Red triangle of death with no codes

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by BoNosAll, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Just the modules. If you are reading the 19 voltage pairs, the battery ECU is working just fine. But we do need the values.

    Bob Wilson
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    Our model Prius, the NHW11, has six control computers that operate the car and each one records up to three error codes and often multiple sub-codes. A Prius-aware scanner is how we get these powerful diagnostic codes needed to figure how what is wrong. Rather than start another thread, please use the search function and see what scanners are available. This is the first step to figuring out what is wrong but there are some simple things you can or should check:
    • reset the car and see if the codes come back - disconnect the 12V battery ground found in the trunk on the driver side of the car for ~1 minute and then reconnect it. This will clear all of the codes and then:
      • turn the key to IGN but don't start - did any of the earlier lights come on?
      • turn the key to START and see if car runs - did any of the earlier lights come on?
      • put the car in "D" or "R" and see if the car reports errors?
      • drive around the block and see if the car reports errors?
    • check the little coolant resevoir next to the inverter to see if the fluid is turbulent?
    • use a VOM (Harbor Freight has them on sale for about $3) to check the 12V battery voltage
      • check it with the car off, looking for more than 11.9 V
      • start the car, if it will, and check it again looking for 13.8-13.9 V
    But before you go to the car, use the search function to find a Prius-aware scanner and order it. Otherwise, you will remain a victim of the unknown.

    BTW, you might read the sticky about "Who should own . . ." the car and let us know where you fit in the spectrum of Prius owners. <grins>

    Bob Wilson
    swPrius2002 likes this.
  3. swPrius2002

    swPrius2002 New Member

    Dec 2, 2013
    2002 Prius
    I liked your post Bob Wilson but didn't know what the heck you were talking about lol.
    What I ended up doing is going to the Toyota dealer that was about 40 miles from me. It's hard to believe that all those symbols lit up were just telling me I needed a tune-up! Except for regular oil changes, I never had a tune-up before!:oops: