What was you mpg on your Eco prior to trading up? How many miles did you have on it and how does that mpg compare to your current trim four model.... I still can't decide which trim to get...
Just filled up at the Shell station. Gauge was down to the last "bar." 585 miles driven. All city. Put in 9.5 gallons. Display screen showed I got 63.4 mpg. Calculator says I got 61.5 How can I argue with that?! And driven 100% in the PWR mode, baby! (Drivin' it like I stole it.. And havin' a blast!)
Let's see... I had 2 gallons left in my tank. Correct? (Tank holds 11.4, and I put in 9.5.) So I could've driven another 120 miles? Giving me a grand total of 705 miles? Heck, I think that's pretty darn good... No, it's great! Considering I'm not a "hyper-mile"' guy, and I drive my Prius like a regular car. And that's exactly what I wanted. Just to jump in my Prius, drive it normally, and not be overly concerned or "caught up" in all the fancy gauges and displays and hybrid stuff. Just drive it, and have fun. (I'm only 4 mpg lifetime, behind Kevin? And I drive like a bat out of H***! In PWR mode, with the AC blasting, too. This new Gen4 is fantastic!)
500 pounds of pork fat and 30 pounds of groceries. 42 PSI, 85-95 degrees, no speed above 65 MPH, mixed driving etc
500 lbs of pork fat... Reminds me of that pizza I just ate. No wonder my seat is feeling smaller and smaller. If I was a smaller, skinnier man, I might be getting 80 mpg! I like your interior color, ETP. And the compass on the screen. Does yours also show the street name and speed limit?
Fillup #16. Was able to get another 800 mile tank - for three in a row. Now that the weather is hotter, I have averaged 72.2 calculated Miles Per Gallon average over my last three tanks. (76.2 on the MFD)
It appears you can get in the 70s for most models with proper driving habits. Totally shocked my Touring's are doing so well. Quite unexpected. What kills MPG in Hybrids: 1. Weight 2. Low tire pressure 3. Heavy rain 4. Windows down at medium and high speeds 5. Jack rabbit driving 6. High speeds 7. Using cruise in hilly terrain 8. Talking bad to your car/cars are sensitive 9. Running the AC on max with max fan 10. Lights may no longer be a significant issue (LEDs) 11. Not cleaning it with a hug after wards (needs love) Don't forget your free cup of coffee at Sams Club. Just mention Prius Chat.
Another look at the data - I would not have believed that I could achieve these numbers - the sample size is not so small. For the last 4 tanks: 3,157 miles driven 44.2 Gallons of Gas Calculated MPG of 71.5 MFD MPG of 75.5
This is the very first time I've gone above 61 MPG? But it's only 195 miles. Just tooling around town. And still in the PWR mode. Compared to Kevin, I'm not even in the ballpark!
First tank in my Prius, and my first Prius BTW I averaged 60.0 MPG MFD, 56.7 calculated 585 Miles on the ODO
Just completed a 1054 mile trip to Niagara Falls, ON. 55.6 MPG recorded; 54.4 calculated. AC and DRCC used extensively on the trip. Car now has 1327 miles. Very satisfied with my new Prius Four Touring. View from our hotel room's balcony.
18th fillup. Still have not put gas into the tank before when the DTE was a positive number. Looking at the attached chart, one can certainly pick out the 3 tanks when I was engaged in a "road trip". Got my lifetime MFD up over 70 Miles per gallon (70.3) and my calculated is knocking on the door of 66 (65.88) In appreciation of the presence of Coast Cruiser, I am going to run this tank completely on the POWER mode. To date, I have always used ECO.
I can only tell you what I've gotten the first 3000 miles. Average calculated MPG of 66.11 (car tells me 68.7). Mixed driving but more highway, mostly with a passenger, sometimes with cargo, always with A/C running (Eco mode), always hilly terrain, poorly timed traffic lights. Can't wait to see what it get this fall without the A/C running.