Yesterday I turned the headlights on during the daytime for the first time because it was raining, and was dismayed to find that all the dashboard displays became very faint, even with the knob turned all the way up. It was the first thing I'd found that I didn't like on this car. So I was very happy to read your post--I clicked the knob into the high position and the display is now very bright in the daytime, even with the headlights on. Now I'll have to look for something else not to like!
I know everyone complains about the red arrows being so dull. Are we complaining to the Toyota dealers about this so something will get done? Any ideas on who, besides our dealers we can contact about our (their) problem?
Wearing polarized sunglasses while driving during the day *significantly* dims the appearance of the dashboard displays + the red arrows. "What red arrows?" I replied when my husband and I were reviewing the displays. Took off the sunglasses and everything was much more noticeable.