 450 total for two gen 2 packs and rebuilt the NHW11 pack with NHW20 modules, all the scientific info i know is that "it works" and a year later i have no issues to report.
I repeated the same approach for the ReInVolt pack (*): Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 0 dV dI R Pack 1 318.20 - 316.8 = 1.40 V 3.2 - 1.30 = 1.90 A 1.40 V / 1.90 A = 0.74 ohms NHW11 2 318.75 - 318.1 = 0.65 V 3.3 - 1.35 = 1.95 A 0.65 V / 1.95 A = 0.33 ohms ReInVolt So 19 module pairs per pack: .039 ohms/module pair - NHW11 .017 ohms/module pair - ReInVolt * - Due to the cold, the ICE started when I shifted into "R". The voltage drop from the 21 A ICE start was 1.8 V and was used as a fixed offset. The battery continued to discharge at expected rates. Bob Wilson