Anyone in any sort of vehicle that is not paying attention and drifts to other lanes is a hazard but it's a fact that close to 50% of all vehicles on the roads today are some form of SUV or UUV... (urban utility vehicle)... I have nearly been killed or close to it on the 405 on my way to work by many a car or truck... most are people on cel phones who are not paying attention, and many are in cars like Honda Accords, Camrys, and generic sedans like Taurus and such... not so much SUVs. I do not know why SUVs get such a bad rep -- I think it's just the ratio of cars to SUVs...
Just thought I would post some sort of conclusion to the story...or rather, a possible conclusion. It turns out that Legacy Toyota in Tallahassee runs its own collision shop--a shop that repairs cars "The Toyota Way," according to the manager. They use all OEM parts, all Toyota-trained mechanics and body men, and provide you with a Toyota rental--all in the same place. The parts have been ordered, and I've been cleared to just "go get it done and we'll pay for it" by the other driver's insurance company, so it looks like things MIGHT work out fine. I'll post about the repair work when it's done. Thanks SO much for the condolences. Sorry this thread had to digress into an SUV-rant-a-thon. Michael (04, Millenium Silver that EVERYONE in town has driven...newly christened "Li'l Ho" by another Prius Chat member) Tallahassee
I can understand where you are coming from. I've seen similar behaviour, and not just by SUV drivers. When I'm on my motorcycle, I have to assume everyone has a homicidal vendetta against motorcyclists. The problem is that too few people are paying attention to the task of driving. It's not that they cannot handle the SUV. It's that they cannot handle the tremendous level of multitasking that people seem to feel that they must do WHILE driving - reading, cellphones, watching DVD's, etc. I FULLY agree with you on the licensing - EVERYONE should be made to take a formal driving class before being issued a license. If you get a ticket, you have to retake the class - period - before you can get your renewal. Getting a ticket would also mean that you have a specific amount of time to take said course, or your license immediately becomes invalid. Driving with an invalid licesnse should be an automatic overnight stay at the Greybar Inn. The costs for the classes also must come out of the wannabe drivers own pocket. I took a drivers ed course for my first class C license. I took a 6 week course for my CDL, and I took the formal rider training course for my motorcylcle. Its the only way to be a GOOD safe driver. All that said, you need to take stock in where you were at in relation to the SUV when you had your near misses. Riding alongside of another vehicle is inherently dangerous, as you are very likely in that person's blind spot. Being there sets you up in prime condition to be in an accident. If you are beside someone, and there is room in front, or behind you to get out of that area, then you need to do so, as it's part of normal defensive driving. For every lane "conflict" I've ever found myself in, I've typically been able to see where *I* could have done something to have prevented it in the first place.
How about everytime you get pulled over, the cop gets to take a piece of your car. (i.e. windshield, driver-side door, stereo) I figure if they're driving around with just an engine, steering wheel, and tires they won't be as dangerous. Also, you'd be able to spot the bad ones from a mile away.
Well said Wolfman, I have no problem with people driving WHATEVER vehicle they want, as long as they do obey the rules of the road, and do pay attention while driving. Wether you choose to drive a bicycle, SUV, motorcycle, car , semi or boat for that matter, I personally would never generalize or "prejudge" someone for what they choose. There are good drivers out there and bad as well as a lot in between. Wolfman has some good ideas. There should be stiffer penalities for those who break the law. Putting people in prisons, is not the answer or most offences, promoting awareness whould be much more beneficial for MOST. Some will still not care, and that is were more harsher penilties should be applied. There are so many other ways to educate people, sitting in on another drivers class or community service, is just a few. Just imagine if you were caught speeding in a school zone, how about having crossing guard duty for a week, I'm sure seeing cars wizzing by kids and yourself just 5 feet away from the road would give a totally different perspecitive vs. being in the "safty" of you car. It's unforuniate that someone was rear ended. Accidents do and will continue to happen. The best we can do is try to avoid getting our selves into situations were we put ourselfs and others in danger. Daniels comment about releasing drug dealers and offenders is not very well though thru. Just watch Cops for one or two episodes, most accidents and criminal offences are CAUSED by people being on mind and body altering drugs, this included beer and other "legal drugs" On these drugs, people believe they become litteraly "bullet proof" and have total disregard to others. That is when the trouble begins. I considered becomeing a police officer more than once, I even when as far as taking some of the tests. I also have some friends who are officers, after seeing what they deal with on a daily basis, I decided it was not for me.
Can you imagine how many partially disassembled cars you would see around here in the metromess? :crazyeyes:
The new CEO of Delta Airlines bought an '04 a few weeks before moving to Atlanta from Bellevue WA( where I live). Within days of picking up the car, he was rear-ended. The tab ran well over $ 20,000. Footnote: He took the car with him to Atlanta, drives it every day, loves it. Bob
How did I get my Prius? My previous car was rear-ended by a fully loaded cement truck. It's not just the SUVs that are dangerous! (Heavy traffic on highway resulted in a complete stop. I was in the right lane, where traffic was about 25-30 mph before the stop occurred. The cement truck was NOT all that close, but either the guy wasn't paying attention or was just going much too fast, and he totalled my car, which damaged the car ahead of me, which dinged the car (Porsche) ahead of him. I saw it coming in the rear-view mirror, but couldn't move because I was stopped in traffic...) The moral is "It could always be worse!"
Wolfman, I do drive defensively. The problem comes when you are in traffic and cannot get out of the way of the other vehicle. And while bad driving can be observed by people in any sort of vehicle, I do observe it far more often by drivers of SUVs. Then, and this is the real point: traffic lanes in my city (and presumably elsewhere) were designed for cars. SUVs are larger, and therefore have less leeway to stay within their lane. Then you take someone who has never driven a vehicle this size, has never had a driver's ed class of any sort, let alone for an oversized SUV, and put him or her in such a vehicle, and you have a recipe for disaster. On top of this, SUVs are apparently exempt from any sort of regulations about bumper height (because supposedly they are intended for off-road use), and there are no regulations about vehicles blocking other drivers' view of the road, and they are heavy, and prone to roll-over. Now promote this unsafe vehicle with false claims that it is safer than a car, and you have people who are not competent to drive it buying it for all the wrong reasons. As a society we need to balance freedom with responsibility, and laws are made for people who will not otherwise behave responsibly. I assert that SUVs are inordinately dangerous on our city streets and therefore should not be allowed there. I got carried away and used language I should not have done, and you were right to chide me for that. But there are altogether too many irresponsible people, driving over-sized vehicles in an irresponsible manner, creating unnecessary death and havoc on our roads, and doubling our demand for non-renewable gasoline, to the point where we not only wreak havoc with our balance of trade, but find ourselves in unnecessary wars, spending not only money, but lives, for the "freedom" to get 12 or 15 mpg driving along in an 8-person truck. And so I get angry, and use inappropriate language, every time one of these things cuts out of its lane on a turn and nearly hits me. The extra six inches that that driver would have had in an ordinary car could one day be the difference between life and death for himself and some other poor slob who had the misfortune to be blocked by the flow of traffic from getting out of his way. And then it's too late to put the offender in jail.
Daniel, I know you have some strong feelings about SUV's. But before you go making accusation, please check your facts. Assumptions are made ALL the time. and just because someone say something, or it is in print somewhere, doesn't mean it is fact. Especially when it involves OPINIONS. I just did a SPOT CHECK, and here is what I found. Lets take one thing at a time. Check out the dimensions of a Pontiac Grand Prix or a Corvette for that matter, this wheel base is nearly identical to that of a new 4Runner Pontiac 61.6 and 61.3 Front/Rear 4Runner 62/62 Prius 59.3/58.3 Rav4 59.3 59.1 Corvette Z06 62.4 62.6 In Ohio, you MUST purchase a learners permit, and take a drivers Ed class if you are under the age of 18. Prior to getting a license, you do still need to pass a drivers test, which involves taking a drivers test. I feel that someone getting behind a Manual, who has NEVER driven a Manual before is much GREATER threat than someone getting behind an Automatic, what ever the make or model. Bumper height, check out the link below. There ARE laws on the height. As far as blocking the view, I can not see thru metal like Superman can, so regardless of which vehicle is in front of me, wether it be a FIRETRUCK, Car, Truck, Van, Cadillac, etc, I watch the vehicle ahead of me, and keep a safe stopping distance. I for one did NOT buy my 4Runner for safety reason alone. Regardless of whether it IS or IS NOT safer, depending on which type of accident I MAY be involved in, Since I feel safer, I drive Safer, contrary to your opinion of my false since of security. (Please do not tell me how I feel) When I purchased my 4Runner I had many uses for it and still do. Some of those needs have changed, however, which is enabling me to purchase the Prius. I will most likely still keep my 4Runner, and continue to use it to haul my trailer, as well as haul other computers when I need to for work. Does this justify YOUR requirement of the 1% of people who actually have a need for it? What about that I also Live in a SNOW belt off of lake Erie. 4 wheel drive is very nice. I realize that just because I have 4 Wheel Drive, Doesn't mean I can go at any speed I like in the snow. I agree with you that we do need to balance Freedom and Responsibility 100%. But put the responsibity where it belongs, on the BAD Drivers, whatever they may be on or in. The more I read your posts, the more I believe you are talking with your HEART and not your HEAD. When so much passion is involved, I find it hard to take you opinions seriously, or follow your train of thought for that matter. I for one , am not a follower, so I question someone who has blind faith. I don't expect to change you opinion about how YOU feel about SUV's. But when you make comments about how "I" a SUV driver, should be locked up, and drug dealers, and pushers should be freed in my place, do NOT expect me NOT to defend my self, and state my point of view. I also get angery when ANY vehicle cuts me off, or like last year, when a kid in a mustang, merged into me! I was forced INTO the temporay concrete bariers in a construction zone. Fortunely no harm was done, and only my wheels were scuffed. He appoligized, and we were on our way. He didn't see me, kinda hard to miss these HUGE SUV's wouldn't ya think. Well it does happen. This message board is made up of many, many intelegent people, and we are givin the opporutinity to discuss and debate facts and figures, get ideas on how to improve what we have. And I thank the moderators for this medium.
In response to the size of SUVs, a lot of them are based on car platforms. Example: Rav4= Corolla. Highlander=Camry. The height and the weight are the only difference.
daniel, maybe other cars swerve into your lane, cut you off, fail to signal, run lights, etc. just as often as SUVs, but you just don't notice them as readily as you do the hulking Navigators and Expeditions of the road. Regarding cell phone drivers, I remember reading somewhere that its not the hands part of the cell phone that makes it dangerous (though it certainly doesn't contribute to safe driving either), but rather the mental distraction of talking on the phone. Julius Caesar could dictate letters to his secretary while performing completely seperate tasks, but most people don't have that kind of split-attention ability. So unless you're on a cell phone describing the exact driving conditions around you, its probably still very unsafe. But I guess hands-free is a start.
Might want to check that again, the numbers you have are track, not wheelbase and not indicative of "space used on the road". Prius: Overall width 67.9 Overall length 175.0 Wheelbase 106.3 Overall height 58.1 Curb weight (lbs.) 2,890 Camry: Overall width 70.7 Overall length 189.2 Wheelbase 107.1 Overall height 60 +/- Curb Weight Automatic (lbs) 3150+ Corvette: Width (inches) 73.6 Length (inches) 179.7 Wheelbase (inches) 104.5 Height (inches) 50.4 +/- a couple Curb Weight Automatic (lbs) 3214 4Runner: Overall width 73.8 Overall length V6/V8 189.0/190.0 Wheelbase 109.8 Height (inches) 70 +/- a couple Curb Weight Automatic (lbs) 4200+/- And now for something completely different - Ford Excursion: Width (in.) 79.9 Length (in.) 226.7 Wheelbase (in.) 137.1 Height - empty (in.) 77.2/80.2 Curb Weight Automatic (lbs) 7725 Thus, the small mid-size Prius is 1 foot narrower, over 4 feet shorter in length and 19 inches less in height, not to mention it weighs nearly 4800 pound less (not including the extra 32 gallons of gas) than the Excursion. Even the small SUV - 4Runner is 6 inches narrower, 3 feet shorter in length, 10 inches less in height, and 3500 (MORE than any of the cars here weighs!) lighter. There is a case to be made that the larger SUVs require more attention and skill - and maybe training - on the road than most cars.
bruceha_2000 Nice statics. I agree that there are some VERY large SUV's, and these are truely "Beasts". As too are some Cadilliac's, Linclon Town cars as well as a number of other vehicles, compared to a compact car. In regards to the disucssion about taking a required class or test, license fee, or what ever you want to call it, in my opinion it would be a total nightmare to enforce. Most likely you would find out if a person took the test, AFTER a accident. At that point, the damage has been done. I believe that driving a Manual trans. is MUCH more of a problem, then getting into a 4Runner and driving. I know a number of people who do NOT know how to drive stick, yet there is no test for this. You have to give people some credit to know their own bounderies and limitations. Those who do not, are going to push them REGARDLESS of rules. Also, please understand, I am not saying that these larger vehicles are less dangerous, than a celica. What I am saying is that ANY vehicle being driven by someone who is not fully paying attention is dangerous.
You mean like the girl in front of me making a left turn when the light turned green who wasn't quite up to: 1) talking on her 'hands on' cell phone 2) smoking her cigarette 3) shifting into gear 4) turning the steering wheel all at the same time? I guess they don't teach 4 handed operations in driver's ed!
just got back from a week on Kauai.... i think i saw a rear-ended '04 just west of the shopping centers near Lihui last tuesday or wednesday. looked like it backed into a brick wall at more than the bumper's speed rating... pushed the bumper back almost to the rear tires. probably nobody badly injured, but OW, how bad it would feel to get a new car smacked like that, and face the downtime for the rebuild! even worse, to have to order a new one! c'mon, Toyota.... quadruple production.... stick your neck out and win the race!
I'll take 10 SUV drivers that use their turn signals over 1 compact car idiot that has no idea what that stick is on the left side of their steering wheel..........
Well, I have to say this made me laugh. The SUV in its self is not the problem. Its the driver and their lack of skill. Prut the same driver in the smallest car in the world and they would still behave the same way. Oh, by the way, I have almost been run over by people on bicycles on more than one occasion. Lets ban bicycles ! :lol: