Ah! Got me! at mid summer I was at a high of 18.2 EV Est. Yesterday it was a high of 26 degrees f, so this early winter I am down to 12.2 EV est.this morning. I think last year mid winter I was down to about 9.1 EV est. Bring on spring!
we have lots of slow driving, 24 mph average, and my commute is almost 15 miles which i make easily between may and september. no big hills either.
Agree on Israel sounds perfect (in many ways). As for 'rebooting' as you put it, I am with other posters here, it will only prove me what I already know: I am beating "Toyota estimate for the average driver" in average commute route, traffic and topography at average temps.
Right, a 12V source is required to put the car in ready, once obtained, the battery can be disconnected and the car still runs fine. A bit wierd ? yes.
How did you make those two additional notes on the bottom, referring to previous Prius ownership. I use a IPad. TY.
Garage kept PIP or street parked ? Colder temps are definitely the main determinant. My residing in CA and garage parked are probably big factors to higher estimate.
Open, near street parking spot (under roof). As to your second question, its my signature. You can create yours, go to andyprius1 drop down menu and then signature. Hope you are not pulling my leg...
The street parking comment was directed toward Eau Clair, Wisconsin, that's the reason for the confusion, TY for the signature elucidation.
Yes, I spent 4 yrs + in Madison. One day it got down to 29 below zero! Not really too cold in Arctic terms, but, the humidity was so high that the cold just bit right thru you. Having spent a year at Thule, Greenland at 65 below zero, was warmer than Wisconsin. I wonder if there are any Prii in Greenland? Alaska will do. Fairbanks gets rough.
Does not happen often, but I have been out in Alexandria, Mn. at -42 below f, and you will relate to this. The snow has a special crunch to it when over -40 f. It's special!
Right in Thule for about 6 months. Also, since it is as dry as the desert, perhaps drier, one could draw a spark on the metal door handles from 1/2 to 1 inch. I tried to remember always to wear gloves.
Where I was born, temps are going above 120 F 2-3 times during each summer. The record was 132 F (very dry though).
Actually a dry heat or cold is preferred, In that respect the far west and Israel resemble each other. I remember laying on grass by the University of Wisconsin, sunning myself and constantly sweating. which is unusual for me. And originally coming from NYC, which has relatively high humidity, caused some wonderment , I never really figured it out, I presupposed it was a Great Lake effect.
Thankyou, I am so glad that somebody is willing to test this theory. Rebooted again today, and it reverted to 13.9 again. Also my experience has been that the range always exceeds the estimate. So, higher estimate = higher range / for a given temperature. ( many other variables there as well).